Dan, are you debating someone over something?
I have no idea -- I passed along reporting. I know you don't believe it unless it comes from Russia. The point of the thread was to share our sources. Here they are. Ignore them if you like. I'm not listening to Russel Brand about ANYTHING, lol. I bring open source reporting and you post... Russel Brand, a comedian with mental health problems. Okay, then.
The first obvious clue was your confidence that Putin wouldn't invade. I marveled at how you disbelieved all the western media, but you said it was propaganda and you knew better. That didn't change your mind and you kept reading the same people that were obviously wrong.
So maybe an accumulation of that stuff will change your perception. Doubtful, but you never know. Even if it does, you won't admit it, but you don't like being proven demonstrably wrong, so I'm just quietly sharing reports from peop.e with a full set of teeth, that aren't Putin disciples, and you can adjudge who's listening to capable, competent people. Give it a few months and let's see where it is. It'll be fun to see who was listening to smart people. I'm also waiting for some reports from you about what's happening over there. Hopefully someone a little more credible than Russel Brand...