Diversity of new Congress members

Seriously, let’s go. I’m in!

Go ahead, I’ve been before. We’ll have a slide show when you get back.

The point of all this is what? That whites don’t commingle as well as minorities? That the market on racism has been cornered? That generalizations are useful when talking about millions of people? Oh but you bang a black woman, so zing?

The in and out of micro/macro debate is what’s wrong with this whole arena. The news/social media/the water cooler, all of it.
I’m trying to follow along’re saying a 49 or an Indian reservation is not a safe place for whites? I know that reservation has tourism and a casino. I wouldnt think that would be an issue.

I do agree though. Absolutely sick to death of hearing about race from both sides. Enough already. Grow up and get along.
I’m trying to follow along’re saying a 49 or an Indian reservation is not a safe place for whites? I know that reservation has tourism and a casino. I wouldnt think that would be an issue.

I do agree though. Absolutely sick to death of hearing about race from both sides. Enough already. Grow up and get along.

Reservations are much bigger than casinos mr racist. My dad and grandma are from a reservation. I go back every few years. If you want to see some real skins find a neighborhood where every house looks exactly the same, probably aligned in a circle. When they say oh look a white boy and a muffy, you’ve arrived.

Now of course, the majority of native Americans are great people. They were the victims of atrocities, governmental scams, isolation and that has lead to being statistically impoverished and crime ridden. But in 2019 lot of them would rather rot than join white culture. You should hear my great aunt preach on this subject, she still lives there. I’m pointing out you bragging about your comedy club experience is not going into the real world.
I do agree though. Absolutely sick to death of hearing about race from both sides. Enough already. Grow up and get along.

We can’t. It’s impossible. Joy Reid gets clicks. David duke gets clicks. Race race race on npr gets clicks. We are never going to get along when this is the case. When crime stats are so blatantly skewed, it’s not going to happen.

We were on track to be less racist than previous generations until the media and politicians saw how they were losing their grip.
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Lol! Okay, you got me. I’m a racist. Didn’t think anyone would notice. Time to finally get out of Oklahoma for once and experience the real world.
Lol! Okay, you got me. I’m a racist. Didn’t think anyone would notice. Time to finally get out of Oklahoma for once and experience the real world.

For the record you did assume an entire sovereign nation over hundreds of square miles was a casino.
Oh for Christ’s sakes!

You made it sound like it was an unwelcoming place for whites....or at least that’s what I got from that. I’ve never been there. However, they do have a Prairie Wind Casino which I assume caters to a diverse clientele. How is that racist?

Jesus.....I suddenly feel like Trump.
You said they weren’t dangerous because of “tourism.” Casinos aren’t dangerous because it’s literally people handing over their money as fast as possible. Because of my worldliness I know casinos are just buildings right by the interstate. The actual reservation is a much different place.

Again, majority of the natives are great people. But if you think you can stroll through there especially with a black woman and have the same experience you would in Denver or Edmond for instance, you are sadly mistaken.
Did you ever notice none of the lefties here ever want to take race with you? So weird.

@Sunburnt Indian I'm suuposed to "talk race with you." Here goes: So. Do you have a favorite race? (How's that, Wharri? Am I doing it right?)

I do agree though. Absolutely sick to death of hearing about race from both sides. Enough already. Grow up and get along.

This has been my thesis for years. Dude.... if you are gonna bring it up with Wharri you're gonna be here a while. It's his favorite topic. Specifically, wringing his hands over black crime rates so he can set the table for a real good lecture on blacks as criminals. Just this morning @Headhunter brought up Chicago to highlight black crime. It'll go on for days -- specifically pointing out how deviant and criminals blacks are.
@Sunburnt Indian I'm suuposed to "talk race with you." Here goes: So. Do you have a favorite race? (How's that, Wharri? Am I doing it right?)

This has been my thesis for years. Dude.... if you are gonna bring it up with Wharri you're gonna be here a while. It's his favorite topic. Specifically, wringing his hands over black crime rates so he can set the table for a real good lecture on blacks as criminals. Just this morning @Headhunter brought up Chicago to highlight black crime. It'll go on for days -- specifically pointing out how deviant and criminals blacks are.

