Christmas Lights a Thing of the Past?

People today are lazy. Lazy I tell you! Put some freakin' lights least throw some in the bushes or hedges. Be festive.
It is not that I am lazy, but I hate xmas lights now. All the work and such I had to do for my dad with his lights has ruined my feelings toward them. Packages of xmas decorations in the mail almost daily. Cleaning and repair. Removing them from the attic, the barn, the spare attic. September to February your dealing with these damn things...
I put lights on our house because I like it.

But, if my step kids are like all the others, I'd be surprised if they reach around and wipe their ass real good. Anything that takes any effort at all doesn't get done, I've asked them a few times if they need their bellies pushed so they can properly fart.

So, I assume that lazy ass syndrome is sweeping the nation as my generation gets older and the gen Y and pussy ass millenials start becoming home owners (how this will actually happen is beyond me).

Later on, there will be a decrease in mower sales as it will only go to those that own lawn mowing businesses, and anything that requires maintenance or effort will be thing of the past.

Unless they make houses with retractable Christmas lights that can be automated to appear once yearly with the ease of a smart phone, go out and enjoy some lights for the next 10-15 years because after that, it will only be little projectors sitting in front of houses shooting out dimly lit appearing decorations while the owners sit inside and ponder why their assholes itch.
I pay someone to put mine on. I have all orange lights. I used to climb the ladder and do it myself at my old house. Had it down to a science. Then I watched my neighbor do a Clark Griswold except he didn't catch the gutter. He wasn't injured too bad but it made me decide I didn't like the way he didn't bounce. Cheaper to pay the flat bellies to get up there these days.
I'll always decorate with lights, takes me back to childhood, love the old big C bulbs and still use them today. We always have a natural noble fir inside, this year a beautiful 11-footer that the kids helped me decorate.

Heck I love the small homes that just have one string of lights, it's the spirit and the joy it symbolizes to me.

Fortunately many homes in our neighborhood decorate as well.
I think the "old" c bulbs are the best lights ever. We're in Richardson and one of my mother in law's neighbors has them on an outdoor pine tree. I walked down to see how hot the bulbs were and they're obviously more modern than those from the 70s which heated up. Going to see if I can find any on sale after Christmas.

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