

Heisman Candidate
Aug 15, 2021
You know if the other tennis players would make a stand this Crap would have been over long ago in their sport...repeat after me boys- if you ban one of us no one will play.

Same with Football how they let the QB and others get treated like a pos bc he did some actual thinking -didn't want to be a lab rat.
Always thought teams were to stand up for their teammates - this Coof BS taking away our liberties has exposed what a weak a$$ bunch of wuss boys there are here in America. Repeat after me FB players..." you treat our QB
Like this we won't play". It's that simple.

Just let a small group of Marxists fascists POS with money treat us like pond scum - it's been amazing and very sad to watch

You know if the other tennis players would make a stand this Crap would have been over long ago in their sport...repeat after me boys- if you ban one of us no one will play.

Same with Football how they let the QB and others get treated like a pos bc he did some actual thinking -didn't want to be a lab rat.
Always thought teams were to stand up for their teammates - this Coof BS taking away our liberties has exposed what a weak a$$ bunch of wuss boys there are here in America. Repeat after me FB players..." you treat our QB
Like this we won't play". It's that simple.

Just let a small group of Marxists fascists POS with money treat us like pond scum - it's been amazing and very sad to watch

I'm with ya brother. 👍
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Bump- just for all that fell for and say nothing while they castrate the men of this generation with their tax theft, COVID BS, obedience diapers, Ukraine installed puppet Zelensky GOAT, President Trump Coup and those supporting the Anti Christ regime to remain in power - what else can I throw on this pile of Rod Sterling' Twilight Zone BS ?! 🤪

What weak ass men these athletes are- who ever thought they would have those prima donnas by the balls?! Normies can't say much if any bc they capitulated just as much -
Letting them mask our kids was just the point where it seemed we'd never let them push us but by God....
It's generally a bad idea to trust the same group that gave the Indians blankets with small pox, or whatever it was.
It's all bullshit. Keep a world class athelete from entering the country because he will not take the vaccine while allowing millions of illegal aliens, some with Covidto enter the country at will. Yea it's all bullshit and a huge abuse of power on both situations. Fvck Joe Biden, everyone associated with him and especially those that voted for him.

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