Can I say no to the guy at Walmart that asks to see my receipt?


Heisman Candidate
Dec 29, 2004
Every time I go to Walmart there is a guy standing at the door that let's 5 crackheads walk out and stops me to ask to see my receipt. I bring my own bag, I use the self checkout, I am professionally dressed. Why do I keep getting stopped? Is there some requirement by law for me to stop and prove I am not stealing anything? Can I just say "no" and keep on walking? I would love to see one of them lay their hands on me to try and stop me. My lawyer would have a field day with that lawsuit.
I have the same question about the drive through line. If I’m waiting and they ask me to pull forward, can I say no?
Every time I go to Walmart there is a guy standing at the door that let's 5 crackheads walk out and stops me to ask to see my receipt. I bring my own bag, I use the self checkout, I am professionally dressed. Why do I keep getting stopped? Is there some requirement by law for me to stop and prove I am not stealing anything? Can I just say "no" and keep on walking? I would love to see one of them lay their hands on me to try and stop me. My lawyer would have a field day with that lawsuit.
Most likely it because you bring in your own bag and they feel like the people in the self check out area are watching people take stuff out of the cart and putting it into plastic bags. With you having your own bag that you carried around the store they want to make sure you have not forgot something in there and didn't pay for it. When I buy bins for my wife I usually don't bag a lot of stuff and I always get stopped then. Even though half my stuff is bags except like milk and water jugs. ( I have to buy baby water for the youngin). Fun fact they also are alerted to if someone hits a certain money mark also and they are red flagged and most likely will have to present a receipt when leaving. That seems crazy to me also.
Every time I go to Walmart there is a guy standing at the door that let's 5 crackheads walk out and stops me to ask to see my receipt. I bring my own bag, I use the self checkout, I am professionally dressed. Why do I keep getting stopped? Is there some requirement by law for me to stop and prove I am not stealing anything? Can I just say "no" and keep on walking? I would love to see one of them lay their hands on me to try and stop me. My lawyer would have a field day with that lawsuit.
Stop shopping at fvcking Walmart! Doesn’t Bville have a Target? Stop being a pour!
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Most likely it because you bring in your own bag and they feel like the people in the self check out area are watching people take stuff out of the cart and putting it into plastic bags. With you having your own bag that you carried around the store they want to make sure you have not forgot something in there and didn't pay for it. When I buy bins for my wife I usually don't bag a lot of stuff and I always get stopped then. Even though half my stuff is bags except like milk and water jugs. ( I have to buy baby water for the youngin). Fun fact they also are alerted to if someone hits a certain money mark also and they are red flagged and most likely will have to present a receipt when leaving. That seems crazy to me also.
I agree with this...if you bring your own bag be prepared to have the body cavity search a 300 pound ugly sweating female employee.
I think as long as you're still in the store they can approach you, search you, and do all kinds of things.
Every time I go to Walmart there is a guy standing at the door that let's 5 crackheads walk out and stops me to ask to see my receipt. I bring my own bag, I use the self checkout, I am professionally dressed. Why do I keep getting stopped? Is there some requirement by law for me to stop and prove I am not stealing anything? Can I just say "no" and keep on walking? I would love to see one of them lay their hands on me to try and stop me. My lawyer would have a field day with that lawsuit.

Seems to me that you are just going to have to deal with the inconvenience. If you refuse, your quick trip to Walmart will turn into an extended ordeal, as they will have security look through your bag, or just call the local police to deal with you.
Stop shopping at fvcking Walmart! Doesn’t Bville have a Target? Stop being a pour!
No they do not have a Target or I would be shopping there. Bville has 4 grocery stores Walmart, homeland, Food Pyramid and Aldi's. Walmart has driven all the other grocery retailers out of town. I normally shop at Sprouts or Reasor's in Owasso, but if I need something quick for dinner I run be walmart on the way home.
So I have been doing a little research on this and have asked a lawyer friend. This is not legal advice, but this is what I have learned. First, Oklahoma does have "Shopkeepers Privilege" laws. Second, I am under NO obligation to stop and show them my receipt and allow them to do a search of my person or my property. The shopkeeper's privilege is that if they have "reasonable cause" to suspect that you have tried to leave the store with unpaid for merchandise, they may detain you in order to call the police to do an investigation. They may search you and your bags to try and recover their property. Now they HAVE to have "reasonable" cause. They have to have seen you try to conceal, they must have seen you not pay for it, and they must stop you outside the store. Now the guy at the door randomly selecting you to check your receipt does not constitute "reasonable" cause and they are not stopping you outside the store. They have no right to physically detain you without reasonable cause and if they do injury to you they can be held legally liable.

