Eat your Wheaties

"I’ll be told, especially by many conservatives, to leave this alone and find something more important to talk about. But millions and millions and millions of people — both in the media and outside of it — have said far more about this topic and demonstrated a much greater interest in it than I ever have, yet they’re never instructed to shut up and move on. While conservatives justify their miserable cowardice by insisting that it’s just an irrelevant sideshow and they’re simply too wrapped up in more serious matters to pay it any mind, you’ll notice that progressives treat “transgenderism” as one of the most important cultural frontiers.

Any time a transgender person uses the bathroom these days, progressives throw a parade like the the Allies just defeated Germany.

Bruce Jenner posing in women’s underpants was headline news across the country. The White House called it “brave” and “powerful.” The President of the United States of America, leader of the most powerful nation on Earth, came out publicly to hail Bruce’s “courage” for having fake breasts and waxed legs. It was the number one trending story on every social media platform. Bruce Jenner’s “female” alter ego got over a million Twitter followers in four hours.

Everyone is acting it like it’s a big deal. As long as they have the “correct” opinion, they’re allowed to.

And they’re right — it is a big deal.

This is a battle for reality, people. Get your heads in the game.

If progressives can wield the power to demolish and remake even the definition of “man” and “woman” in their ideological image, then they have achieved a total and irreversible cultural victory. They have reached into the universe and reshaped reality itself. They have become gods, or at least that’s the kind of power we give them. You can blab on and on about economics and foreign policy, but if we live in a country where confusion, perversion, and self-worship reign supreme, what’s the point? America will already be dead."

The real problem with progressives is their crusades to reshape the Constitution, not the universe.

This is a big story for 5 minutes because it's a famous guy and its a novelty. Reshaping the universe? Wow.....
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lity, people. Get your heads in the game.

If progressives can wield the power to demolish and remake even the definition of “man” and “woman” in their ideological image, then they have achieved a total and irreversible cultural victory. They have reached into the universe and reshaped reality itself. They have become gods, or at least that’s the kind of power we give them. You can blab on and on about economics and foreign policy, but if we live in a country where confusion, perversion, and self-worship reign supreme, what’s the point? America will already be dead

That needed minimum, 47 exclamation points.
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I bet I've gone out in public in high heels, makeup, spandex and long hair a lot more than she has.
Nobody wants to see that either, but I support your right to have bad taste.

I'll just make it a teaching moment, "be what you want to be son, but nobody looks good in spandex."
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BIG, in all seriousness, do you not see this kind of culture war paranoia is exactly what prevents substantive dis
Nobody wants to see that either, but I support your right to have bad taste.

I'll just make it a teaching moment, "be what you want to be son, but nobody looks good in spandex."

Oh I do. And people literally buy tickets to see me!
My stand on spandex was formed when the ballet came to middle school. Looked like dancing was really good for your junk, but Jeez, I don't really want to be able to describe your wang in detail just because I had to see The Nuttcracker.
Snoop Dogg just called him the human science project and said pretty much that he shouldn't be newsworthy.
Honestly, I don't really give a crap what Bruce/Caitlyn does, I'm not the one who has to sleep with him/her at night, nor do I have to walk a mile in his/her pumps. I'm not going to judge the guy/gal one way or the other.

My complaint is with the media who is ignoring issues/news of great import all to spend time idly gossiping about this celebrity crap. Hell, I wasn't even close to being born when the first public transgender person first gained notoriety: 1952, Christine Jorgenson - who had served in the US Army during WWII. That's some 60+ years before Bruce broke the gender barrier, to me it's about as newsworthy as blacks being allowed to sit on the front of the bus.

Way past the point of caring and hearing about it. Of course, I'm way past the point of carrying about the Kardashians, the Honey Boo Boo's, the Duggars and the rest of "reality" crowd.
Forget the wacky and outlandish , I have never understood why people are intrigued by "celebrities" in the first place. I look at them and think they are simple individuals like all of us on here but just chose a different occupation. I would visit with one if in a sitting where it warranted (just like a would a normal person). I find it sad when someone walks up to a dinner table with an athlete and his family, and find it repulsive that someone would want some actors political opinions.
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