Liberals would politicize their plumbing. (If they even have plumbing).
We know they don't have garbage disposals.It's their pastime.
Not in Banana Land.What's not normal is you and your folks dragging politics into everything.
Besides, is he wrong?
Not in Banana Land.
The King Banana is never wrong, not in Banana Land.Come join us in the real world Clown.
Is he wrong?
The UK is our closest Ally, I wish the President would just let this go and move on, otherwise, the one ally who has stood beside us when no others would, will be gone
A couple comments on this.......
This memo should never have been leaked, very damaging........
One of an Ambassador's jobs is to give his countries leaders an objective and accurate overview on how he sees the administration of the country he is assigned to, and they are experts in doing so. They are not always pretty, but they are what the Ambassador sees. With Brexit mess, I am sure our Ambassador to the UK has written something similar, about the Tories.
But, I know Supporters of President Trump will say this is all BS, but, it is exactly how us non Trump supporters also see him and his administration, but now we have something from someone looking at things objectively. We are the laughing stock of the world right now.
President Trump's retaliatory tweets back justify exactly what the memo said about him. He is totally unqualified to be President of the United States and he proves it time and time again.
The UK is our closest Ally, I wish the President would just let this go and move on, otherwise, the one ally who has stood beside us when no others would, will be gone
A couple comments on this.......
This memo should never have been leaked, very damaging........
One of an Ambassador's jobs is to give his countries leaders an objective and accurate overview on how he sees the administration of the country he is assigned to, and they are experts in doing so. They are not always pretty, but they are what the Ambassador sees. With Brexit mess, I am sure our Ambassador to the UK has written something similar, about the Tories.
But, I know Supporters of President Trump will say this is all BS, but, it is exactly how us non Trump supporters also see him and his administration, but now we have something from someone looking at things objectively. We are the laughing stock of the world right now.
President Trump's retaliatory tweets back justify exactly what the memo said about him. He is totally unqualified to be President of the United States and he proves it time and time again.
The UK is our closest Ally, I wish the President would just let this go and move on, otherwise, the one ally who has stood beside us when no others would, will be gone
And we cannot accomplish much without them eitherLOL, none of our allies are going anywhere. They understand they can not stand for themselves and need the US to prop up their economy and their military.
And we cannot accomplish much without them either
Probably won't cause permanent damage between US and UK, unless President Trump refuses to let it go, although it is a huge deal in the UK, but, many times the UK has been the country that has stood by us when others would not (not always to their benefit) I can see that diminishingWhere are they gonna go?
Probably won't cause permanent damage between US and UK, unless President Trump refuses to let it go, although it is a huge deal in the UK, but, many times the UK has been the country that has stood by us when others would not (not always to their benefit) I can see that diminishing
A couple comments on this.......
This memo should never have been leaked, very damaging........
One of an Ambassador's jobs is to give his countries leaders an objective and accurate overview on how he sees the administration of the country he is assigned to, and they are experts in doing so. They are not always pretty, but they are what the Ambassador sees. With Brexit mess, I am sure our Ambassador to the UK has written something similar, about the Tories.
But, I know Supporters of President Trump will say this is all BS, but, it is exactly how us non Trump supporters also see him and his administration, but now we have something from someone looking at things objectively. We are the laughing stock of the world right now.
President Trump's retaliatory tweets back justify exactly what the memo said about him. He is totally unqualified to be President of the United States and he proves it time and time again.
The UK is our closest Ally, I wish the President would just let this go and move on, otherwise, the one ally who has stood beside us when no others would, will be gone
Of course it won’t cause permanent damage. We are the biggest baddest safety net England could ever ask for. Militarily and economical.
Trump is always going to counter punch. It’s always going to happen so get it through your head. He isn’t going to be “presidential” in your sense. The constant advice for someone who has proven the smartest people in the room wrong countless times is hilarious. This is a giant nothing burger. Just like everything else you have crowed about the last two years.[rid of/QUOTE]
Yeah thats why they are laughing at us. This and all the other stupid crap libtards do and say.
His actions have made us the laughing stock of the world, if you are okay with that so be it.........I represented this country for 21 years in uniform, much of that overseas, it is embarrassingOf course it won’t cause permanent damage. We are the biggest baddest safety net England could ever ask for. Militarily and economical.
Trump is always going to counter punch. It’s always going to happen so get it through your head. He isn’t going to be “presidential” in your sense. The constant advice for someone who has proven the smartest people in the room wrong countless times is hilarious. This is a giant nothing burger. Just like everything else you have crowed about the last two years.
His actions have made us the laughing stock of the world, if you are okay with that so be it.........I represented this country for 21 years in uniform, much of that overseas, it is embarrassing
Just because someone disagrees with you does not make them a "Libtard"Yeah thats why they are laughing at us. This and all the other stupid crap libtards do and say.
Just because someone disagrees with you does not make them a "Libtard"
It is embarrassing the way President Trump behaves
Just because someone disagrees with you does not make them a "Libtard"
It is embarrassing the way President Trump behaves
If you think President Trump represents America the way you want us represented , then fine, ....but I don;t have to like it..........when I lived in the UK while President Clinton was in office, I couldn't go anywhere, when people noticed I was American I would get questioned on what I thought about how are President e=was acting.......I would never say anything bad about our President over seas, it was very difficult...I can imagine what our guys are having to deal with nowJust because someone disagrees with you does not make them an embarrassment to others.
Are you the Behavior Police?
Do you like people telling you how to act?
If you think President Trump represents America the way you want us represented , then fine, ....but I don;t have to like it..........when I lived in the UK while President Clinton was in office, I couldn't go anywhere, when people noticed I was American I would get questioned on what I thought about how are President e=was acting.......I would never say anything bad about our President over seas, it was very difficult...I can imagine what our guys are having to deal with now
You have a warped view of the world IMO.........I spent many years living overseas, and visited many countries for extended periods of time and I totally disagree with your views........but everyone has their opinion, and you are entitled to yours.....I don't have to agreeSorry I am one of those people that couldn't care less what the rest of the World thinks about me or Trump or anything else for that matter.
The rest of the World only cares about the US when they need money or help fighting a War. Do you think they care what America or Americans think of them? Of course they don't and never have.
Actually, it should have been "let go" before being released. Had he not retaliated it would be perceived as he is weak. When he retaliates, he's a bully. Give me the middle finger guy who will stand up to his adversaries.A couple comments on this.......
This memo should never have been leaked, very damaging........
One of an Ambassador's jobs is to give his countries leaders an objective and accurate overview on how he sees the administration of the country he is assigned to, and they are experts in doing so. They are not always pretty, but they are what the Ambassador sees. With Brexit mess, I am sure our Ambassador to the UK has written something similar, about the Tories.
But, I know Supporters of President Trump will say this is all BS, but, it is exactly how us non Trump supporters also see him and his administration, but now we have something from someone looking at things objectively. We are the laughing stock of the world right now.
President Trump's retaliatory tweets back justify exactly what the memo said about him. He is totally unqualified to be President of the United States and he proves it time and time again.
The UK is our closest Ally, I wish the President would just let this go and move on, otherwise, the one ally who has stood beside us when no others would, will be gone
Jealousy will get you nowhere, Hairbear.
Jealousy will get you nowhere, Hairbear.
And we cannot accomplish much without them either
He's certainly no Gerald Ford.Just because someone disagrees with you does not make them a "Libtard"
It is embarrassing the way President Trump behaves
Actually, this is what classic fascist behavior looks like, even if it calls itself "Antifascist."Classic fascist behavior.
We are the laughing stock of the world right now.