Admittedly, you may get detained illegally and the police may have to be called to inform them that they are illegally detaining you. You may be there WAY longer than it would have taken to just show them your receipt. But I am fed up with Walmart and at this point am enough of a stubborn asshole that I feel customers need to stop just putting up with bad treatment and bad service from people we pay money to.
The best way to handle this is to go somewhere else. Whatever stand you try to take is going to cost you more than it will them. Everyone involved is paid to be there except you.
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The best way to handle this is to go somewhere else. Whatever stand you try to take is going to cost you more than it will them. Everyone involved is paid to be there except you.
I wish it were that simple. Walmart is the ONLY place in town with self checkouts. I HATE standing line for 2 things at a grocery store. I don't want to get mugged or herpes so I do not go to the downtown Homeland. Food Pyramid absolutely sucks as a grocery store and their produce is terrible. I cannot read the language on most of the labels at Aldi's.

And also, I am paying them to stand there and hassle me every time I leave the store. I can pay them to leave me the f**k alone too.
Sounds to me like you are hoping for some kind of dramatic conclusion. The easy solution is to just stop bringing your own bag and use theirs.

I applaud your dedication to reducing demand for plastics, but it might not be worth the headache you are dealing with or the potential headache that might happen with a future confrontation.
I wish it were that simple. Walmart is the ONLY place in town with self checkouts. I HATE standing line for 2 things at a grocery store. I don't want to get mugged or herpes so I do not go to the downtown Homeland. Food Pyramid absolutely sucks as a grocery store and their produce is terrible. I cannot read the language on most of the labels at Aldi's.

And also, I am paying them to stand there and hassle me every time I leave the store. I can pay them to leave me the f**k alone too.

The price you pay for that convenience of using a self checkout is the inconvenience of having someone ask to see your receipt every once in a while. The amount of money they lost to theft through those self checkouts skyrocketed a few years ago when they got rid of the greeters and people checking receipts at the door. You wouldn't think a 95 year old man standing by the door and checking receipts would be a deterrent, but apparently it is.
The price you pay for that convenience of using a self checkout is the inconvenience of having someone ask to see your receipt every once in a while. The amount of money they lost to theft through those self checkouts skyrocketed a few years ago when they got rid of the greeters and people checking receipts at the door. You wouldn't think a 95 year old man standing by the door and checking receipts would be a deterrent, but apparently it is.
Man, I totally get the whole stop loss thing. I have worked in retail before. But I refuse to accept that the answer to stopping theft is to treat all your customers like thieves. And to a larger scale it seems like we as consumers have just accepted bad service and being treated like thieves as an acceptable thing. Walmart comes in to my town and drives off all of the locally owned shops that had excellent customer service and then says you have to put up with being treated like shit because we busted all your other options.
Can I have a hug...

Sounds to me like you are hoping for some kind of dramatic conclusion. The easy solution is to just stop bringing your own bag and use theirs.

I applaud your dedication to reducing demand for plastics, but it might not be worth the headache you are dealing with or the potential headache that might happen with a future confrontation.
I can see why it looks that way and to an extent I am. Like I said above I am just tired of having to put up with bad service and I don't think that the one paying for the product/service is the one obligated to change because they are being treated like shit by the company I am giving my money to. I turn 45 this year so I may be developing in to a grumpy old stubborn man.
When I worked at Wal-Mart (many many many years ago) and was on the 'Loss Prevention Team' we had strict rules we HAD to follow regarding shoplifting. We had to actually see a person hide an item and we had to be able to identify exactly what it was that had been concealed and where on the person said object was hidden. If we actually witnessed a theft in progress, we could not lose sight of customer at all (even 1 second) to make sure they didn't dump. If we had any doubt whatsoever, an apprehension will not be made. A person can only be stopped once they completely exited store and all criteria has been met (knowing what when where). For what it's worth, it's a pain in the arse to meet all the criteria and many employees won't even say anything to in-store security because they have to go on record and give written statement if an arrest is made.

Door greeters checking receipts is only a deterrent and way to say without actually saying "Hey! Pay attention when you check out!" and trust me, they HATE asking people for receipts more than people hate being asked.
I can see why it looks that way and to an extent I am. Like I said above I am just tired of having to put up with bad service and I don't think that the one paying for the product/service is the one obligated to change because they are being treated like shit by the company I am giving my money to. I turn 45 this year so I may be developing in to a grumpy old stubborn man.

Just curious. When they started making you take your shoes off and send them through a machine, prior to boarding a plane, did you feel like you were being treated like shit/a criminal?

I mean, you are not a terrorist, but unfortunately, some asshole terrorists caused a paradigm shift that inconveniences everyone else.

