exec action coming from diaper boy


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Dec 10, 2003
executive action coming next week on the border from diaper boy.

what changed?

the polls changed and pedo joe's handlers are desperate.

nothing from sleepy joe but hail mary passes. trump conviction was a successful hail mary? not........ look at the polls, look at donations to trump reelection, and 30% of the $$ is coming from first time donors, what does that say about the stumblin', bumblin' hair sniffer.

executive action now on the border? where were you and your handlers 3 1/2 years ago? o yea, you guys were selling climate change and electric cars while millions were pouring into our country.

too little too late woke, global, pukes.

one bullet at a time handlers, one bullet at a time
Didn’t Joe say he couldn’t do anything without Congress giving him the power? LMAO must be an election year, Democrats are down in the polls because of their failed policies and they know they can manipulate their dumbass voters.
What's even worse? They'll all act like they were for a secure border all along.

Hopefully this is a solid EO.

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