Democrats Can't Condemn Anti-Jewish Bigots Emerging in Democrat Party


Heisman Winner
Aug 24, 2003
House Democrats cannot agree on a resolution to condemn antisemitism, and a closed-door meeting Wednesday to discuss the issue reportedly collapsed into infighting as rank-and-file members challenged the party leadership.

Reporters scoured the premises to find them, but Antifa was apparently not on the scene to bash in the heads of any of the Democrat party's up-and-coming fascists.

More news from Washington at 10. Back to you, Dan.
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Our grand kids are going to look back in history and wonder WTF the Democratic Party was thinking.
Amen. It is shocking how far left the party has allowed itself to become over the last 6 years.

They used to agree that illegal immigration was wrong. Now they not only defend it, but are supporters of illegal activity.

They used to support a world in which color/race wouldn’t and shouldn’t matter... now identify politics have negatively changed that inclusive view.

They use to be supportive of women’s rights, now those rights are secondary and unimportant if they conflict with trans rights.

They use to be a party that agreed with science that there are two sexes, now that view of science is deemed bigoted.

They use to spit on soldiers as they returned from overseas places like Vietnam, now they support a millionaire failing football player for disrespecting the national anthem (okay, well they haven’t really changed on this one)

They use to believe is the earth cooling, then it was the global warming, and then it was climate change. And their belief of climate change allows them to justify changing historical temperature data to support their view.

They used to be against the death penalty, but now they have voted to approve infant murder.
House Democrats cannot agree on a resolution to condemn antisemitism, and a closed-door meeting Wednesday to discuss the issue reportedly collapsed into infighting as rank-and-file members challenged the party leadership.

Reporters scoured the premises to find them, but Antifa was apparently not on the scene to bash in the heads of any of the Democrat party's up-and-coming fascists.

More news from Washington at 10. Back to you, Dan.

It’s the inevitable consequence of intersectionality, celebrating diversity insteard of inclusion, identity politics and so on.
House Democrats cannot agree on a resolution to condemn antisemitism, and a closed-door meeting Wednesday to discuss the issue reportedly collapsed into infighting as rank-and-file members challenged the party leadership.

Reporters scoured the premises to find them, but Antifa was apparently not on the scene to bash in the heads of any of the Democrat party's up-and-coming fascists.

More news from Washington at 10. Back to you, Dan.

I don’t dispute that there are anti-Jewish bigots within the Democratic Party. What I haven’t seen from them, however, has been anti-Semitic rhetoric. Not technically. The claim that Israel enjoys special favor within the US government is not without foundation. To point that out is not in itself ipso facto evidence of anti-Semitism. The claim that AIPAC is one of the most powerful lobbying/pressure groups in America is absolutely factual. To point it out as a fact is not of itself anti-Semitism. It is not improper, IMO, for a congressperson to argue those facts.

Now it is posible the rhetoric is being designed as “dog whistles” to rile up the base. But insisting it is “dog whistles” from Muslim politicians is tantamount to the claim Donald Trump’s rhetoric is a “dog whistle” to white racist bigots, which I am sure most of you vehemently deny.

Ms. Omar has every right to say what she wants to say. She believes she is representing the views of the people who elected her. We may not like it but their views deserve to be spoken and represented in our halls of government. We live in a representative democracy. For the first time those views are being given a voice. If the people in her district dislike what she says they can vote her out.

IMO this is just another manufactured crisis designed to spark fear and hatred. Designed by both sides of the argument.
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I don’t dispute that there are anti-Jewish bigots within the Democratic Party. What I haven’t seen from them, however, has been anti-Semitic rhetoric. Not technically. The claim that Israel enjoys special favor within the US government is not without foundation. To point that out is not in itself ipso facto evidence of anti-Semitism. The claim that AIPAC is one of the most powerful lobbying/pressure groups in America is absolutely factual. To point it out as a fact is not of itself anti-Semitism. It is not improper, IMO, for a congressperson to argue those facts.

