You think maybe that is all part of the plan? Keep people so divided the politicians know they will not be held accountable.
What Democrats did to Trump during his presidency was not about the good of the country, law, order, national security or even right or wrong, it was 100% politics. The proof of that is Democrat reactions to the allegation that have been made about the Biden's, they could give a shit. Go back further to the hilariously ridiculous controversy over Obama's birth certificate. There was never a doubt Obama was a natural born citizen (his mother, even though she was an American hating Commie POS she was a US Citizen) but Republicans, Democrats, Obama, Trump and the MSM made political hay out of it. The American people were stupid enough to be manipulated by all parties involved. Obama could have immediately ended the controversy by simply producing his birth certificate while at the same pointing out his mother's citizenship, instead he allowed the division to build knowing it would help his politics. Same with Republicans and Trump. These are just two of many examples of how both parties spread the division for their own political gain.