California off duty cop

So, you watched a video, where an off duty cop did something questionable, and took his version of events as gospel truth?

It doesnt matter if it were the 1st time or 10,000 time, a kid walking over a lawn and being a jackass can be easily handled in a way that doesn't end up with shots being fired at, or carelessly around kids.
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"Anaheim police said a 13-year-old boy allegedly threatened to shoot the officer, who then attempted to detain the boy until police arrived, sparking a physical confrontation. But the boy's mother disputes that -- saying her son said he was going to sue, not shoot, the officer."

"Two teens were arrested -- one on charges of criminal threats and battery and another for assault and battery, police said"

Assuming the charges hold up, and with the pack of feral youths surrounding and even assaulting the off duty office, can't really see where he erred discharging his weapon. Also the video's I've seen only start when the cop is dragging the kid away, nothing beforehand (if there is one please link) which I'm going to guess is more telling then just what was seen.

That looked like a pack of "feral kids" to you? That looked like lunch at Owasso middle school.
Been, I understand your angle here...and will wait until the rest of the story comes out. right now no one except the kids and the cop know the real story. This appears to be a build up to other incidents, so guess we will find out as this rolls along. I do tend to give a police officer the benefit of a doubt though. As I have said many times before, they are in the only profession in the US that face a fatal threat fr4om every single person they come in contact with...30 or 13.

If the officer is lying and broke some departmental rule then he should suffer the appropriate consequences.

You know I quit teaching school though because of 12, 13 & 14 years old feral smart asses. Still say there is way more to this story than is being told right now.
If I was that cop, I would probably know that I effed up and it was all on video. I would probably be claiming that the kid threatened to shoot me also. Just like Joe Mixon claimed that Mollitor used the N word before he broke her face.

Speculation. But interesting that you endorse lying as a means to escape consequences. Why again are you climbing all over Trump for not being honest? After all, wouldnt you probably do the same thing?
yep Cowpoke...definitely feral youths! They all had cell phones why not call the police themselves? The video shows a couple of them assaulting the officer and actually forming an almost 360 degree circle on him, which should scare anyone.

And he didn't fire "shots" he fired one round. Maybe the cop is wrong, maybe not, maybe the kid was wrong maybe not. What I do know is that the kids didn't help the situation by pushing the cop around and assaulting him. So until I see a group of middle school students from Owasso doing that, easy distinction to make.
So, you watched a video, where an off duty cop did something questionable, and took his version of events as gospel truth?

I have no idea what happened. Just like I didn't watch obamas mom give birth to him and I have no idea where that happened. If his version is false then what I am saying doesn't apply. It's that simple.
It doesnt matter if it were the 1st time or 10,000 time, a kid walking over a lawn and being a jackass can be easily handled in a way that doesn't end up with shots being fired at, or carelessly around kids.

This would be what we call an ideal reaction. Of course if he sat with them and told them some baseball stories and had them play with his dog that would be great. They pushed him (if true) and pushed him and pushed him. Did he call the cops? I don't know yet but if the kids weren't assholes everyone's lives are hunky dory today.
Speculation. But interesting that you endorse lying as a means to escape consequences. Why again are you climbing all over Trump for not being honest? After all, wouldnt you probably do the same thing?

I don't endorse lying as a means to escape consequences. Poor choice of words by me. Obviously, I don't think Mixon is in the right for turning his situation into a racial one. I don't know for sure that this cop is lying either. Just pointing out that it would not be surprising if he is.

Police officers have been demoted or lost their jobs for being caught on video while abusing their power or acting inappropriately. Those types of repercussions can lead to an otherwise good person playing fast and loose with the truth.
This would be what we call an ideal reaction. Of course if he sat with them and told them some baseball stories and had them play with his dog that would be great. They pushed him (if true) and pushed him and pushed him. Did he call the cops? I don't know yet but if the kids weren't assholes everyone's lives are hunky dory today.

Or, maybe the kids were just being kids, and he was the asshole...
yep Cowpoke...definitely feral youths! They all had cell phones why not call the police themselves? The video shows a couple of them assaulting the officer and actually forming an almost 360 degree circle on him, which should scare anyone.

And he didn't fire "shots" he fired one round. Maybe the cop is wrong, maybe not, maybe the kid was wrong maybe not. What I do know is that the kids didn't help the situation by pushing the cop around and assaulting him. So until I see a group of middle school students from Owasso doing that, easy distinction to make.

I think they DID call the cops. I'll have to get my ear buds but I think there is a shot towards the end where you hear a couple of kids talking about calling the cops.
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It doesnt matter if it were the 1st time or 10,000 time, a kid walking over a lawn and being a jackass can be easily handled in a way that doesn't end up with shots being fired at, or carelessly around kids.

This would be what we call an ideal reaction. Of course if he sat with them and told them some baseball stories and had them play with his dog that would be great. They pushed him (if true) and pushed him and pushed him. Did he call the cops? I don't know yet but if the kids weren't assholes everyone's lives are hunky dory today.

And if he doesn't pull out a gun and shoot it we are all most likely hunky dorry as well.

Again, you want to hold 13 year olds responsible for walking on a lawn, but not a grown adult for pulling a gun on and shooting around kids.
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And if he doesn't pull out a gun and shoot it we are all most likely hunky dorry as well.

Again, you want to hold 13 year olds responsible for walking on a lawn, but not a grown adult for pulling a gun on and shooting around kids.

Just like in math it is the order of operations that makes all the difference in the world. That's where we split on this.
Cowpoke, let me know what you hear okay.

It's about mid way through the vid I posted.
Hard to make it but I think the girl says "they already called the cops" "he's grabbing a minor"

Also, the old white bearded dude looks absolutely petrified of these feral kids.
Cowpoke I'll listen again...didn't hear it the first run through, but will have to put buds on as well. Thanks.

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