Democracies Deserve The Governments They Vote For

It is not surprising that is what you got from not reading the link.
I'm a realist not a utopian thinker like yourself. There will never be perfect President, Congressman, Senator or any other politician, even yourself. At this moment in time we have a choice to make about the direction of the country, vote for Democrats and a future of Socialism or a vote for Republican and at least put off socialism another 4 years. Of course there is always a third choice, do not vote or vote third party, then sit back and bitch no matter which way it goes.
I'm a realist not a utopian thinker like yourself. There will never be perfect President, Congressman, Senator or any other politician, even yourself. At this moment in time we have a choice to make about the direction of the country, vote for Democrats and a future of Socialism or a vote for Republican and at least put off socialism another 4 years. Of course there is always a third choice, do not vote or vote third party, then sit back and bitch no matter which way it goes.
You should read the link before opining about what you think it says.

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