California wants to give illegals zero down, no payment home loans

Oct 31, 2022

This was actually done before, and it almost collapsed the world economy.

"My firm offers NINJA loans: No Income No Job."

Watch The Big Short. It's an amazing movie and they even forecast how this will happen again. Looks like Gavin is trying to get us back there.

When the world economy collapses, who is affected? Everyone that contributes to and depends on the world economy. Ie everyone here.

Who isn't affected? The governments that operate above the economy.

Tribalism is great, till we are all penniless and in the same 'tribe'.
I'm beginning to think this may be the dems last, desperate play: Throw open the cookie jar and offer illegals everything to stream in and vote. RFK joining Trump has them shook, as it should.

The more freebies they give illegals, the more Americans it will piss off enough to get off their front porch and push back. If everyone is pissed off and involved, they may be able to steal the election on November 5th, but they won't be able to hold it till Jan 20th.
Remember this when California goes broke and is begging for a federal bailout. The only thing they get is the middle finger.