California Looks TO Reduce Weekly Work Hours To 32

Does this include salaried workers?

What about people with sales jobs who need to hit their numbers?

What about 24 hour a day retail stores? They are gonna have to hire a whole lot of extra people.

Company profits are about to take a nosedive.

Instead of a law let companies do it on their own.
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And yet....
A Lawton City councilman once told me councilmen still thank Sacramento to that day for sending them the biggest Goodyear rubber plant in the world. I'm told Plano city council is still giddy about getting North American Toyota headquarters and Gov A'bott' still cherishes the arrival of Gay Bay founded Charles Schwab.
Something like 6 Fortune 500’s have moved to DFW in the last 6 years. With a pandemic lockdown for one of those years.

To say nothing of smaller companies or regional offices.
A Lawton City councilman once told me councilmen still thank Sacramento to that day for sending them the biggest Goodyear rubber plant in the world. I'm told Plano city council is still giddy about getting North American Toyota headquarters and Gov A'bott' still cherishes the arrival of Gay Bay founded Charles Schwab.
And even given that...
Drive biz out, real
Estate down, those people
Leave, Blackrock and Libbie turd global buddies et al buys up the place-Rinse and repeat .

Not a bad biz model