1). I do not suffer from TDS. How many times do I have to tell you I think the man is an average president, good on some issues, not good on others. You hear what you want to hear and disregard the rest. If I say something negative about our president that’s all you hear, disregarding the times I mix it up with the leftists on this board. The only people who might think I have Trump Derangement Syndrome are people with the other TDS: Trump Deification Syndrome. Would that include you?
2). How smart do you think I think I am? How smart do you think you are? How smart do you think I think you are?
3). I’m definitely an old man, but I can generally handle myself. No, not arrogant, just very opinionated after decades of thinking about things, and not particularly willing to change my opinion when the “opponent” uses insult and ad hominem as his method of argument.