I listened to Coach Smith talk as I worked this morning and here are a few notes that I picked up. Sorry for the bad notes, I don't do shorthand:
He was happy with having 50% in state kids. He was unsure if this was a good sign or not.
Most of our guys were 5 to 12 finisher; no superstars like Alex. Heil wasn't dominate. He won three matches by less than two points, not dominate just tough.
Boyd is at a tough weight with great spirit and works hard but needs to step it up technically. Kids in camps ask about Boyd because they admire his work ethic.
When asked if he had a lineup, he said not yet and didn't want to knock down those fighting for a spot. But he said Brock, Smith, Anthony, Boyd were good bets but the other six weights were open; Was it an oversight to not include Dean?
Said he didn't think Joe was ready to win the championship, needs to work on his techniques and habits. He got "way" bigger than he should have this summer but he didn't think that would effect Joe's season.
Asked about Austin; Austin always thinks he's doing good even when he's not. Smith has to show his patience with him. Whenever you can eat you're a lot happier. He weighs 238.
Smith did say that you don't want to not make weight with him. Kaid and Crutchmer are healthy. Kaid needs to learn to wrestle more safely when pressing is not needed. Kaid was lucky, he was two matches from losing his redshirt.
It was hard to coach Joe. It was him not Joe. He needs to not be too rough on him. He didn't coach him in the nationals because he was too nervous. That was bad for Joe because Joe needed him.
They said he was wrestling our softball coach, feels he can beat him. He hasn't competed since he turned 51 but still drills in the room. Still beats his 80 lb 13 yr old "still kicks his tail" and 50 lb 7 yr old "undefeated against him".