Almost every one of the 300,000 British soldiers were white dark haired males ages 17-20 with an English accent. And military regulation haircuts.
Did you see where one critic from some liberal rag was complaining because there wasn't enough people of color or women in the movie?
Very good movie, somewhat different than I was expecting. I really didn't have a problem understanding the dialogue. I think I was expecting a broader look at whole Dunkirk situation and it was mainly focused on a few characters and you don't get a feel for just how grand an operation this was.
The civilian assisted evacuation involved thousands of small vessels, 300,000 English troops and 75,000 French. It lasted 5 days.
The movie fasicnated me, but one of the things I thought was a miss, was the scale of people they portrayed on the beach. Seemed more like 40k than 400k in the movie.
Skip the movie and go out with Mia.
Are you serious? Maybe there are only a few women and no lead actors of color is because none of those people were at Dunkirk."The trio of timelines can be jarring as you figure out how they all fit, and the fact that there are only a couple of women and no lead actors of color may rub some the wrong way. Still, Nolan’s feat is undeniable: He’s made an immersive war movie that celebrates the good of mankind while also making it clear that no victory is without sacrifice."
Are you serious? Maybe there are only a few women and no lead actors of color is because none of those people were at Dunkirk.
Anyone who gets rubbed the wrong way needs a life.
They didn't gather all of the troops on the beach at once. A lot of the soldiers were kept in the rear to protect those on the beach. They apparently only queued up as they were receiving notices to do so, as the larger ships were coming in to the mole.It did seem like a pretty small area of beach for 400 K to be there without being jam packed.
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