Dems deserve this...Joe never primaried and Dem leadership takes voting out their voters hands


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
They say Trump is a threat to Democracy but yet like a Communist country Dems do not primary Joe and they take away the opportunity for Dems to freely vote for their candidate. Dems tell their voters, sure you can vote, but just one for one candidate. Just like a communist country. Now, if they do take Joe out of the election, none of the Dems will have been able to vote for whoever they put up at the state levels in the primaries and have their voices heard. Who is the dictator? Who is trying to stay in office at all costs? Who is going after their political opponent with lawfare?

And what dis-service to the entire country that they have hidden Joe from us and lied to us about his health, lied about doctored videos, and did not put up a candidate fit for office. Dems made the entire Country and the world watch the weakest and worst Prez in history be exposed for what he is. You have China, Russia, and Iran all seeing this and they have to be wondering if the time is now to make a move militarily. Dems have put our country's security at risk with the open border and now with the worst public display of Presidential weakness in the history of this country.

We need the adults back in the room alright.
It really is amazing. Video after video of the leftist media and Democrat politicians lying to the face of the American people to prop up a walking corpse and yet Democrat voters ignore it all.
They say Trump is a threat to Democracy but yet like a Communist country Dems do not primary Joe and they take away the opportunity for Dems to freely vote for their candidate. Dems tell their voters, sure you can vote, but just one for one candidate. Just like a communist country.
Was this also true of the Republican Party in 2020 when Trump did not face a primary challenger? Was the Republican Party also just like a communist country?

See how silly your argument is.

Now, if they do take Joe out of the election, none of the Dems will have been able to vote for whoever they put up at the state levels in the primaries and have their voices heard. Who is the dictator? Who is trying to stay in office at all costs? Who is going after their political opponent with lawfare?
Well if President Biden were to step aside, he clearly isn't the dictator, clearly isn't trying to stay in office at all costs. And President Biden isn't going after a political opponent with lawfare. Dang man, stop just repeating nonsense that is not backed up with evidence.

With that said, I agree that if President Biden steps aside, it would fall upon the delegates at the Democratic Convention to nominate the new presidential nominee. It isn't ideal, but it definitely wouldn't be the first time in our nation's history that this has occurred. It isn't communist and it isn't being a dictator.

And what dis-service to the entire country that they have hidden Joe from us and lied to us about his health, lied about doctored videos, and did not put up a candidate fit for office.
No one has lied to us or doctored videos, etc. Drop the conspiracy nonsense, it makes you look foolish and doesn't help your argument at all.

Dems made the entire Country and the world watch the weakest and worst Prez in history be exposed for what he is. You have China, Russia, and Iran all seeing this and they have to be wondering if the time is now to make a move militarily.
And the entire country and the world watched Trump's dismal debate performance too. They watched him lie and ramble the whole debate. They watched him refuse to answer most questions asked of him. Trump just got lucky that Biden had a worse debate performance. Any other Democratic candidate would have mopped the floor with him.

btw, President Biden isn't the weakest or worst President in history. Not by a long shot. Most who rank Presidents on this place Donald Trump as one of the worst Presidents ever. But hey, you keep living in your own fantasy world.

We need the adults back in the room alright.
Well then we definitely don't need Trump and his goons back in the room.
Was this also true of the Republican Party in 2020 when Trump did not face a primary challenger? Was the Republican Party also just like a communist country?

See how silly your argument is.

Well if President Biden were to step aside, he clearly isn't the dictator, clearly isn't trying to stay in office at all costs. And President Biden isn't going after a political opponent with lawfare. Dang man, stop just repeating nonsense that is not backed up with evidence.

With that said, I agree that if President Biden steps aside, it would fall upon the delegates at the Democratic Convention to nominate the new presidential nominee. It isn't ideal, but it definitely wouldn't be the first time in our nation's history that this has occurred. It isn't communist and it isn't being a dictator.

No one has lied to us or doctored videos, etc. Drop the conspiracy nonsense, it makes you look foolish and doesn't help your argument at all.

And the entire country and the world watched Trump's dismal debate performance too. They watched him lie and ramble the whole debate. They watched him refuse to answer most questions asked of him. Trump just got lucky that Biden had a worse debate performance. Any other Democratic candidate would have mopped the floor with him.

btw, President Biden isn't the weakest or worst President in history. Not by a long shot. Most who rank Presidents on this place Donald Trump as one of the worst Presidents ever. But hey, you keep living in your own fantasy world.

Well then we definitely don't need Trump and his goons back in the room.
Libs did not primary a Prez the DOJ said was mentally unfit to stand trial over his records. Trump was fit to serve. You all getting what you deserved. It takes real work for those who are really running this country and using Joe as a puppet to hide this shit and feed lies he is fit, for 3.5 years. He never came out of his basement to campaign because he had mental problems, he has done the least amount of press conferences of any Prez, ever, because he is not mentally fit. His Press Secretary told the entire nation after Paris the videos were Doctored. He reads from cards and calls on reporters with planted questions.

Your gas lighting days are over other than the 33% that are blind swallowers.

Who is running the country? It ain’t Joe, he needs help to walk off a stage.
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Dems deserve this not because he wasn't primaried, but rather because they've tried since the election in 2020 to hide this. There is a reason he doesn't do daily press briefings, refuses to take questions from random reporters, and even has to be led around by the Easter Bunny during the White House Easter Egg Roll.

I don't think Dems (that matter) believe Kamala can win the election. I also don't think that Newsome can win the election. There too much of middle America that has zero interest in seeing America look just like California. We saw that all on display in the 2020 Dem primary. I assume the plan was to get through the election and then have Kamala take over after a "health scare" in 2025.
And thus Kamala makes president without being 'elected' and then can run as an incumbent in '28 where she has a record to run with rather than just her word salad speeches. So now they are stuck. Run the old guy who clearly doesn't have the capability to lead the country for 4 minutes much less 4 years, or get him to decline the nomination (doubtful as Jilly seems to like her newfound political role and living arrangements) and bring in an outsider that remains popular, such as a Michele Obama.

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