Seriously, let’s go. I’m in!
Al needs to pay his taxes. How he's kept out of prison is beyond me.
I’m trying to follow along’re saying a 49 or an Indian reservation is not a safe place for whites? I know that reservation has tourism and a casino. I wouldnt think that would be an issue.
I do agree though. Absolutely sick to death of hearing about race from both sides. Enough already. Grow up and get along.
I do agree though. Absolutely sick to death of hearing about race from both sides. Enough already. Grow up and get along.
Lol! Okay, you got me. I’m a racist. Didn’t think anyone would notice. Time to finally get out of Oklahoma for once and experience the real world.
Did you ever notice none of the lefties here ever want to take race with you? So weird.
I do agree though. Absolutely sick to death of hearing about race from both sides. Enough already. Grow up and get along.
@Sunburnt Indian I'm suuposed to "talk race with you." Here goes: So. Do you have a favorite race? (How's that, Wharri? Am I doing it right?)
This has been my thesis for years. Dude.... if you are gonna bring it up with Wharri you're gonna be here a while. It's his favorite topic. Specifically, wringing his hands over black crime rates so he can set the table for a real good lecture on blacks as criminals. Just this morning @Headhunter brought up Chicago to highlight black crime. It'll go on for days -- specifically pointing out how deviant and criminals blacks are.
Crime stats set the table for nothing. They just exist for people to use as facts.
Honest question, do native people look down on black people or interracial couples or what? I’m intrigued.
Okay....I so badly want to leave this thread and get to work but I have to ask one said ‘especially with a black woman’ in reference to visiting the reservation.
Honest question, do native people look down on black people or interracial couples or what? I’m intrigued.
So, back to the question.....
Since everyone LOVES talking about race on here....why do minorities see their race or ethnicity as central to their identity? Would love to hear the majority opinion on this.
No I mentioned Chicago to point out how corrupt Baltimore politics are. But of course you in your woke world jumped to racism.@Sunburnt Indian I'm suuposed to "talk race with you." Here goes: So. Do you have a favorite race? (How's that, Wharri? Am I doing it right?)
This has been my thesis for years. Dude.... if you are gonna bring it up with Wharri you're gonna be here a while. It's his favorite topic. Specifically, wringing his hands over black crime rates so he can set the table for a real good lecture on blacks as criminals. Just this morning @Headhunter brought up Chicago to highlight black crime. It'll go on for days -- specifically pointing out how deviant and criminals blacks are.
No, it's to set the stage for "So why do you think Blacks are such criminals?" Or at least that's where you always take it.
For once I'd like to see you offer a solution instead of just pointing out black crime rates like David Duke and then wondering why youj're viewed as a white supremacist.
Long and awful history in Indian Territories and up through the present day of indians treating blacks and freedmen like shit. They'd have rebellions back in the day, blacks try to join and they'd run the blacks off. Indians had slaves and are still racist AF in eastern Oklahoma. Oklahoma history is a circus of swirling, awful racial treatments and indians predating on blacks is a part of it. I think at lesat two tribes (cherokees and seminoles) have tried to reduce freedmen's rights in various ways and that continues.
. I’ve said it’s statistically more prevalent which is true.
. I reject the notion of skin color and emphasize socioeconomic status as the key.
You seem to have a particular boner for Indians, correct?
you made the peculiar decision of creating a screen name based on a literal ethnostate that considers their neighbors inferior. That’s on you dude.
You bring it up -- Chicago! BLack on black crime! constantly, as do some of your white brethren on here.
So do I , and have maintained this for years. Ethnicity is relevant because of socioeconomic status and that's where the fight should be. But you don't post that over and over. You post about BLACKS over and over. You can make sense when you want, but you seem to use black crime rates an awful lot for someone that's really coming from the viewpoint of socioeconomic isolation.
If you'd like to discuss crime and what percentages are committed by whom I'd be happy to have an honest discussion
Trap. Rephrase, please.
I bring it up because that’s what’s in current events. It gets brought up on cnn npr and msnbc all. The. Time.
True.Long and awful history in Indian Territories and up through the present day of indians treating blacks and freedmen like shit. They'd have rebellions back in the day, blacks try to join and they'd run the blacks off. Indians had slaves and are still racist AF in eastern Oklahoma. Oklahoma history is a circus of swirling, awful racial treatments and indians predating on blacks is a part of it. I think at lesat two tribes (cherokees and seminoles) have tried to reduce freedmen's rights in various ways and that continues.
Turn them all off. Step away from the TV. IIt'll rot your brain.
Where did I use the word "black"? I'm willing to to discuss crime rates and include all races.I have no doubt you would loooooooove to have a long exposition on black crime rates. I'm more interested in your proposed solutions.
Where did I use the word "black"? I'm willing to to discuss crime rates and include all races.
You're just a dishonest race baiter. But that just what the hateful left has become.
It is so boring and predictable no one but you far left loons and the MSM treat it seriously. The race card is white noise.
You need to check your medical marijuana prescription. I made one post about Gilroy and never mentioned Chicago, black people, Polish people or any other person or race.Now. You. You brought up Chicago (the polish population??) and continue to play the "who, me?" card after you brought up Chicago as some kind of whatabout defense to the GIlroy festival shooting and now you're whining that someone else brought up race! Or was the Chicago deal about pollocks shooting each other?
Thick, bitch, white victimization just oozes from your pores. You'll be one of the first to start racial shit.
Thus another thread ended in Truth, not to be commented on again by puss boys
TRUTH!The failing Attorney General Eric Holder said we were cowards for not talking about race. I love talking about race. Those who look at the heart are never bothered about discussing race. Most here look at the heart. The left mentions race to smother debate.
Thus another thread ended in Truth, not to be commented on again by puss boys