Down the road

Talk to me.

One of the "studies referenced" in the article.

Our paper showed that there are several mechanisms by which these vaccines could lead to severe disease, including autoimmune disease, neurodegenerative diseases, vascular disorders (hemorrhaging and blood clots) and possibly reproductive issues.​

You piqued my interest and I went back to read the references and was quickly disappointed.
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Your url has the hiv and isn’t on the list of references.
Your browser should bitch at you when you click that link which only further exemplifies the point. In any case, you can click the link in the original article (ignoring your browser warning) and find the following:
  • the linked content has no relevance to the context it is linked from - feels random
  • the content provided by the author at that link is indicative of the quality of science done by the author
  • the author provides 39 citations - only 4 of which are actually referenced in the text
  • the author has no meaningful credentials in bioscience - they got a biophysics undergrad three years after I was born casting doubt on their qualifications on this topic
  • the author has all kinds of interesting other areas of exploration that feel very pseudo sciency to me
As you allude to there are lots of things that are worrying about the long-term impacts of Covid infection, the vaccine, the psycho/social impacts of remote learning, lockdowns, etc. This article however doesn't do justice to any of those concerns.
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Your browser should bitch at you when you click that link which only further exemplifies the point. In any case, you can click the link in the original article (ignoring your browser warning) and find the following:
  • the linked content has no relevance to the context it is linked from - feels random
  • the content provided by the author at that link is indicative of the quality of science done by the author
  • the author has no meaningful credentials in bioscience - they got a biophysics undergrad three years after I was born casting doubt on their qualifications on this topic
  • the author has all kinds of interesting other areas of exploration that feel very pseudo sciency to me
As you allude to there are lots of things that are worrying about the long-term impacts of Covid infection, the vaccine, the psycho/social impacts of remote learning, lockdowns, etc. This article however doesn't do justice to any of those concerns.

Bless your heart.
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