Ex-McCain, Romney adviser tells MSNBC '30 GOP senators' would impeach Trump in secret ballot


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jul 7, 2008

"A longtime GOP political consultant made a stunning claim on Wednesday that "30" Republican senators would vote to impeach President Trump if there was a secret ballot."

Mike Murphy, a former advisor to John McCain and Mitt Romney, appeared on MSNBC and began by claiming that Trump's alleged misconduct was "much clearer" in the transcript of the president's conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky than the Mueller report and that a direct "quid pro quo" wasn't necessary, calling it a "classic shakedown."

First that he worked for McCain and Romney tells me a lot.
Second, if they would vote yes on a secret ballot and no when their vote would be known publically, they are gutless RINO coward bitches.
Third, how can this be a story given that the whistleblower didn't even hear the actual discussion, but is reporting it second hand? Are you F'in kidding me?

Libs, this isn't going to happen, but please keep going down this road. Every accusation, every arrow and every fabricated story about Trump, a supporter or nominee just drives more and more people into his camp. I mean seriously, do any of the libs ever wonder why Kav only "allegedly" assaulted democrats/liberals? How is that and so much else that hard to see through except for the liars in the media and the outrageously deranged demlibs?

"A longtime GOP political consultant made a stunning claim on Wednesday that "30" Republican senators would vote to impeach President Trump if there was a secret ballot."

Mike Murphy, a former advisor to John McCain and Mitt Romney, appeared on MSNBC and began by claiming that Trump's alleged misconduct was "much clearer" in the transcript of the president's conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky than the Mueller report and that a direct "quid pro quo" wasn't necessary, calling it a "classic shakedown."

First that he worked for McCain and Romney tells me a lot.
Second, if they would vote yes on a secret ballot and no when their vote would be known publically, they are gutless RINO coward bitches.
Third, how can this be a story given that the whistleblower didn't even hear the actual discussion, but is reporting it second hand? Are you F'in kidding me?

Libs, this isn't going to happen, but please keep going down this road. Every accusation, every arrow and every fabricated story about Trump, a supporter or nominee just drives more and more people into his camp. I mean seriously, do any of the libs ever wonder why Kav only "allegedly" assaulted democrats/liberals? How is that and so much else that hard to see through except for the liars in the media and the outrageously deranged demlibs?

murphy is swamp POS
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I agree 100%. It took this impressionable moron about 2 months to become a swamp creature.

Well, my representative, Mark Wayne Mullins first picture was with Boner. Got elected on the Tea Party promising two terms only. The lying POS screwed me on some plumbing issues before he was elected.

Back to Langford. The same people that told me about Boren have said the same about Langford.
As you all know, my long time thesis is that fatass has de facto immunity from the senate. I am so glad the dems are finally dropping a set of balls though. It's about time they finally get mean.
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As you all know, my long time thesis is that fatass has de facto immunity from the senate. I am so glad the dems are finally dropping a set of balls though. It's about time they finally get mean.

And when it's all said and done, you'll still have absolutely nothing to brag about,. Pitiful, gullible @Syskatine.
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Only takes 18 GOP senators to tell dummy ‘you’re fired.’

They already have 3....

It will be a huge shock if he’s still in office one month from now.

I’d put the over/under at 10 days but wont be surprised if he’s gone by the weekend...

Brilliant move by PERVUS releasing the ‘summary’!!!

It’s Over......

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Only takes 18 GOP senators to tell dummy ‘you’re fired.’

They already have 3....

It will be a huge shock if he’s still in office one month from now.

I’d put the over/under at 10 days but wont be surprised if he’s gone by the weekend...

Brilliant move releasing the ‘summary’!!!

This is the post of the year. I made a screenshot to preserve it forever. HA HA HA HA.
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PERVUS just threw Pence under the bus and now ‘President Nancy’ is trending....

Secret ballot tells me they're chicken shit AND this source is full of it. If you ain't got the balls to do it in public, gtfoh with that noise. NEXT fake news...
This wouldn’t actually surprise me. I think there are a ton of folks that recognize trump for what he is.

But the idiot dems don’t understand that an unprofessional, bloviating, unprepared, potentially diminished capacity, narcissist is still more palatable than anything they’re offering up.

We are at the precipice, as a nation, drunkenly limboing to the edge.
6 months ago: This is a REPUBLIC and not a DEMOCRACY!

today: but he was DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED!!

Hell he never got a majority. If constitutional vagary got him in, then use it get him out. Good for them.
This wouldn’t actually surprise me. I think there are a ton of folks that recognize trump for what he is.

But the idiot dems don’t understand that an unprofessional, bloviating, unprepared, potentially diminished capacity, narcissist is still more palatable than anything they’re offering up.

We are at the precipice, as a nation, drunkenly limboing to the edge.

