Caitlin Johnstone

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
Once again looks us right in the eye and tells us truths most of us don’t want to believe and try our best to ignore while we keep on voting even though deep inside we all know it’s a sham.

Once again looks us right in the eye and tells us truths most of us don’t want to believe and try our best to ignore while we keep on voting even though deep inside we all know it’s a sham.

Almost every conservative on this board was here over 4 years ago. We are looking her right in the eye and telling her the truth that she is late to the party, but it's good to have you anyway. She may not be as good as you think she is.
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Subject of Caitlin’s next post:

Hard to give her credit when she's four years late to that party.
She’s been saying the same thing in variation for as long as i’ve been reading her, about ten years. So go ahead and cowboy up and give her the credit she deserves that it is foolish to vote and tell yourself you’re doing your civic duty and it’s meaningful. Biden’s dementia is visible proof.
Almost every conservative on this board was here over 4 years ago. We are looking her right in the eye and telling her the truth that she is late to the party, but it's good to have you anyway. She may not be as good as you think she is.
Your sarcasm falls short when it is obvious that you either: a) didn’t read the article so you have no understanding of what you’re being sarcastic about, or b) you did read the article and its
point shot right over your head.
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90% of the country already knows the Deep State has been committing a silent coup.
40% LOVE the Authoritarian take-over of our institutions by the Deep State.
40% ABHOR the Authoritarian take-over by the Deep State
10% are trying to figure out what they can get out of it.
And the remaining 10% have dementia.
Your sarcasm falls short when it is obvious that you either: a) didn’t read the article so you have no understanding of what you’re being sarcastic about, or b) you did read the article and its
point shot right over your head.
No, I fully understand the article and what she was getting at. My statement was meant to reflect just that. We have known that Biden is addled in the brain and the implications of that long before it became a thought in her mind, and what that means to the US and the World.
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No, I fully understand the article and what she was getting at. My statement was meant to reflect just that. We have known that Biden is addled in the brain and the implications of that long before it became a thought in her mind, and what that means to the US and the World.
You miss the point entirely. The point is the workings of the American empire do not require anything of a president, *any* president. The empire uses the president as a facade to keep the gullible voting and thinking they have an impact. Biden’s mental incapacity shows without a doubt that the presidency is a sham, every presidency is a sham, even that of your beloved Donald Trump. When he was elected you felt immense gratification that you helped accomplish something, when in fact the empire rattled along unencumbered. Voting has become a waste of time, it means nothing. Her opinion is not about what a failure Joe Biden is, it’s about what a failure the presidency is in the workings of the government, and anyone who thinks voting for and electing Donald Trump - or anyone else for that matter - is going to change things, put the country back on the right path, is deluding himself, has been manipulated into thinking his vote matters..
You miss the point entirely. The point is the workings of the American empire do not require anything of a president, *any* president. The empire uses the president as a facade to keep the gullible voting and thinking they have an impact. Biden’s mental incapacity shows without a doubt that the presidency is a sham, every presidency is a sham, even that of your beloved Donald Trump. When he was elected you felt immense gratification that you helped accomplish something, when in fact the empire rattled along unencumbered. Voting has become a waste of time, it means nothing. Her opinion is not about what a failure Joe Biden is, it’s about what a failure the presidency is in the workings of the government, and anyone who thinks voting for and electing Donald Trump - or anyone else for that matter - is going to change things, put the country back on the right path, is deluding himself, has been manipulated into thinking his vote matters..
Where have you been if you think this is some kind of revelation.
You miss the point entirely. The point is the workings of the American empire do not require anything of a president, *any* president. The empire uses the president as a facade to keep the gullible voting and thinking they have an impact. Biden’s mental incapacity shows without a doubt that the presidency is a sham, every presidency is a sham, even that of your beloved Donald Trump. When he was elected you felt immense gratification that you helped accomplish something, when in fact the empire rattled along unencumbered. Voting has become a waste of time, it means nothing. Her opinion is not about what a failure Joe Biden is, it’s about what a failure the presidency is in the workings of the government, and anyone who thinks voting for and electing Donald Trump - or anyone else for that matter - is going to change things, put the country back on the right path, is deluding himself, has been manipulated into thinking his vote matters..
I've been mulling over how to convince you I that I stand by my statement, but in doing so I realized you will not be capable of believing it. So the only thing I can say is you need to go back and look at what the conservative movement is about to understand what and why I am saying what I'm saying.
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I've been mulling over how to convince you I that I stand by my statement, but in doing so I realized you will not be capable of believing it. So the only thing I can say is you need to go back and look at what the conservative movement is about to understand what and why I am saying what I'm saying.
You’re asking Ponca Dodge to make an honest assessment. Never gonna happen.
You miss the point entirely. The point is the workings of the American empire do not require anything of a president, *any* president. The empire uses the president as a facade to keep the gullible voting and thinking they have an impact. Biden’s mental incapacity shows without a doubt that the presidency is a sham, every presidency is a sham, even that of your beloved Donald Trump. When he was elected you felt immense gratification that you helped accomplish something, when in fact the empire rattled along unencumbered. Voting has become a waste of time, it means nothing. Her opinion is not about what a failure Joe Biden is, it’s about what a failure the presidency is in the workings of the government, and anyone who thinks voting for and electing Donald Trump - or anyone else for that matter - is going to change things, put the country back on the right path, is deluding himself, has been manipulated into thinking his vote matters..
This isn't completely true. While you are right that the president himself (or herself in the future) is mostly a figurehead role, the selection of the candidate aligns to the general policies and directions that the leadership of the various executive branches, who do matter in the running of the government, will lean. Replacing Biden means replacing Janet "transitory" Yellen, which is DESPERATELY needed for this country. Replacing Biden means replacing Buttplug. It likely means replacing Sotomayer with another conservative SCJ. And the presidency role isn't nothing. This is the individual who needs to be able to 'not shit his britches' while performing international ceremonial duties and representing the US on the world stage. So while the presidency itself is mostly ceremonial, the vote matters greatly.
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She’s been saying the same thing in variation for as long as i’ve been reading her, about ten years. So go ahead and cowboy up and give her the credit she deserves that it is foolish to vote and tell yourself you’re doing your civic duty and it’s meaningful. Biden’s dementia is visible proof.
Has she? Can you link to a single story from her from around the LAST election where she commented that Biden wasn't mentally fit for office?

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