The planes were in the air when Trump backed down, thank God. Trump has armed the Saudis in their unrelenting bombing campaign against the people of Yemen, against the explicit wishes of Congress. Trump has continued Obama's countless drone strikes, citing the WPA, in which his authority is in dispute. Trump has declared a national emergency in imposing tariffs on such things as European automobiles in complete contravention of the authority that section is intended.So that's a no, you can't cite any specific instance of Trump saying or actually doing something that is beyond his authority as granted by the War Powers Act.
Here's the thing, Ostatedchi: the Constitution was written with black and white specifics. From the day it was ratified politicians have been whittling away at the black and white, insisting things should be gray, they need room to operate. Congress has ceded much of the authority given to it by the Constituion, handed it over to the presidency because they couldn't be bothered to impinge on their re-election chances. Presidents have been more than happy to be given the "legal authority," and the Supreme Court, itself part of the swamp, has stepped aside as we have created a royal administration. Trump is simply the latest iteration. My point throughout this entire thread has been that just because Trump is not a Democrat, not Hillary, not from the far Left does not mean we can ignore that presidential power under anyone - especially Trump, since he's the sitting president - must be jealously observed and opposed. I am not calling him a dictator. He's not Hitler. But the powers we have allowed to be given to the presidency are putting us on the path to a dictator, a Hitler. We can't pretend everything will be OK as long as "our guy" is in control. Reality doesn't work that way.