Here's something that my or may not be related..this is long...but bear with me, because I want to see how others "see the years"....
For years, I have "visualized the years". What does that mean?? Well, I had this conversation with my mom and my wife the other night. My mom never knew why I was able to recall dates of when things happened back in like, the 80s, or how I was good at keeping track of future events in my head. But here it is...
[/IMG]= Uploads/2016-08/99939153-EE87-4EEF-B837-D3EC9A6062DF.png.html]
[/IMG][/URL]= Uploads/2016-08/89CB7D96-087B-491C-84C6-F7E86B3D0CB7_1.jpg.html][/URL]
Ok, the first pic is of a calendar my dad brought home from work (he worked for the RR) when I was 6. I found that pic on a google search from memory. Haven't seen that calendar in years. That formed the way I see the months in a given my mind it looks just like that with the train pic in the middle. It's crazy, but it's always there.
The months of the year go from left to right, with January on top and May at bottom...then the summer months are in a horizontal line over to August...not in a block as in the pic, but just a line going from left to right..then September starts back up on the right and ends in a vertical column with December. Then my mind flips back over to January on the left and the "counter-clockwise" movement continues...
The hand written diagram just shows how I view the centuries in a "stair step" fashion. It's how I'm able to compartmentalize data. The decades are in columns of 10, 10 years to a column, like "1920 to 1929", then I jump back up to 1930. But, when I was born, this shakes it up a bit. Since my mind was "forming, I start the "stair step drop" with the decade of the 80s being below the 70s. Why? I don't really know. Perhaps because there's more information in those two since I was alive then and therefore this allows me to focus up on certain events, or it's just signifies it's importance to me since I was a part of it. 1990 to 2020 are on one column, probably because that was my higher learning years, high school through medical school and I keep all this in a 30 year column. Then it appears that I will line up 2020 with 2010 and start the rows going back right at that point.
Whatever the reasoning for this, it's always allowed me to correctly identify events within a certain decade. WW2 takes up the 40s, the 50s with all the cool cars and promises of a bright future, the peace time, and rise of the Soviets into a Cold War enemy. The 70s with Nixon and Carter and the "gas shortage". The 80s with Reagan, cocaine house boat parties, and cool GI Joe toys and playing Nintendo and Atari....Star Wars sequels....blah blah blah...
Seem crazy? To me it's completely normal...and it's just the way I think.