Crime stats set the table for nothing. They just exist for people to use as facts.
Crime stats set the table for nothing. They just exist for people to use as facts.

No, it's to set the stage for "So why do you think Blacks are such criminals?" Or at least that's where you always take it.

For once I'd like to see you offer a solution instead of just pointing out black crime rates like David Duke and then wondering why youj're viewed as a white supremacist.
Okay....I so badly want to leave this thread and get to work but I have to ask one said ‘especially with a black woman’ in reference to visiting the reservation.

Honest question, do native people look down on black people or interracial couples or what? I’m intrigued.
Honest question, do native people look down on black people or interracial couples or what? I’m intrigued.

Long and awful history in Indian Territories and up through the present day of indians treating blacks and freedmen like shit. They'd have rebellions back in the day, blacks try to join and they'd run the blacks off. Indians had slaves and are still racist AF in eastern Oklahoma. Oklahoma history is a circus of swirling, awful racial treatments and indians predating on blacks is a part of it. I think at lesat two tribes (cherokees and seminoles) have tried to reduce freedmen's rights in various ways and that continues.
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Okay....I so badly want to leave this thread and get to work but I have to ask one said ‘especially with a black woman’ in reference to visiting the reservation.

Honest question, do native people look down on black people or interracial couples or what? I’m intrigued.

And yeah, blacks and indians interbred and intermarried like crazy in eastern oklahoma and there's still this racial stuff going on. Good luck figuring it out, I can't.

I know absolutely nothing about this and I'm probably talking out of my ass. Freedmen blood = wildly athletic. Justin Blackmon looked like old school eastern oklahoman freedmen stock to me.
So, back to the question.....

Since everyone LOVES talking about race on here....why do minorities see their race or ethnicity as central to their identity? Would love to hear the majority opinion on this.

I don’t know about all skin colors, but some learn it young and it’s cultural, especially with Mexicans. Mexicans are very racists, but they see nothing wrong with it. It can even be received (sometimes) as a term of endearment if you’re called güero (white guy) depending on how it was said. Even if meant as derogatory, they see no wrong in it. But white people in this country have been brought up to not even mention race... if you do, you’re a racist and get your hand slapped.
@Sunburnt Indian I'm suuposed to "talk race with you." Here goes: So. Do you have a favorite race? (How's that, Wharri? Am I doing it right?)

This has been my thesis for years. Dude.... if you are gonna bring it up with Wharri you're gonna be here a while. It's his favorite topic. Specifically, wringing his hands over black crime rates so he can set the table for a real good lecture on blacks as criminals. Just this morning @Headhunter brought up Chicago to highlight black crime. It'll go on for days -- specifically pointing out how deviant and criminals blacks are.
No I mentioned Chicago to point out how corrupt Baltimore politics are. But of course you in your woke world jumped to racism.

If you'd like to discuss crime and what percentages are committed by whom I'd be happy to have an honest discussion but you'd just start throwing out the race card in the face of real facts.
No, it's to set the stage for "So why do you think Blacks are such criminals?" Or at least that's where you always take it.

For once I'd like to see you offer a solution instead of just pointing out black crime rates like David Duke and then wondering why youj're viewed as a white supremacist.

Oh so you know why I do that more than me. Typical narcissist. I’ve never said blacks are criminals. I’ve said it’s statistically more prevalent which is true. Zero white supremacy in that sentiment.

Its poor people who commit more crime. It’s just that per capita blacks are more disproportionately attached to poverty. Again, facts without discussing reasons.

Whites are in power. They have been in power since the get go here. I can just as easily point to all of the good whites have done while also pointing out how their policies and attitudes have brought us isolated communities where poverty is the result.

However, since I believe in individual responsibility it’s on those who commit those crimes, who value rap culture, drug culture and fvck whitey culture have negated all of the programs put in place by whites to help minorities. If I saw steve urkel after midnight, I don’t flinch. If I see a white guy dressed like Eminem after midnight, I lock my doors. Skin color versus how someone presents themselves is the Hangup you cannot understand.

