California and Its Collapsing Blue-State Democrat Model - Another Great Article by VDH


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jul 7, 2008

"In the current conundrum, we have forgotten completely the old themes of a blue-state Democrat Party. The 1996 Democratic National Convention manifesto that spearheaded Bill Clinton’s successful reelection emphasized secure borders, legal-only immigration, tough crime enforcement and punishment, balanced budgets, fiscal responsibility, and “personal accountability.” That agenda today in California would condemn any adherent as a racist, xenophobe, or MAGA fanatic."

Crazy how far some of these states have sunk.....a blueprint for NY, IL and NJ.
The hate it requires for people to continually support these disastrous policies as their world crumbles all around them is frightening and alarming. When it has crumbled beyond any hope of repair, that's when they take their hate to another level. Ask the white farmers of South Africa how that is going.
The French farmers of South Africa are mostly dead or have fled the continent. These white guys were resposible for the bread basket paradise South Africa once was.
If you haven’t ever read VDH‘s exhaustive World War II summary of all belligerents including America you are doing yourself a favor if you do. But then I am a history fanatic and like that sort of thing. It’s a real page turner
(It accurately points out that technology & communication development by war machines developed much more quickly after the 1919 to 25 years etc)