You are not a thief (as far as I know), but unfortunately, the combination of self checkout stations (meant to make things more convenient) and a trend away from use of plastic bags (better for the environment) has resulted in inconveniences for individuals who take advantage of both.

I say...suck it up, Buttercup. Either learn to live with the inconvenience, or change your new pattern (different store/check out at register/use their plastic bags). It is called "the way it is".
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Just curious. When they started making you take your shoes off and send them through a machine, prior to boarding a plane, did you feel like you were being treated like shit/a criminal?

I mean, you are not a terrorist, but unfortunately, some asshole terrorists caused a paradigm shift that inconveniences everyone else.

You are not a thief (as far as I know), but unfortunately, the combination of self checkout stations (meant to make things more convenient) and a trend away from use of plastic bags (better for the environment) has resulted in inconveniences for individuals who take advantage of both.

I say...suck it up, Buttercup. Either learn to live with the inconvenience, or change your new pattern (different store/check out at register/use their plastic bags). It is called "the way it is".
I am not going to go down the rabbit hole of apples and oranges comparisons with you. People like you who say just deal with it. It is "the way it is" are the reason we have participation trophies.
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I am not going to go down the rabbit hole of apples and oranges comparisons with you. People like you who say just deal with it. It is "the way it is" are the reason we have participation trophies.

OK, fine. Try it your way. Make a stink about something trivial. See if it results in you having to deal with a legal fight/lawsuit. Sounds like fun. Good luck!
Just curious. When they started making you take your shoes off and send them through a machine, prior to boarding a plane, did you feel like you were being treated like shit/a criminal?

I mean, you are not a terrorist, but unfortunately, some asshole terrorists caused a paradigm shift that inconveniences everyone else.

You are not a thief (as far as I know), but unfortunately, the combination of self checkout stations (meant to make things more convenient) and a trend away from use of plastic bags (better for the environment) has resulted in inconveniences for individuals who take advantage of both.

I say...suck it up, Buttercup. Either learn to live with the inconvenience, or change your new pattern (different store/check out at register/use their plastic bags). It is called "the way it is".

Added security at the airport wasn't about stopping terrorists, it's theater for all the morons so that they can pretend they are safe.
I bet they settle anything under 10K with no questions asked. Cheaper than litigation even if they win.

Just depends, but not their MO as they are very guarded against setting a precedent. Having witnessed a few Walmart as the defendant lawsuits first hand, they will drown people when a small payment could have made it go away.
I should add that none of my experience dealt with retail customers though.
The way for a customer to deal with bad service is to stop using that establishment. It’s their store, their rules. If you don’t like it, go somewhere else. While I can somewhat see your point on Walmart running off the small grocery stores, you are kind of sounding like an a-hole imho.
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Like I said above I am just tired of having to put up with bad service and I don't think that the one paying for the product/service is the one obligated to change because they are being treated like shit by the company I am giving my money to.
Next, you'll be complaining that the employees at McDonald's aren't pleasant when they hand your food to you in the car.
What would Rulz do?

Depends on if I got farted on in the electronics aisle.

If I have to sniff feculent air and suffer through some cashier wanting to talk about how every damn product I purchase helped him/her in a way that Jesus would be proud, then I would bolt out the door and take my chances with the local constables. If I got through a shopping experience without gagging at the various malodorous experiences that one can have whilst being a patron of the blue and grey behemoth store, then I might let old Mr. Jenkins fondle my receipt. With happiness.

All that being said...I stole a Gobot toy from Walmart in Claremore when I was like 10...didn’t get caught, and enjoyed an afternoon of playing Gobots in silly bliss.

When I think about all those times I have to wait to check out because there’s 32 cash registers manned by 2.5 employees, I grin and think, “yeah....but I got you pricks good THAT ONE TIME!”...

....which is usually followed by someone blowing silent ass and ruining my little rebellious trip down memory lane.

My advice on this matter is to save your olfactory bulbs and other nerves, carry a pistol and some handi-wipes, and shop somewhere else.

Actually, handi-wipes and a pistol sounds about right for Walmart...
I wish it were that simple. Walmart is the ONLY place in town with self checkouts. I HATE standing line for 2 things at a grocery store. I don't want to get mugged or herpes so I do not go to the downtown Homeland. Food Pyramid absolutely sucks as a grocery store and their produce is terrible. I cannot read the language on most of the labels at Aldi's.

And also, I am paying them to stand there and hassle me every time I leave the store. I can pay them to leave me the f**k alone too.
found it amusing that Trader Joes owns Aldi's...and the home of 2 buck chuck wine which is only at trader I think it's $3.
found it amusing that Trader Joes owns Aldi's...and the home of 2 buck chuck wine which is only at trader I think it's $3.

I'm guessing with the size of the companies, it's the other way around and Aldi owns Trader Joes
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