Daddy's got the money and influence.

Detailing flagging profits from his art sales, Biden said that while he had sold 27 pieces for an average of roughly $54,500 in the two or three years leading up to the lawsuit, he had sold only one piece of art for $36,000 since then.

Biden also described a slump in book sales, saying he went from selling more than 3,100 copies of his book from April through September 2023, when the lawsuit was filed, to about 1,100 over the six-month period that followed

Whale whale whale, another obvious Democrat lie exposed. Once Daddy is no longer in the White House where Hunter can sell illegal influence his art career goes in the tank. LMAO how any Democrat that promoted these lies can show their face in public is beyond me. Absolutely no shame. Oh and Democrats wonder why Democrats are “becoming the metaphorical car alarms that nobody pays attention to. LMAO Stole that one from Fetterman.

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