Elon says he wants Trump to let him eliminate 'around 80%' of the federal government

Elon Musk is one of my favorite immigrants and one of my favorite African-Americans.
I bet you weren’t saying that when he was on his left-wing environmental global warming phase while dissing Trump’s character. Knowing how easy it is to play Trump by stroking his ego I can’t help but wonder what’s his angle.
… and it’s used correctly when does the things Matches wants it to do.
Our government has grown to big, to powerful and extremely corrupt but there are things it has done that are beneficial for all. Eisenhower's Federal Highway plan is one good example. An example of government abusing it's power and a sign of it's corruption would be Obamacare. I would argue Social Security as it was conceived was an example of good government but as the government became all powerful and corrupt they have turned that program into an example of failure.
The problem we have is our government has become to big, corrupt and drunk on power.
I bet you weren’t saying that when he was on his left-wing environmental global warming phase while dissing Trump’s character. Knowing how easy it is to play Trump by stroking his ego I can’t help but wonder what’s his angle.
I guess he changed his mind. People can change their minds, right? Isn’t that why you repeat terrorist propaganda ad nauseam? To change people’s minds? Or perhaps it’s just so you can admire your own posts?
I guess he changed his mind. People can change their minds, right? Isn’t that why you repeat terrorist propaganda ad nauseam? To change people’s minds? Or perhaps it’s just so you can admire your own posts?
You’re the board’s John Kerry, you were against Elon Musk before you were for him.
You’re the board’s John Kerry, you were against Elon Musk before you were for him.
I’ve never really been for or against Elon Musk, but I’m glad to have him on board now. In fact, when electric cars can perform at the same level as gasoline powered cars, with the same refueling time, with a 100 year service life, and with a price tag under $10K, I’ll gladly buy one.

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