Don't listen to the environmental experts. It's all a conspiracy.

So, if oil and gas entities fund research it's inherently evil. If entities seeking to gain control over energy production and resources fund it in the name of gaia, it's inherently good. Got it.

Quick question: which industry funds more research into alternative energy sources and technologies?

10 leading oil and gas companies from Europe and Asia in the Oil and Gas Climate initiative acknowledged their need to help. You know how US oil companies were on board?


Don't act like you're not out there for anything but profits. The facts are there, man.
10 leading oil and gas companies from Europe and Asia in the Oil and Gas Climate initiative acknowledged their need to help. You know how US oil companies were on board?


Don't act like you're not out there for anything but profits. The facts are there, man.

So? One of those companies was BP. Saudi Aramco was another. And, oh BTW, NONE of the 10 committed to actually doing ANYTHING to limit their own activities, as part of that statement. If kabuki environmental theater gives you a boner, knock yourself out. I live in a more concrete world.
Yes, and in your concrete world, if oil and gas could operate without regulation you'd be happy as a lark. Fact is regulations are important, and oil and gas have lobbied Washington against them forever.

So, in your concrete world, what are you actually gonna DO about it?
Yes, and in your concrete world, if oil and gas could operate without regulation you'd be happy as a lark. Fact is regulations are important, and oil and gas have lobbied Washington against them forever.

So, in your concrete world, what are you actually gonna DO about it?

When have I ever stated I am against any regulation of oil and gas companies? I think you may be literally insane. Oil and gas companies are already amongst the most regulated industries there is.

I'm not going to do anything about it. Just like those 10 European/Asian oil companies you wet your panties over earlier.

Well, except continue to purchase oil and gas companies' products and by-products every time I fill up my truck or car, switch on a light switch, take a hot shower, use the brand spanking new natural gas cook top in my brand spanking new renovated kitchen, use anything plastic, or take a ride in the friendly skies on a SWA jet.

Howz about you?
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Climate question.

What percentage of the Earth's history have we had ice on both polar caps?

Answer: 15%

Yes climate change is real, always as been and if man can affect it it is by the most miniscule of factors.
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Always with the anecdotal responses.

I've given up on Medic -- he literally admitted some time ago that no data from government or academic researchers could be a credible basis for analyzing the issue, as they're all biased. Of course, that leaves laymen to figure it out. And any laymen with a full set of teeth are suspect...

If you don't believe the consensus, what does it take to change your mind? Outside of Leonardo Decaprio flying a solar plane or whatever anecdote is important.... Is there a set of data or someone that you would listen to? Or does the answer simply rest in the transportation that climate change activists use to get around?

Are you feeling better? What's the malady you're wrestling with?

Why would anything convince me when the people that believe it treat it as if they don't live in the same reality? Justify their actions. Justify obamas carbon footprint when he flies his entorouge from dc to Hawaii. You can't it is impossible. They just make fools out of you with your fancy light bulbs and deflated tires.

What is your carbon footprint? What is the carbon footprint of this damn convention? If climate change was an inevitable calamity the whole thing would be Skyped. Anybody who can't see that I would think would struggle with all basic perception/reality equations.
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Don't let @syskatine see this. This guy is a plumber compared to the government grant funded climate scientists that all agree that man-made climate change is the end of life on earth. The sun has very little impact on the temperature and climate patterns on earth. Nothing like that damn CO2 anyhow. How could any rational person believe a giant ball of nuclear fire could be the sole driver of the temperature of a 4 billion year old planet?
Clinton Scott - Do you have any Energy Company stocks as part of your investment portfolio?

I'm just curious if you are helping fund those that are out to profiteer off of this impending disaster.

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