What whites have brought the world is a mixed bag of great scientific heights and immoral savagery. But in 2019, whoever thinks whites are out to get them is concentrating on an extreme minority while ignoring the violence and twisted value system of minorities at a disproportionate rate. That’s it. Not all, not all, not all. A racist thinks minorities can never be more than they are because they are inferior. I see everyone as a person who chooses right or wrong. I give a pass to young people raised in impoverished communities. I’ve railed for years how south tulsa schools versus north tulsa schools set the stage for more of the same. Also how public defenders contribute to incarceration rates for poor people being more than those who can afford actual representation. I reject the notion of skin color and emphasize socioeconomic status as the key. You refuse to admit that and picture a world in which white cops round up the Browns because of their skin color. The responsibility rests with the individual.
Long and awful history in Indian Territories and up through the present day of indians treating blacks and freedmen like shit. They'd have rebellions back in the day, blacks try to join and they'd run the blacks off. Indians had slaves and are still racist AF in eastern Oklahoma. Oklahoma history is a circus of swirling, awful racial treatments and indians predating on blacks is a part of it. I think at lesat two tribes (cherokees and seminoles) have tried to reduce freedmen's rights in various ways and that continues.

A lot of Indians are racist, a lot of blacks are racist. A lot of whites are racist. You seem to have a particular boner for Indians, correct?
. I’ve said it’s statistically more prevalent which is true.

You bring it up -- Chicago! BLack on black crime! constantly, as do some of your white brethren on here.

. I reject the notion of skin color and emphasize socioeconomic status as the key.

So do I , and have maintained this for years. Ethnicity is relevant because of socioeconomic status and that's where the fight should be. But you don't post that over and over. You post about BLACKS over and over. You can make sense when you want, but you seem to use black crime rates an awful lot for someone that's really coming from the viewpoint of socioeconomic isolation.
you made the peculiar decision of creating a screen name based on a literal ethnostate that considers their neighbors inferior. That’s on you dude.

Really? Japanese think their neighbors are inferior? I never personally heard that.

Interesting claim coming from a board with a few Americans regularly using the expression ‘shithole country’. Why would someone use words like that?

By the way, why are you bringing up world population figures? The survey was strictly limited to US residents. What are your honest thoughts on the survey?
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You bring it up -- Chicago! BLack on black crime! constantly, as do some of your white brethren on here.

So do I , and have maintained this for years. Ethnicity is relevant because of socioeconomic status and that's where the fight should be. But you don't post that over and over. You post about BLACKS over and over. You can make sense when you want, but you seem to use black crime rates an awful lot for someone that's really coming from the viewpoint of socioeconomic isolation.

I bring it up because that’s what’s in current events. It gets brought up on cnn npr and msnbc all. The. Time.
If you'd like to discuss crime and what percentages are committed by whom I'd be happy to have an honest discussion

I have no doubt you would loooooooove to have a long exposition on black crime rates. I'm more interested in your proposed solutions.
Trap. Rephrase, please.

You speak of native Americans in negative generalizations while scolding others for speaking of blacks or Central Americans in negative generalizations. It’s obvious your experiences in Indian territory give you some pass for the former.
Long and awful history in Indian Territories and up through the present day of indians treating blacks and freedmen like shit. They'd have rebellions back in the day, blacks try to join and they'd run the blacks off. Indians had slaves and are still racist AF in eastern Oklahoma. Oklahoma history is a circus of swirling, awful racial treatments and indians predating on blacks is a part of it. I think at lesat two tribes (cherokees and seminoles) have tried to reduce freedmen's rights in various ways and that continues.

It's also true that the Buffalo soldiers were incredibly cruel to Indians in the Indian wars in the late 1800s.

Turn them all off. Step away from the TV. IIt'll rot your brain.

And get my news from where? My only other source for entertainment on tv is antenna tv.

Btw it’s AMAZING how minorities used to just blend in. They were just people. Barney Miller is a great example of how the world used to be. But something happened after that that caused 70% of blacks to be born out of wedlock. Watch BET after midnight for a culture that robs blacks of a western ideal. Then watch soul train to see how things were and you tell me what whites did to turn that group upside down. You dirty atheists attacked the church which was a glue for the black community.

White flight? Local property taxes as a basis for schools? Metro area police harassing minorities and keeping them in their place? All happened, but you don’t want to list the flip side responsibility of black leaders who wear 3000$ suits, ignore their 3rd world communities and get rich giving speeches about how helpless they are.
I have no doubt you would loooooooove to have a long exposition on black crime rates. I'm more interested in your proposed solutions.
Where did I use the word "black"? I'm willing to to discuss crime rates and include all races.

