@HighStickHarry Can I get your diagnosis on the contributor from Austin?
@HighStickHarry Can I get your diagnosis on the contributor from Austin?
How do you answer— “Daddy what’s a porn star?”
And yet—not wacko enough to vote for The Dick.
What makes you certain that Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders have penises?Hillary Clinton was a pit bull who kicked every swinging dick in the house
Easy. They do the same things to another actor that liberals do to blacks but they make way less money.
Daddy is it ok for Trump to grab mommy by the pussy?
Evangelicals do!
Millions of abortions among hypocrtite Republican evangelicals already.
Trump may have paid for more abortions and hush money to cover them up than any dick in history.
Stay tuned...
And the primary reason people can't take anyone on your side serious......Sensationalism, Exaggeration, Hysteria, Disingenuous positions, Hypocrisy to the 100nth power... The list goes on.
Somebody slept with somebody. Evangelicals have know that crap happens for the last 2,000 years. You think they are surprised now?
Hilarious. Dems guilty. Reps guilty. EQUALLY. It's sex for Heaven's sake
So abortion (“baby murdering”—speaking of sensationalism, hypocrisy and hysteria) is ok now With Evangelicals as long as a Republican president knocks a woman up by unprotected sex, pays for the “baby murder” then forces the woman to sign a non disclosure statement?
Got it!
CowboyUp winning over one voter at a time using only his wit and charm.
I don't keep up with who participates in abortion, so I checked with far left leaning Snopes, who says that is total BS and it is made-up fake news. Ohh, the irony. You respond to me accusing you of sensationalism, exaggeration, hysteria and hypocrisy with more exaggeration, sensationalism, hysteria and hypocrisy.
Got it
The Dick was for the law of the land before he was against it—to run for President.
Stay tuned...
“A thousand pigeons hatch every day.”—Donald J Trump on Howard Stern
Donger they hated her because she’s a woman. Nothing else. Strong women make many voters feel threatened. I’ve never understood why...
Daddy is it OK for Donny to grab me by my pussy?
But not sick enough to vote for a sicko who said he would like to date his own daughter.you are sick
But not sick enough to vote for a sicko who said he would like to date his own daughter.
But not sick enough to vote for a sicko who said he would like to date his own daughter.
But not sick enough to vote for a sicko who said he would like to date his own daughter.
You need to take a close look inside yourself. You are allowing yourself to express lies to others of which you've become convinced for yourself.
It's vile. And it points to a real fragility in your mind or character.
You are not making this little community a better place and, by extension, I doubt you are helping the people you see face to face much either.
Not about me.
I didnt vote for him.
I’m not president.
I’m not a sycophant for a vile pervert.
I dont support a pedophile defender who people like you voted for and still defend after he told men to “grab women by the pussy” and that he would date his own daughter if he hadn’t spawned her.
That’s your domain Brad.
And your defense of the Perv in Chief doesn’t make this little community—or the world we live in—a better place.
Look in your mirror.
You can't tell the truth, man.
Obviously that’s a virtue to you.
I don't interact with Trump.
I interact with this board.
So do you.
Do you feel free to lie and misrepresent? It shows.
So now you’ve resorted to desperate attempts at rationalizing your excuse making for the most prolific serial liar in the history of our republic—a man who endorsed a pedophile for US Senate in Alabama—by accusing me of lying about HIM?
If Obama had been caught cheating on his pregnant wife with hookers and urging males to assault women by their genitals—would you be making excuses for him by attacking other posters on this board like you’ve done for The Dick?
Where’s your outrage Brad?
Oh—directed at me.
So now you’ve resorted to desperate attempts at rationalizing your excuse making for the most prolific serial liar in the history of our republic—a man who endorsed a pedophile for US Senate in Alabama and said he witnessed Arabs partying in the streets of New Jersey after 9/11—by accusing me of lying about HIM?
If Obama had been caught cheating on his pregnant wife with hookers and urging males to assault women by their genitals—would you be making excuses for him by attacking other posters on this board like you’ve done for The Dick?
Where’s your outrage Brad?
Oh—directed at me.
a man who endorsed a pedophile for US Senate in Alabama
The Maggie Thatcher references is accurate IMO.Hillary Clinton was Maggie Thatcher on steroids, Putin’s worst nightmare.
No wonder Russia rigged our election to get in their boy.
American people could have elected a Commander in Chief.
Instead they elected a buffoon.