Now it is posible the rhetoric is being designed as “dog whistles” to rile up the base. But insisting it is “dog whistles” from Muslim politicians is tantamount to the claim Donald Trump’s rhetoric is a “dog whistle” to white racist bigots, which I am sure most of you vehemently deny.

Ms. Omar has every right to say what she wants to say. She believes she is representing the views of the people who elected her. We may not like it but their views deserve to be spoken and represented in our halls of government. We live in a representative democracy. For the first time those views are being given a voice. If the people in her district dislike what she says they can vote her out.

IMO this is just another manufactured crisis designed to spark fear and hatred. Designed by both sides of the argument.
I agree with you I dont think congress woman Omar's statement is anti semite.
Even though Israel is a close ally of US it is a political entity and can be criticized for its policies.Other congressman have done it in the past even the Presidents have expressed their displeasure at some policies. If she questioned some ones loyalty to US so what.You should read some of the remarks made by Nixon and Reagan in private.
President and founding father George Washington’s farewell address.

Imagine the reaction — especially from the GOP establishment — if Washington spoke these words today.



Link to farewell address:
I agree with you I dont think congress woman Omar's statement is anti semite.
Even though Israel is a close ally of US it is a political entity and can be criticized for its policies.Other congressman have done it in the past even the Presidents have expressed their displeasure at some policies. If she questioned some ones loyalty to US so what.You should read some of the remarks made by Nixon and Reagan in private.

This is the problem with the old and New Democratic Party. The old are beholden to Israel for a lot of reasons and the new are beholden to anything a brown person says because they are so racist they have to bend over backward to appear not to be. Now you have Millenia old enemies going at it and you can’t coddle both.

Again, at what point are democrats surprised by this? How on earth is it shocking to Nancy that a Muslim freshman isn’t going to be in lockstep with our foreign policy toward Israel? The depths of the stupidity on her part and others who have broken their backs to put these two trains on a collision course for years is what’s shocking.
I don’t dispute that there are anti-Jewish bigots within the Democratic Party. What I haven’t seen from them, however, has been anti-Semitic rhetoric. Not technically. The claim that Israel enjoys special favor within the US government is not without foundation. To point that out is not in itself ipso facto evidence of anti-Semitism. The claim that AIPAC is one of the most powerful lobbying/pressure groups in America is absolutely factual. To point it out as a fact is not of itself anti-Semitism. It is not improper, IMO, for a congressperson to argue those facts.

Now it is posible the rhetoric is being designed as “dog whistles” to rile up the base. But insisting it is “dog whistles” from Muslim politicians is tantamount to the claim Donald Trump’s rhetoric is a “dog whistle” to white racist bigots, which I am sure most of you vehemently deny.

Ms. Omar has every right to say what she wants to say. She believes she is representing the views of the people who elected her. We may not like it but their views deserve to be spoken and represented in our halls of government. We live in a representative democracy. For the first time those views are being given a voice. If the people in her district dislike what she says they can vote her out.

IMO this is just another manufactured crisis designed to spark fear and hatred. Designed by both sides of the argument.
I agree w you on a whole lot of issues, but I disagree w a lot of things here. Obviously I agree that you can criticize the Israeli government and that AIPAC has too much influence (although you can do that w almost all major PACs, but that’s another issue). When any government steps out of line, they need to be called on it. The way she goes about it is clear Anti-Semitism though. After multiple apologies, the “dual allegiance” comment is the worst of the anti-semitism remarks. I’m not Jewish, so I really don’t have a hat in the game, but Anti-Semitism is very real in this country. Of the religious inspired hate crimes in America, crimes against Jews were 58% and climbing every year. Muslims were 18%. We should be working towards someway, somehow bringing peace between Jews and Muslims, not stoking the fire. Every time Ms Omar brings up these centuries old stereotypes, it stokes the fire.
In your stats how many hate crimes total against Jews and Muslims in this country? I’m guessing hundreds? Could be thousands maybe, but interested how many total.

At this point this country is the Kardashian’s. The things we fight about and think are epidemics, when looked at globally, they are insignificant.
This is my favorite quote:

Asked if Omar should apologize, Pelosi said, “It’s up to her to explain,” adding, “I do not believe that she understood the full weight of the words.”

