Every Day The IDF Shows The World How Moral It Is

Say it again for those in the back Moses, PD didn't get the memo.

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Say it again for those in the back Moses, PD didn't get the memo.

If you don’t want to read the article at least watch the video that is imbedded within. You can glory and shout praise to God Almighty about the moral sanctity of the heavenly IDF!
Typical Terrorist Tactic, we have no Morals but you are supposed to and are supposed to go easy on us. The left in the States do the sane thing, if you don't agree with them you are a sexist, racist, Hitler blah blah blah. Do better Punky Dan. That shit is a tired old tactic that everyone sees through.
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You cannot read this without marveling at the display of morality by the most moral military in history.

What is "immoral" about rolling dead hunks of dying stinking cells off a building? I try to read some of what you say with an appreciation of your convictions but this, this isn't a hill to die on or make a point about. Have you ever watched what US soldiers in the pacific did to Japanese soldiers, fully alive, almost dead and dead? As far as the soldiers, I dam sure wouldn't want to carrying their stinking carcasses off those building either. Finally it's ironic that you find offense to those actions, because the peaceful religion adherents have no problem throwing "LIVE" homosexuals off buildings.

When this is all over, you are going to find that the IDF had the lowest civilian/combatant kill ration ever known in urban warfare. Probably at a higher KIA & WIA loss for themselves.

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