Oh, they will justify and spin it like Dax.Just evil. And demented.
No justifying or spinning this crap.
Sit and watch.Just evil. And demented.
No justifying or spinning this crap.
It’s self explanatory
Try to keep up Mega, they are playing you like a fiddle.You and @Pokeabear are fantastic analysts and influencers.
Try to keep up Mega, they are playing you like a fiddle.
Conservatism is the new punk rock.
Medic has already covered this in excruciating detail.So you say. And yet you refuse to enlighten me.
cOnStItUtIoNaLiSm Is WhAt'S cOoLConservatism is passé. Constitutionalism is what’s cool. Be cool.
fifyThis country will end up killing more fetuses than Hitler ever dreamed off. Pathetic.
It is much better to kill fetuses than babies and it is insane to say otherwiseWhat's sad is that you think this fix makes it better.
What's sad is that you think this fix makes it better.
I think it's high time for a constitutional amendment forbidding sacrificing our children to Molech.
cOnStItUtIoNaLiSm Is WhAt'S cOoL
It is much better to kill fetuses than babies and it is insane to say otherwise
what no one has mentioned is the fact that how could this mother carry this baby full term or close to it and then kill it? That is beyond my grasp...how a mother could do that.
what no one has mentioned is the fact that how could this mother carry this baby full term or close to it and then kill it? That is beyond my grasp...how a mother could do that.
Very easyIt's insane to say you can tell the absolute difference between one and the other.