Cersei Lannister +1600 to rule Westeros

I can't remember the exact quote, but GRRM said something once (regarding who would rule in the end) that led me to believe that everyone would be "okay" with the final outcome, but sad about who dies along the way.
Jamie kills Cersei. You watch.

I can't cite any specific reasons but I've always had the feeling that that's the logical conclusion to Jamie's storyline. The first thing we learned of him was he betrayed his King and killed him. Then we found out he had good reason. The circle becomes complete when he is forced to make the same choice this time regarding the one thing he truly loved Cersie. His kids are gone, the kingdom is falling but he can't let her destroyed the Kingdom as her final act. It would invalidate his entire life.
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The other parallel here is that Cersie is becoming the mad king. It possible that the plot twist is she ends up having Jamie killed as she totally loses it and starts destroying everyone and everything. One way or the other there a showdown between the two. Most of the fans probably want to Tyrion be the one to take down Cersie but most of the fans also wanted Ned to be King and we saw how that ended. GRRM doesn't really do happy endings.

This could really be the who gets to kill Cersie oddas. Jon Snow and Dany also both have motive to be the one and don't forget she's still at the top of Arya's list, I think that would be my favorite. I don't see Arya on the iron throne but I could be her returning as Ned and chopping Cersie's head off. She who passes the sentence should do the deed. Just like with Jamie that would seem to be a logical conclusion to the whole faceless man storyline.
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Why do you think Jaime would invalidate the Valonqar prophecy?

It wouldn't. Cersei was born first. Technically both Tyrion and Jaime could be considered to be her "younger" brother.

I agree that Jaime will end up killing her. He will probably choke her with is golden hand.
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I'm rooting for anyone other than Jon Snow, but hope it's the Night King. Also rooting for Joffrey to come back as a white walker and murder Sansa.
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