Climate change "science," chuckle


MegaPoke is insane
Sep 25, 2006
Real science doesn't need some elitist moron peddling cheap alarmism to scare the stupid into believing it. Sorry leftards, the climate has never been static in the history of the planet.

Al Gore compares climate change deniers to botched law enforcement response in Uvalde massacre


Interesting stat in that in the US ~90% of all wildland fires are started by human causes. So MMGW makes people be careless? As far as the extended and intense burning that is because the environmentalists long ago killed the lumber industry which rightfully treated wood as a renewable resource that came with cutting, regeneration and regrowth. Dead debris were burned off and the new roads that accompanied lumber harvesting always provided quick access to fires when needed. Couple that with a near neutering of correctly run control burns (not like the dumbasses in NM this year) and you have exactly what you have today....huge firs dangers from dead, dying trees and detritus on the forest floors. Any fire that starts is going to run wild.

This is just one example of why Al Gorp is a giganti dbag who has gotten amazingly wealthy off of people's gullibility and virtue signaling. Him comparing people not falling for this nonsense to police who didn't do what they should have even if it meant breaking a direct order, is laughable, stupid and typical. Oh am typing all this wearing my " I heart (with the heart sign) global warming" tee-shirt.
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