Democratic activists worry Tulsi will launch third-party presidential run ‘to help Donald Trump win'


Hell, I'm pretty sure I don't even know your real name.

I've always just referred to you as Pokeabear or some variation thereof.
Exactly. I used to see you around quite a bit in the older days, never bothered you or your friends on purpose though. I do enough of that online.
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Fairly accurate physical description if memory serves.

I don't remember seeing you at Slim's, but whenever I'm there, it's a good chance I'm decently me not remembering that means little.

If you had, you would have surely commented on how weird it was to have two half Adonis, half Hercules guys before a complete gentleman and one a total tool bag.

I think Slim's opened 5 years ago this immediately past April. I dunno if you two have ever met.

I'm just over here watching this little tete-a-tete.

In the immortal words of Rodney King..."Can't we all just get along".

The internet is too stupid to get fired up about as far as I am concerned.

You know me, JD, I’m hardly ever fired up and even rarer that I’m angry. He social engineered a bit to partially dox me. I doubt we’ve met. When he said “septuagenarian” I immediately figured he’d met Jack.

I had a hard time thinking you knew him or were friends. Your standards are normally much higher.
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Exactly. I used to see you around quite a bit in the older days, never bothered you or your friends on purpose though. I do enough of that online.

I get it...mostly.

I'm not sure anyone else here gets what you are doing on-line....and it's certainly not my style, but I'm definitely a "you do you" kinda guy anyway.

So yeah....*hard shrug* from me.
You know me, JD, I’m hardly ever fired up and even rarer that I’m angry. He social engineered a bit to partially dox me. I doubt we’ve met. When he said “septuagenarian” I immediately figured he’d met Jack.

I had a hard time thinking you knew him or were friends. Your standards are normally much higher.

To be clear, I know him...we've casually met...but I don't "know" him...we are acquaintances, not friends like you and I are.

Because you and I are friends I will tell you that you are reacting to this "partial doxing by social engineering" in exactly the way he likely hoped.

As far as I know, he is basically harmless.
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No, I’m saying you’re not in my weight class. My playing weight was 225. Im closer to 255 now, I’m a hair under 6’ 2” without shoes on. Just under a 80 inch reach, nearly half your age. Like I said, your not in my weight class, jeff, I appreciate your asking though. ;)
Holy shit boof, you need to lay off the Krispy Kreme’s !
To be clear, I know him...we've casually met...but I don't "know" him...we are acquaintances, not friends like you and I are.

Because you and I are friends I will tell you that you are reacting to this "partial doxing by social engineering" in exactly the way he likely hoped.

As far as I know, he is basically harmless.

Conference call. Time. I’m unconcerned. It will be a week before I look here again. Lol
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I get it...mostly.

I'm not sure anyone else here gets what you are doing on-line....and it's certainly not my style, but I'm definitely a "you do you" kinda guy anyway.

So yeah....*hard shrug* from me.
Believe me after our private chats in 2016, I have no illusions that our styles are different, it still amazes me that you fraternize and enjoy the company of some of the people on this board after the absolutely disgusting and shameful things they have shared. But like you said, you do you.
To be clear, I know him...we've casually met...but I don't "know" him...we are acquaintances, not friends like you and I are.

Because you and I are friends I will tell you that you are reacting to this "partial doxing by social engineering" in exactly the way he likely hoped.

As far as I know, he is basically harmless.
Basically :cool:
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