You understand that the far left and far right are the same thing, right? It’s a circle and both are batshit crazy and don’t represent mainstream Americans.
You understand that the far left and far right are the same thing, right? It’s a circle and both are batshit crazy and don’t represent mainstream Americans.
You understand that the far left and far right are the same thing, right? It’s a circle and both are batshit crazy and don’t represent mainstream Americans.
Except he was a far left eco dude as well.Nope. Whoever told you that lied. When a guy spouts Biff talking points and wants to shoot invader mexicans that's not the same thing as the far left.
Nope. Whoever told you that lied. When a guy spouts Biff talking points and wants to shoot invader mexicans that's not the same thing as the far left.
Twatwaffle, you are so full of bullshevick. There is no political "spectrum." It's actually more like a color wheel, with nazi thugs and antifvck thugs huddled together down at the bottom.Nope. Whoever told you that lied. When a guy spouts Biff talking points and wants to shoot invader mexicans that's not the same thing as the far left.
^^^This^^^Defending these hammer and sickle shitheads officially makes you a shithead too.
Twatwaffle, you are so full of bullshevick. There is no political "spectrum." It's actually more like a color wheel, with nazi thugs and antifvck thugs huddled together down at the bottom.
Thinking of politics as a flat earth 2D plane of left right is simplistic and dumb. It’s spherical and the far left/right inhabit the opposite side of that sphere from the rat of us - right next to each other - often overlapping in function if not form.
It’s obvious and you are propagating a lie that you’ve been told. Sad.
Ya'll need to quit defending it
1. Who the fvck is y’all?
2. Show me where anyone is defending such things.
3. Why is it hard to say, “both commies and nazis suck and are horrible unAmerican losers.” ?
I mean that graphic looks super well researched and sourced, so I’m sure it doesn’t have any grey area it’s hammering into right/left binaries right?
I know you are trolling but I hope to God you aren’t dumb enough to seriously believe this.
You understand that the far left and far right are the same thing, right?
It’s obvious and you are propagating a lie that you’ve been told. Sad.
Twatwaffle, you are so full of bullshevick. There is no political "spectrum." It's actually more like a color wheel, with nazi thugs and antifvck thugs huddled together down at the bottom.
You do realize that you ceded any moral high ground the day you clamored on here for 6 hours for Trump to obliterate a couple hundred Iranians so as to flex some American muscle, right?1. The wingnuts in this thread that take issue with the graphic.
"Defend" may be a bit much.... "explain away" or "whatabout" may be more accurate.
No, those are technically defenses.
3. My god, both. I hate them both, always have. I can't fathom why MAGA is so pro-commie with the Russia stuff. I can see how those antifa guys are anti-nazi but why commies? What have they done besides fight proudbois that I'm supposed to be pissed off about?
I didn't count all the marks in the meme, but McVeigh alone would fill up a chalkboard with those little marks. Sure a lot of crazy right wingers hopped up on MAGA messaging.... the El Paso shooter even parroted Biff's immigration INVASION!! talking points.
You do realize that you ceded any moral high ground the day you clamored on here for 6 hours for Trump to obliterate a couple hundred Iranians so as to flex some American muscle, right?
Your bloodlust and obsession with these body counts is disturbing. We need some red flags laws after all.
Are you denying this fact? I could embarrass you by pulling up the thread where you were incensed that Trump hadn't started a shooting war, or you could just explain your moral authority to lecture others on body counts and your political victories that result.I clamored to obliterate a couple hundred iranians.
Anyone with a conscience would be embarrassed to type what you just did.Let he who has not clamored to obliterate a couple hundred Iranians cast the first stone.
Don't mind if do:
Are you denying this fact? I could embarrass you by pulling up the thread where you were incensed that Trump hadn't started a shooting war, or you could just explain your moral authority to lecture others on body counts and your political victories that result.
why is that?Anyone with a conscience would be embarrassed to type what you just did.
So pitiful that you're trying to explain away your fellow furious wingnuts killing people, but... okay I'll play.
