daca= congress do their jobs


Heisman Winner
Oct 13, 2015
let’s waste the supreme courts time because congress can’t pass legislation

odds roberts goes “greater good”?
on the heels of otardcare
it’s in his wheelhouse

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I do not understand what the issue is. Obama signed an executive order to change our immigration laws. No President has the power to change laws, that’s what Congress is for. You know, The Legislative Branch.
Making matter even worse, if OTard can sign an executive order changing the law, it only makes sense that Trump could sign an executive order changing the law back. Then again liberals have a huge double standard in everything they do.
I do not understand what the issue is. Obama signed an executive order to change our immigration laws. No President has the power to change laws, that’s what Congress is for. You know, The Legislative Branch.
Making matter even worse, if OTard can sign an executive order changing the law, it only makes sense that Trump could sign an executive order changing the law back. Then again liberals have a huge double standard in everything they do.

Bearcat with logic like that you need to run for public office man! Its just yet another example of the double standard applied to the ex-rodent in chiefs actions and what happens when his faux legacy is threatened.
and with the fake news pravda

trump takes the political heat for
“ending daca”

Trump said he would extend DACA if the Dems would work with Reps on comprehensive immigration reform, which actually upset some of those that voted for him. Trump was willing to sacrifice part of his original campaign position to get a deal and law thru congress. The threat of pulling DACA Trump wanted to use to force Congress to sit down and make some laws to take care of this. Trump was forced to litigate this to get it off high center one way or the other. If the Supreme Court determines DACA can be rescinded and is not legal, it will put pressure on Congress to act. The Dems will blame Trump for all of this. Trump will blame the do nothing Dem House for being a do nothing party that just investigates, and who suffers? The Dreamers and immigration reform. Congress will do nothing because each side will think they can use this issue to help them get elected. Typical Washington D.C. bullshit, the people come last.
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Trump said he would extend DACA if the Dems would work with Reps on comprehensive immigration reform, which actually upset some of those that voted for him. Trump was willing to sacrifice part of his original campaign position to get a deal and law thru congress. The threat of pulling DACA Trump wanted to use to force Congress to sit down and make some laws to take care of this. Trump was forced to litigate this to get it off high center one way or the other. If the Supreme Court determines DACA can be rescinded and is not legal, it will put pressure on Congress to act. The Dems will blame Trump for all of this. Trump will blame the do nothing Dem House for being a do nothing party that just investigates, and who suffers? The Dreamers and immigration reform. Typical Washington D.C. bullshit.
Bipartisanship to the left means 100% their way or no way. Kind of like their definition of free speech.
Would be nice if the SCOTUS reaffirmed that immigration was solely in the province of the president. Would be nicer if this happened that Trump then cancelled chain migration and more the Congress refuses to act on.
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Trump said he would extend DACA if the Dems would work with Reps on comprehensive immigration reform, which actually upset some of those that voted for him. Trump was willing to sacrifice part of his original campaign position to get a deal and law thru congress. The threat of pulling DACA Trump wanted to use to force Congress to sit down and make some laws to take care of this. Trump was forced to litigate this to get it off high center one way or the other. If the Supreme Court determines DACA can be rescinded and is not legal, it will put pressure on Congress to act. The Dems will blame Trump for all of this. Trump will blame the do nothing Dem House for being a do nothing party that just investigates, and who suffers? The Dreamers and immigration reform. Congress will do nothing because each side will think they can use this issue to help them get elected. Typical Washington D.C. bullshit, the people come last.

The issue is 100% the fault of Congress on both sides. Democrats will not work to fix anything until they control the issues. Republicans are still gutless and afraid to force the issue. Whether you like Trump or not at least he is trying to force Congress to get off its ass and do something.

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