She’s just too stupid to know what she’s saying according to pelosi.
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I agree with you I don't think congress woman Omar's statement is anti semite.
Even though Israel is a close ally of US it is a political entity and can be criticized for its policies. Other congressman have done it in the past even the Presidents have expressed their displeasure at some policies. If she questioned some ones loyalty to US so what. You should read some of the remarks made by Nixon and Reagan in private.

Would generally agree with you and PD, but this clown has made other offensive comments about Israel/Jews before so she has established a pattern and just can't shut her dam mouth now (within 6 months she'll say something else dumb). Like she is auditioning for a spot in the UN. There are many things manufactured by both sides of the whore house, but this isn't one of them. This is a party that hasn't called for one building named after Robert KKK Byrd to be changed, they aren't going to call this imbecile to the mat because they want her constituency to keep voting for them.

What the liberals are doing now is trying to put a resolution together that they can turn around and say "this pertains to Trump also" when its passed and draw as much attention as possible away from the little Somali.
In your stats how many hate crimes total against Jews and Muslims in this country? I’m guessing hundreds? Could be thousands maybe, but interested how many total.

At this point this country is the Kardashian’s. The things we fight about and think are epidemics, when looked at globally, they are insignificant.
Yeah it’s close to 1000. It’s not an epidemic, but it’s not insignificant either. Maybe globally it is, but nationally it’s not.
In your stats how many hate crimes total against Jews and Muslims in this country? I’m guessing hundreds? Could be thousands maybe, but interested how many total.

At this point this country is the Kardashian’s. The things we fight about and think are epidemics, when looked at globally, they are insignificant.
Apply this logic to the trans panic and infanticide uproar.
I agree with you I dont think congress woman Omar's statement is anti semite.
Even though Israel is a close ally of US it is a political entity and can be criticized for its policies.Other congressman have done it in the past even the Presidents have expressed their displeasure at some policies. If she questioned some ones loyalty to US so what.You should read some of the remarks made by Nixon and Reagan in private.

Congresswoman Omar only needs to come out and give us her opinion on the State of Israel, not their policy flaws . For example, does she believe in a two-state solution today, does the State of Israel have a right to exist at all?
Congresswoman Omar only needs to come out and give us her opinion on the State of Israel, not their policy flaws . For example, does she believe in a two-state solution today, does the State of Israel have a right to exist at all?
She is on the record multiple times in favor of a two state solution.
Apply this logic to the trans panic and infanticide uproar.
Apply this logic to assault rifle deaths. We can go round and round. I love bringing up completely unrelated topics to make false arguments.
I agree w you on a whole lot of issues, but I disagree w a lot of things here. Obviously I agree that you can criticize the Israeli government and that AIPAC has too much influence (although you can do that w almost all major PACs, but that’s another issue). When any government steps out of line, they need to be called on it. The way she goes about it is clear Anti-Semitism though. After multiple apologies, the “dual allegiance” comment is the worst of the anti-semitism remarks. I’m not Jewish, so I really don’t have a hat in the game, but Anti-Semitism is very real in this country. Of the religious inspired hate crimes in America, crimes against Jews were 58% and climbing every year. Muslims were 18%. We should be working towards someway, somehow bringing peace between Jews and Muslims, not stoking the fire. Every time Ms Omar brings up these centuries old stereotypes, it stokes the fire.

I asked earlier if anyone could point me to the actual quotes that have so upset the applecart. I still don't know what they have been, only condemnations and defenses of what she has supposedly said. The "dual citizenship" quote, according to Caitlin Johnstone, was aimed at Christian congress members who have shown extreme support for all things Israeli government. I don't know if that's accurate or not. But if it is accurate Ms.Omar's remarks could hardly be construed as being anti-Semitic. I have no doubt the woman is an anti-Semite. But from what I have heard her rhetoric has walked a very fine line that has not crossed over to full-fledged anti-Semitic language.

