To better understand why @syskatine, @CSCOTTOSUPOKES and many “progressives” transformed into staunch neoconservatives (I mean neoliberals) — consider who provides their information diet.
To better understand why @syskatine, @CSCOTTOSUPOKES and many “progressives” transformed into staunch neoconservatives (I mean neoliberals) — consider who provides their information diet.
It’s far more than “welcoming their perspective.”
They’ve literally taken over your political party (see below) — and your mind.
Do you drink coffee out a CIA coffee mug, like progressive icon Ashton Kutcher?
Dude I don't know where to begin with you.
If my choice is between the intels or incels it's not even close.
I'll bet you a 1 year board exile he's not our next President.
You libs don’t find it thrash but interesting that you’ve gone from hating on the sources of wmd’s in Iraq to drooling over them and trusting whatever they say? Not even a little self awareness?
@syskatine ’s hero in 2002.
This was a $5 trillion dollar f*ckup our children and grandchildren get to pay back.
@syskatine ’s hero in 2002.
This was a $5 trillion dollar f*ckup our children and grandchildren get to pay back.
Guess those guilty pleas don't count. Good thing we have that third branch of government with unpaid, un-ambitious, un-vested American citizens to hear all the facts and decide what happened, huh?
What has Mueller done wrong in this? Looks like he's been by the book.
Gives the impression that he didn't care until Hillary lost.
Then again, all he's done is find a bunch of crimes that occurred by lobbyists during Obama's tenure in office.
Makes me ask why it took a special prosecutor after Obama's tenure to do any of these investigations.
Okay, so we want them prosecuted, right? You support justice for these people that did all this bad stuff during the Obama presidency?
Why do you think that is? For some reason Trump wants Mueller off the case, I thought we wanted to drain the swamp?
Well you've misrepresented and oversimplified to justify your narrative, as usual. The misrepresentation regarding yellowcake uranium was called out early by Valerie Plame's husband, Joseph Wilson. They discovered and published that the narrative was wrong. Plame worked for the CIA. The republican swamp outed her in retaliation, Scooter Libby was convicted of perjury in trying to cover it up, and Bush commuted his sentence. So I'm not sure exactly where the blame begins and ends with the CIA. A CIA operative published that the Bush administration's narrative was false in the NY Times Op Ed page. WTF else should they have done to blow a whistle?
I'm also unaware where I've endorsed the CIA or any other intelligence agency as being above reproach. I'm confident they have protected us, and I'm confident they were right when all 17 intel agencies were screaming in 2016 that the Russians were up to their hijinks. They did their job, did they not?
Let's talk you now. Were you for the Iraq war? Are you being hypocritical?
I use mine to drink ever increasing amounts of toxins daily to prepare my body for the CIA led Russian takeover of Oklahoma City. I brew up a wicked tea consisting of ricin, amitriptyline, C4H10FO2P, carbonyl dichloride, BenzoFury, saccharin, and green tea with a generous splash of sodium cyanide infused half and half.I have that exact same cup, except I usually drink Earl Grey instead of coffee out of mine.
I use mine to drink ever increasing amounts of toxins daily to prepare my body for the CIA led Russian takeover of Oklahoma City. I brew up a wicked tea consisting of ricin, amitriptyline, C4H10FO2P, carbonyl dichloride, BenzoFury, saccharin, and green tea with a generous splash of sodium cyanide infused half and half.
It's to keep it light bodied.Sounds decent...except for the green tea. That crap sucks.
Look this little classy lil' MAGA angel.
Compare and contrast her with Maxine Waters.
I do appreciate Maxine deeming herself as a tool of God.