DOJ Loretta Lynch wanted no announcement

Did she decide that on her own or was it after another "accidental" meeting with Bill Clinton to discuss their grandkids?

I'm just a little jaded these days.
Saw where some puss cake dem group is filing a complaint with the DOJ saying Comey violated the Hatch Act. Are they serious!

Guarantee if the POS dems had info for something like this to happen to Trump, they would be all smiles! The depth, width and length of the lying the democrats have been guilty of is simply astounding.

Loretta Lynch is a lying POS as well. For all you libs that support The Hildabeast, I would never support, in word or money, people as corrupt as the Clintons and their gang.
Lynch took the "5th amendment" testifying before Congress this week and refused to answer questions about Iranian payoffs. She is as corrupt as all of them.

I'll say again, the qualifications to work in Obama's administration is just like the Blazing Saddles thug selection process. It's also similar to Baylor's recruiting criteria---"rape, arson, robbery and rape".
Lynch recused herself due to her conflicted meeting with Bill Clinton on her airplane. Now she wants to inject herself back into the investigation. Typical of the Obama clan. In their world lying, cheating, stealing, denying, obfuscating, supersede honor, justice, and truth.
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