This may be an unfair thing for me to say, but considering the hateful rhetoric that is daily directed at Muslims - much of which is justified - it is strikingly strange that the anti-Israel rhetoric of one congressperson would cause such furor.

I'll try to find the Johnstone article in which she says the remark was directed at Christians, not Jews.
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I asked earlier if anyone could point me to the actual quotes that have so upset the applecart. I still don't know what they have been, only condemnations and defenses of what she has supposedly said. The "dual citizenship" quote, according to Caitlin Johnstone, was aimed at Christian congress members who have shown extreme support for all things Israeli government. I don't know if that's accurate or not. But if it is accurate Ms.Omar's remarks could hardly be construed as being anti-Semitic. I have no doubt the woman is an anti-Semite. But from what I have heard her rhetoric has walked a very fine line that has not crossed over to full-fledged anti-Semitic language.

This may be an unfair thing for me to say, but considering the hateful rhetoric that is daily, directed at Muslims - much of which is justified - it is strikingly strange that the anti-Israel rhetoric of one congressperson would cause such furor.

I'll try to find the Johnstone article in which she says the remark was directed at Christians, not Jews.
Here it is, I found it. Ms. Johnstone is an interesting personality. Her writing is often disjointed and hard to follow. This is not an example of great writing. But she does manage to make her point.
considering the hateful rhetoric that is daily, directed at Muslims - much of which is justified - it is strikingly strange that the anti-Israel rhetoric of one congressperson would cause such furor.
What hateful rhetoric is daily directed at Muslims by congressmen or women?
Apply this logic to assault rifle deaths. We can go round and round. I love bringing up completely unrelated topics to make false arguments.
I think it is fair to apply that logic to assault rifle deaths, and that this is a good point.
Apply this logic to the trans panic and infanticide uproar.

Trans is everywhere. Is there a hate crime tv show on cable? Is there a push for hate crimes in schools and offices? Is there a prominent Olympic athlete getting an award from espn for hate crimes? One is waning and one is being shoved down the throats of America.

I don’t usually give an opinion on abortion, it’s too complicated for me so you are on your own with that one.
Trans is everywhere. Is there a hate crime tv show on cable? Is there a push for hate crimes in schools and offices? Is there a prominent Olympic athlete getting an award from espn for hate crimes? One is waning and one is being shoved down the throats of America.

I don’t usually give an opinion on abortion, it’s too complicated for me so you are on your own with that one.
I think it is fair to apply that logic to assault rifle deaths, and that this is a good point.

Why don’t Democrat’s ever talk about banning handguns since they make up a majority of weapons crimes?

That’s what I don’t get about any of this. The fights libs pick are always down the list of things that need fixed. Women in Muslim countries are like “hello?? .78$ on the dollar? Sign me up!” Women in China whose sisters were thrown in the trash during the one child policy years would like some attention please. Some of that diversity is our strength business as well.
Cannot wait for you to expand with a nuanced answer.

However this might not be one of the ones of things you know about.
It doesn't matter how many hate crimes there are as long as it isn't on your teevee
Why don’t Democrat’s ever talk about banning handguns since they make up a majority of weapons crimes?

That’s what I don’t get about any of this. The fights libs pick are always down the list of things that need fixed. Women in Muslim countries are like “hello?? .78$ on the dollar? Sign me up!” Women in China whose sisters were thrown in the trash during the one child policy years would like some attention please. Some of that diversity is our strength business as well.
Democrats, famous for their role in China's one child policy
What hateful rhetoric is daily directed at Muslims by congressmen or women?
I am too computer ignorant to know how to post multiple links in one post. I Googled “anti-Muslim rhetoric by American congresspersons” and there were several examples. One of the links pointed out that much anti-Muslim sentiment in America gets its cues from politicians. Reading many comments on this board over the last year or so is enough evidence for me to believe hatred/fear/distrust of almost everything Muslim is widespread across the country. That’s been my observation.
Is this a strawman im not sure? At no point did anyone say Dems are responsible for that.

But you knew that.
This may be news to someone whose idea of politics is impotent rage about what's on The View, but most people direct their attention to issues over which they have some semblance of agency.

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