You're just a dishonest race baiter. But that just is what the hateful left has become.

It is so boring and predictable no one but you far left loons and the MSM treat it seriously. The race card is white noise.
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Where did I use the word "black"? I'm willing to to discuss crime rates and include all races.

You're just a dishonest race baiter. But that just what the hateful left has become.

It is so boring and predictable no one but you far left loons and the MSM treat it seriously. The race card is white noise.

Now. You. You brought up Chicago (the polish population??) and continue to play the "who, me?" card after you brought up Chicago as some kind of whatabout defense to the GIlroy festival shooting and now you're whining that someone else brought up race! Or was the Chicago deal about pollocks shooting each other?

Thick, bitch, white victimization just oozes from your pores. You'll be one of the first to start racial shit.
Now. You. You brought up Chicago (the polish population??) and continue to play the "who, me?" card after you brought up Chicago as some kind of whatabout defense to the GIlroy festival shooting and now you're whining that someone else brought up race! Or was the Chicago deal about pollocks shooting each other?

Thick, bitch, white victimization just oozes from your pores. You'll be one of the first to start racial shit.
You need to check your medical marijuana prescription. I made one post about Gilroy and never mentioned Chicago, black people, Polish people or any other person or race.

You're seeing racist ghosts in the your basement. Put on dark shades and go out into the light every once in awhile.
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I'm a tri-racial isolate. I take tremendous pride in all three races. As I grow older, I grow ever more convinced it's a gift from the Great Father.

In 1906, Oklahoma had more black Americans than first and second generation Europeans. More black Americans than Indigenous Americans. By 1990, Oklahoma's black population stood at 7.1 percent.

There was never a mass exodus of blacks away from Oklahoma. Through inner marriage, blacks faded to white. I'm the leftovers. I married a white. Her 23andme DNA tests tell us she can't get more white. 27 communities in Oklahoma were founded by blacks for blacks in Oklahoma. More than all other states combined. Many are gone. Arkansas Colored, in the southern part of the Chickasaw Nation saw their post office close in 1912. Langston thrives to this day.

Many blacks were moved from the southeast to the Nations after President Jackson signed the "Indian Removal Act" of 1830. A number of whites, too. Especially "sub-human" Irish. My g-g-great grandmother was Irish. Grandpa was sub-Saharan African-Cherokee. My 23andme test says Congolese. My 2008 Genelex Labs testing didn't pinpoint Congo.

The failing Attorney General Eric Holder said we were cowards for not talking about race. I love talking about race. Those who look at the heart are never bothered about discussing race. Most here look at the heart. The left mentions race to smother debate.

The left's worst fear is an informed Negro. I love Candace Owens. I would love Candace Owens if she were white or red or brown. Ms Owens doesn't live in a politically correct world. Nor does Medic007, et al or I.
I talk about black on black crime regularly. Why? What 50 years of Democrat leadership has wrought.

I'm a big fan of Blexit and Candace Owens. I'm just hoping the brothers wise up.

Pastor Scott says Trump may be best president for black America in his lifetime. I agree. CNN, NBC, MSNBC, WA Post, NY Times, LA Times, CBS won't give Pastor Scott time of day.
The failing Attorney General Eric Holder said we were cowards for not talking about race. I love talking about race. Those who look at the heart are never bothered about discussing race. Most here look at the heart. The left mentions race to smother debate.

The Democrats do use race to smother debate. The Democratic political class doesn't want any actual solutions to things like minority poverty because they want to be able to keep making endless promises of free shit to keep luring the minority vote their way. When minorities figure out that they don't need Democratic race pimps to achieve success, the Democrats lose their minds. Look no further than people like Candace Owens, Condoleezza Rice, and Dr. Ben Carson.

Valuing education, learning a good work ethic, having a desire to be successful, having the ability to delay gratification, and having a few people cheering you on will lift more people out of poverty than any laundry list of government handouts ever will.

Broken value systems lead to broken results. Anyone who dismisses the impacts that culture can have on people in poverty is either uninformed or dishonest.

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