Electric toothbrush vs old school


Dec 9, 2007
my dentist has told me that an electric brush is light years ahead of the standard toothbrush in terms of keeping your teeth and gums right. Have any of you done a legitimate amount of research on this? Just wondering. I went and bought one already.
Oral's 10 times better than manual. I guess there are several out there but I bought it from my dentist...saved a few bucks. They also recommended it.
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I actually went back to the manual toothbrush. I feel like I had more control and felt a deeper, more satisfying clean. Having said that, I had a Sonicare for what seemed like forever, maybe 10 years and it was fine.
I’m sorry if we weren’t able to find a clear winner, but maybe there really isn’t one in this battle. Most clinical studies that have compared Oral B and Sonicare efficiency are conducted by one of these two brands. That’s why it’s impossible to know which one really has the edge.

Some people prefer vibrations and some prefer oscillating brush motions. Both brands produce some of the best dental hygiene products in the world in the same price range. The only advantage we could find is that Oral B brush heads are usually cheaper. Is that enough to turn you away from Sonicare toothbrushes? Probably not.

It’s also safe to say that most people use the same brand of electric toothbrushes for ever. If you start your way with Oral B, you will probably never know how Sonicare works and same goes the other way around. If you are really not sure which one to try out, you can always start with one of the cheaper electric toothbrushes. They will give you an idea if you feel comfortable with them.
My hygienist wife says sonicare is by far superior in her opinion.
My dentist sold me a Sonicare said it was best. I just assumed it was the one he made the most on.
I've had 3 dentists over the past 6 years due to moving and they've all recommended Sonicare when asking what I used and none of them sell/sold them either as far as I know.

Friend of a friend who is a dentist told me he and his wife (also a dentist, they met at dental school) both use Sonicare and Colgate Total. TIFWIW.
My Periodontist recommends the Oral B and he's not selling anything. Much better than manual.