Donaldus Magnus revives the Social Security "No Match" program that Obama stopped


Heisman Candidate
Dec 1, 2015
From the link: "President Donald Trump’s administration has quietly reactivated a computer check that warns employers when their new employees are likely to be illegal immigrants.

The so-called “no-match” letter warns employers that their employees’ claimed Social Security Numbers are suspect — and so allows the employers to minimize their legal risks by quietly firing the employees who do not have a right to work. The program was stopped by President Barack Obama mainly because it was so effective at warning employers."

"I will fundamentally transform the United States," so said the ex-rodent in chief Kenyan goat herding flop eared POS! Could have done so many positive things, but nope had to be a divisive little prick.

i was so proud america had evolved to the point a black man was elected president

otard was literally destroying our

rule of law
From the link: "President Donald Trump’s administration has quietly reactivated a computer check that warns employers when their new employees are likely to be illegal immigrants.

The so-called “no-match” letter warns employers that their employees’ claimed Social Security Numbers are suspect — and so allows the employers to minimize their legal risks by quietly firing the employees who do not have a right to work. The program was stopped by President Barack Obama mainly because it was so effective at warning employers."

I'll channel my inner SYS...

Why would I read an article from breitbart?
Trump and DeVos also eliminated Obama's Promise Program in schools which refrained from disciplining students in schools for their misdeeds. That program was fully implemented in the Parkland school in Florida. The school had fully embraced "restorative-justice" which avoided notifying law enforcement agencies for student behavior issues some of which were felonious. The shooter was such a student.
I don't have to be a teacher to see it with my own eyes right here in Mustang, Oklahoma. I've never seen so many disrespectful shts in my life as I do in 2019.
No Child Left Behind and the inability to properly discipline is what is killing public education. Also, having the ability to expel kids permanently would go a long way towards making parents support the school instead of their brats.
Sadly, the schools need every warm body in the classroom daily so they can get the maximum funding from the government. The administrators have been scared into allow this behavior by the courts, civil rights attorneys, the various education agencies and spineless school boards. Parents also are to blame as many of them only get upset when little Johnny or Suzie get disciplined and then it's the school's fault never their blameless spawn.

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