Yeah, go ahead and embarrass me. Produce where I clamored to kill a couple hundred iranians.
Maybe you meant Trump should've bombed them but not killed anyone.So pitiful that you're trying to explain away your fellow furious wingnuts killing people, but... okay I'll play.
Yeah, go ahead and embarrass me. Produce where I clamored to kill a couple hundred iranians.
You literally started a thread defending the “score” of antifa.
This just isn’t a very good troll.
Wow, blistering.Maybe you meant Trump should've bombed them but not killed anyone.
Syskatine said: ↑
I mean.... what a shameful i international disgrace for such hand wringing. If you do it, #*$&@ing do it.
Pulled the gun and couldn't shoot. I'm glad we're not at war but he is such a Willow in the Wind. Whoever gets to him last.
Syskatine said: ↑
It's an international disgrace, he's such a weak kneed, small man.
He doesn't know wtf he's doing. He has all this military presence there, for what? They shoot a flight down and... now what? Talk some more shit?
Syskatine said: ↑
The world knows to call his bluff. NK shit all over him, Iran is celebrating on tv parading the drone around, and he's dithering.
Syskatine said: ↑
So he parks the military there as a show of force to see if anybody wants some and... well, they do. So he... launches a strike and calls it back. HE called it back. There are also reports he literally called someone to warn Iran we were attacking.
Now it's your turn to produce where I'm "trying to explain away your fellow furious wingnuts killing people". Good luck.
Let me guess, you'll bail on this like an invitation to a football tailgate because you can't wear your mask and carry your baton, and know this sort of behavior in front of real live people would have you cowering back to your partner explaining why your nose is busted and your shirt is ruined.
You literally started a thread defending the “score” of antifa.
This just isn’t a very good troll.
Maybe you meant Trump should've bombed them but not killed anyone.
Syskatine said: ↑
I mean.... what a shameful i international disgrace for such hand wringing. If you do it, #*$&@ing do it.
Pulled the gun and couldn't shoot. I'm glad we're not at war but he is such a Willow in the Wind. Whoever gets to him last.
Syskatine said: ↑
It's an international disgrace, he's such a weak kneed, small man.
He doesn't know wtf he's doing. He has all this military presence there, for what? They shoot a flight down and... now what? Talk some more shit?
Syskatine said: ↑
The world knows to call his bluff. NK shit all over him, Iran is celebrating on tv parading the drone around, and he's dithering.
Syskatine said: ↑
So he parks the military there as a show of force to see if anybody wants some and... well, they do. So he... launches a strike and calls it back. HE called it back. There are also reports he literally called someone to warn Iran we were attacking.
Now it's your turn to produce where I'm "trying to explain away your fellow furious wingnuts killing people". Good luck.
Let me guess, you'll bail on this like an invitation to a football tailgate because you can't wear your mask and carry your baton, and know this sort of behavior in front of real live people would have you cowering back to your partner explaining why your nose is busted and your shirt is ruined.
Maybe you meant Trump should've bombed them but not killed anyone.
Syskatine said: ↑
I mean.... what a shameful i international disgrace for such hand wringing. If you do it, #*$&@ing do it.
Pulled the gun and couldn't shoot. I'm glad we're not at war but he is such a Willow in the Wind. Whoever gets to him last.
Syskatine said: ↑
It's an international disgrace, he's such a weak kneed, small man.
He doesn't know wtf he's doing. He has all this military presence there, for what? They shoot a flight down and... now what? Talk some more shit?
Syskatine said: ↑
The world knows to call his bluff. NK shit all over him, Iran is celebrating on tv parading the drone around, and he's dithering.
Syskatine said: ↑
So he parks the military there as a show of force to see if anybody wants some and... well, they do. So he... launches a strike and calls it back. HE called it back. There are also reports he literally called someone to warn Iran we were attacking.
Now it's your turn to produce where I'm "trying to explain away your fellow furious wingnuts killing people". Good luck.
