Dems in Cali favor purchasing children for sex

They'll be along to argue that fact I'm sure. All whilst defending fagots.

I used to listen to Dr. James Dobson regularly (80's and 90's) and remember specifically him always warning that after the acceptance of gay marriage comes the acceptance of pedophelia. The queers in the MSM mocked him to no end for this "nonsense". Fast forward 30 years and look where we are.
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I used to listen to Dr. James Dobson regularly (80's and 90's) and remember specifically him always warning the after the acceptance of gay marriage comes the acceptance of pedophelia. The queers in the MSM mocked him to no end for this "nonsense". Fast forward 30 years and look where we are.
I'm sure "hammertime" Paul regrets it. Nanshee back in the shadows, exposed, career in ruins. Her bankroll is a cocksucker! 🤣
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I used to listen to Dr. James Dobson regularly (80's and 90's) and remember specifically him always warning that after the acceptance of gay marriage comes the acceptance of pedophelia. The queers in the MSM mocked him to no end for this "nonsense". Fast forward 30 years and look where we are.
I heard Dr. James Dobson on 92.5 FM(Bot radio) in Tulsa recently. I'm not sure if he is on regularly or not, since I 🤔 listen between jobs. It's a great Christian station with lots of good preachers!
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