they will magically lower interest rates just in the knick of time to effect the nov election
they will quietly hit the strategic oil reserve, sell it on the free market to lower gas prices just enough to effect the nov election
like four yrs ago, they will manufacture some bvllshit reason for mail in ballots
anything else?
o yea, crappy pants can't remember signing off on trans visibility day on easter. leader of the free world my ass.
one bullet at at time snowflake, one bullet at a time
they will quietly hit the strategic oil reserve, sell it on the free market to lower gas prices just enough to effect the nov election
like four yrs ago, they will manufacture some bvllshit reason for mail in ballots
anything else?
o yea, crappy pants can't remember signing off on trans visibility day on easter. leader of the free world my ass.
one bullet at at time snowflake, one bullet at a time