Let me guess, you'll bail on this like an invitation to a football tailgate because you can't wear your mask and carry your baton, and know this sort of behavior in front of real live people would have you cowering back to your partner explaining why your nose is busted and your shirt is ruined.
I confess this meme has me slightly baffled. It's probably me, I sometimes get easily confused. I may be mistaken, but is antifa not a singular organization operating under that name? Is it fair to say it is one of many "Left Wing" organizations and persons? Whereas the right of the chart says "Right Wing," which I assume means any person or group the author of the chart chooses to call right wing, not a singular right wing hate group like the left wing antifa. I don't pay much attention to body counts, probably a failing on my part, but the chart says right wingers have murdered 313 people in the last ten years. If that's true I agree it is shockingly high, but without detail the veracity of the chart is rather questionable, wouldn't you agree?
Quite easy to do with any threaded started by or posted in by @SyskatineI got this thread confused with the other thread about being dumber for having read it.
I confess this meme has me slightly baffled. It's probably me, I sometimes get easily confused. I may be mistaken, but is antifa not a singular organization operating under that name? Is it fair to say it is one of many "Left Wing" organizations and persons? Whereas the right of the chart says "Right Wing," which I assume means any person or group the author of the chart chooses to call right wing, not a singular right wing hate group like the left wing antifa. I don't pay much attention to body counts, probably a failing on my part, but the chart says right wingers have murdered 313 people in the last ten years. If that's true I agree it is shockingly high, but without detail the veracity of the chart is rather questionable, wouldn't you agree?
Lastly, assuming the chart is correct as regards people being murdered, and briefly setting that aside, would you not agree that the actions of antifa deserve to be righteously condemned because of their actions (rioting, injuring fellow human beings if not murdering them, millions of dollars of property damage)?
Let me pronounce my utter contempt for any right wing group or person that has murdered or caused injury to a fellow human being, or promulgated destruction of private (or public) property. As the song says "that's no way to treat a lady."
Now, despite the chart with which you began this thread, do you equally pronounce utter contempt for the actions of antifa and other left wing persons and groups that believe they are justified in promoting violence to achieve their desired political goals?
He's the mayor.Sysk has officially crossed over into lunatic leftie territory.
Sysk has officially crossed over into lunatic leftie territory.
I confess this meme has me slightly baffled. It's probably me, I sometimes get easily confused. I may be mistaken, but is antifa not a singular organization operating under that name? Is it fair to say it is one of many "Left Wing" organizations and persons? Whereas the right of the chart says "Right Wing," which I assume means any person or group the author of the chart chooses to call right wing, not a singular right wing hate group like the left wing antifa. I don't pay much attention to body counts, probably a failing on my part, but the chart says right wingers have murdered 313 people in the last ten years. If that's true I agree it is shockingly high, but without detail the veracity of the chart is rather questionable, wouldn't you agree?
Lastly, assuming the chart is correct as regards people being murdered, and briefly setting that aside, would you not agree that the actions of antifa deserve to be righteously condemned because of their actions (rioting, injuring fellow human beings if not murdering them, millions of dollars of property damage)?
Let me pronounce my utter contempt for any right wing group or person that has murdered or caused injury to a fellow human being, or promulgated destruction of private (or public) property. As the song says "that's no way to treat a lady."
Now, despite the chart with which you began this thread, do you equally pronounce utter contempt for the actions of antifa and other left wing persons and groups that believe they are justified in promoting violence to achieve their desired political goals?
I am not asking for you to find a moral equivalence of murder to mayhem. I’m asking you to state publicly that you condemn the violence perpetrated by the Left with the same vigor with which you condemn violence perpetrated by the Right.Whew, that's a lot to unpack!
No, I don't think destroying property is the moral equivalent of killing people.
I don't know the exact body count of anyone or any "side" but I'm confident that the american right has a disproportionately higher body count than the American left.
Unless you count killing nazis. God we leftists could kill some nazis back in the day. We're good at it, Dan. As a country, kicking the shit out of nazis is in our blood. I'm glad to see that hasn't changed!
OP is weak, inconsequential.
I trudge through though for the comedic relief.