Dayton shooter wasn't politically motivated as far as anyone can tell.
And yet he was very politically charged. Big fan of Warren and Your boy Bernie. That’s relevant in a world where we blame psychotic behavior on political rhetoric.
Dayton shooter wasn't politically motivated as far as anyone can tell.
Is it?And yet he was very politically charged. Big fan of Warren and Your boy Bernie. That’s relevant in a world where we blame psychotic behavior on political rhetoric.
I love when you bring up the times I was right and you were embarrassingly wrongISlaMIc tERroR Is a RIghT WinG IdeOLogY
lolI love when you bring up the times I was right and you were embarrassingly wrong
So the Dayton Shooter politics are irrelevant like the Aurora shooter and the Parkland shooter and the Sandy Hook shooter, but unlike the El Paso shooter, the Softball shooter, the Isla Vista shooter, the Boston Marathon bombers, the Pulse shooter and the Cesar Sayoc.
Leftists are literal LEE manifesto readers.
Yes, yes they are. Why are you losers so angry? Trump didn't make you fat.Dork.
Obvious causality, down to the word.
Yes, yes they are. Why are you losers so angry? Trump didn't make you fat.
You think those fatass incel commies actually beat anyone at anything besides sheer tonnage and caloric consumption?Sometimes it takes a fatass to beat a fatass, ya know?
Well.... yeah. His written explanation isn't a mirage, Brad. Sorry the narrative appeals to so many deranged morons. What a side to be on.
Sometimes it takes a fatass to beat a fatass, ya know?