Agreed. Sad, but true.
As you all know, my long time thesis is that fatass has de facto immunity from the senate. I am so glad the dems are finally dropping a set of balls though. It's about time they finally get mean.

Have you called your local, undecided Representative to kick her in the ass on this?

Nothing I read surprises me anymore when it comes to politicians. It's all about them and how much money they can game out of they system before they are voted out. I hope Trump goes scorched earthed on these guys both D's and R's that don't have any love for the country or constitution. At this point the whole system is so broken, not sure we can ever fix it.
Only takes 18 GOP senators to tell dummy ‘you’re fired.’

They already have 3....

It will be a huge shock if he’s still in office one month from now.

I’d put the over/under at 10 days but wont be surprised if he’s gone by the weekend...

Brilliant move by PERVUS releasing the ‘summary’!!!

It’s Over......

Say hello to the weekend putz. lol. @CowboyUp
Nothing I read surprises me anymore when it comes to politicians. It's all about them and how much money they can game out of they system before they are voted out. I hope Trump goes scorched earthed on these guys both D's and R's that don't have any love for the country or constitution. At this point the whole system is so broken, not sure we can ever fix it.

i hope you take pride in this impeachment. Some swamp drainin' underway...

Can't help but notice, democrats aren't the one engaging in impeachable conduct and raising every friviolous excuse and lie they can dream up to evade the natural consequences of their conduct. Republicans are. They're the ones that had this awful coverup.

The previous republican admin "disappeared" a few million emails and a server too, and man you didn't hear any republicans talking about it. Amazing double standard and corruption. This impeachment is overdue. It's a statement to the world that the country won't put up with that corruption.
i hope you take pride in this impeachment. Some swamp drainin' underway...

Can't help but notice, democrats aren't the one engaging in impeachable conduct and raising every friviolous excuse and lie they can dream up to evade the natural consequences of their conduct. Republicans are. They're the ones that had this awful coverup.

The previous republican admin "disappeared" a few million emails and a server too, and man you didn't hear any republicans talking about it. Amazing double standard and corruption. This impeachment is overdue. It's a statement to the world that the country won't put up with that corruption.

You keep bringing up pride/humiliation like it has some effect.

It doesn't.

Clowns are not arbiters of such things.
Huffington Post. lol. Just post the words, "I'm a putz" instead. Will have the same effect.

Or just use these words to really establish your credentials as an independent thinker with a seat at the table:

""Trump could shoot someone on 5th Avenue, and I’d support it."
You’re damn skippy. Two someones.

"Oh yeah? Well I'm gonna eat THREE boogers now!"

One of the other fun things about this is how the mob thinks THEY should also parrot the Roy Cohn/fatass strategy of doubling down and never backing up. BornFollower?? I'm a DOUBLE Bornfollower!!

What Mr. Cohn never told Fatass is that one of the other tactics of this, and I know this tactic well, is to know when and how to do it. It's a last resort, not a first option. It takes some underlying tactical judgment and wisdom. It's highly entertaining to watch the mob try to adopt the strategy without any underlying tactical judgment.

It's not just entertaining... it's getting him impeached.
To a person who knows Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas personally, sides with Clarence Thomas. I side with Clarence Thomas. The NAACCP (National Association for the Advancement of CERTAIN Colored People) sided with a slanderous Ted Kennedy.

For Sysk: We have an Electoral College. Some analysts estimate 2 million illegals voted in Kalifornia in 2016 after Governor Moonbeam signed the "Mexican Voter Act". Anyone can get a driver license, then register to vote.

And yes. It's a driver license. You probably have one in your wallet.
"Oh yeah? Well I'm gonna eat THREE boogers now!"

One of the other fun things about this is how the mob thinks THEY should also parrot the Roy Cohn/fatass strategy of doubling down and never backing up. BornFollower?? I'm a DOUBLE Bornfollower!!

What Mr. Cohn never told Fatass is that one of the other tactics of this, and I know this tactic well, is to know when and how to do it. It's a last resort, not a first option. It takes some underlying tactical judgment and wisdom. It's highly entertaining to watch the mob try to adopt the strategy without any underlying tactical judgment.

It's not just entertaining... it's getting him impeached.

Good lord, you took the time to write all this? Triggered much? DJT will still be president in 2024. Lol.
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To a person who knows Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas personally, sides with Clarence Thomas. I side with Clarence Thomas. The NAACCP (National Association for the Advancement of CERTAIN Colored People) sided with a slanderous Ted Kennedy.

For Sysk: We have an Electoral College. Some analysts estimate 2 million illegals voted in Kalifornia in 2016 after Governor Moonbeam signed the "Mexican Voter Act". Anyone can get a driver license, then register to vote.

And yes. It's a driver license. You probably have one in your wallet.

I almost accidentally killed Anita Hill during law school. She had the temerity to walk across a cross walk on timberdell while I was driving.

She was a very nice lady. She let me see some of her hate mail once. Brother if you wanna see some right wing hate....
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