Bolton Gone

Not necessarily worried that bombs would rain down on the USA, but rather that USA bombs would rain down on some obscure part of the world that only Bolton and his war-mongering neocon friends would know or care about. If you’ve followed Bolton’s career at all you know there has never been a military conflict he didn’t think the USA should avoid. He’s a primary proponent of the USA involving itself in regime change wars. He has no problems sacrificing our young men to achieve his global vision.
Can you name these wars and conflicts?
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Can you name these wars and conflicts?
Do you mean the seven wars/conflicts we’re currently involved in, or other conflicts Bolton had designs on? Venezuela comes immediately to mind. He insisted the DoD present him an attack plan on North Korea, and was personally responsible for the screwup at the Hanoi summit. He argued vociferously for a military buildup in the South China Sea. Many rumors have surfaced that both he and Pompeo thought the USA could “win” a war with the Russia if we strike first. The man was a menace. He still is. I give Trump a standing ovation for finally giving him the boot. Better late than too late.
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I agree with Robert Higgs response: “This is great news! And now there’s no reason for John Bolton not to go straight to hell.”
Do you mean the seven wars/conflicts we’re currently involved in, or other conflicts Bolton had designs on? Venezuela comes immediately to mind. He insisted the DoD present him an attack plan on North Korea, and was personally responsible for the screwup at the Hanoi summit. He argued vociferously for a military buildup in the South China Sea. Many rumors have surfaced that both he and Pompeo thought the USA could “win” a war with the Russia if we strike first. The man was a menace. He still is. I give Trump a standing ovation for finally giving him the boot. Better late than too late.
Nearest I can figure is fighting terrorists. I'm sure the locals appreciate our military more than some do here.
Be honest. Is that what you’d be saying if Obama was using the same unconstitutional authority to decide when and where our country would engage in warfare without a formal declaration of war as the constitution intends?
@Ponca Dan

Be honest. Do you suffer from TDS?
Do you think you are smarter than you really are? Are you an arrogant, old man?
1). I do not suffer from TDS. How many times do I have to tell you I think the man is an average president, good on some issues, not good on others. You hear what you want to hear and disregard the rest. If I say something negative about our president that’s all you hear, disregarding the times I mix it up with the leftists on this board. The only people who might think I have Trump Derangement Syndrome are people with the other TDS: Trump Deification Syndrome. Would that include you?
2). How smart do you think I think I am? How smart do you think you are? How smart do you think I think you are?
3). I’m definitely an old man, but I can generally handle myself. No, not arrogant, just very opinionated after decades of thinking about things, and not particularly willing to change my opinion when the “opponent” uses insult and ad hominem as his method of argument.
1). I do not suffer from TDS. How many times do I have to tell you I think the man is an average president, good on some issues, not good on others. You hear what you want to hear and disregard the rest. If I say something negative about our president that’s all you hear, disregarding the times I mix it up with the leftists on this board. The only people who might think I have Trump Derangement Syndrome are people with the other TDS: Trump Deification Syndrome. Would that include you?
2). How smart do you think I think I am? How smart do you think you are? How smart do you think I think you are?
3). I’m definitely an old man, but I can generally handle myself. No, not arrogant, just very opinionated after decades of thinking about things, and not particularly willing to change my opinion when the “opponent” uses insult and ad hominem as his method of argument.
Whatever. I can’t believe anyone will have a conservation with you. You shout down other posters about not changing their views or opinions, but you are the exact same on the other side of the coin. You are always right, and other posters are incorrect.
Best of luck
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Whatever. I can’t believe anyone will have a conservation with you. You shout down other posters about not changing their views or opinions, but you are the exact same on the other side of the coin. You are always right, and other posters are incorrect.
Best of luck
For the record I have not raised my voice once in this thread. Nor have I complained that others refuse to change their views or opinions. I have stated my opinion, listened to replies and presented rebuttals as needed. That’s the purpose of an opinion board, isn’t it?
Be honest. Is that what you’d be saying if Obama was using the same unconstitutional authority to decide when and where our country would engage in warfare without a formal declaration of war as the constitution intends?
I'm sure he was, it's allowed under a 2002 Authorization for the Use of Military Force to fight al-Qaeda linked militants.
I'm sure he was, it's allowed under a 2002 Authorization for the Use of Military Force to fight al-Qaeda linked militants.
Just for the record how many of the 7 countries in which our troops are at war could you find on a map? You say it’s all about fighting terrorism, and the good folks in those countries are happy to have our troops there. Can you describe the supposed “mission” (beyond the cavalier “fighting terrorism”) for our involvement in any of those 7 wars?

Take Niger, for example. In what way is America being threatened by Niger? Our troops joined to protect America. What American interest is being protected in Niger? Why are you so willing to let some our troops be killed or maimed in Niger? Or any of the 6 other countries.

You know what, just forget it. This is supposed to be a thread about John Bolton, who was just fired by Donald Trump, an action I roundly applaud. I assume you do, too, since you’re a Trump supporter, eh? We should be drinking beers together in celebration, not arguing over a different topic. One or the other if us should start a new thread if we want to get into that (something I’m willing to do if you are). Maybe I’ll start a thread in a day ir two.
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Just for the record how many of the 7 countries in which our troops are at war could you find on a map? You say it’s all about fighting terrorism, and the good folks in those countries are happy to have our troops there. Can you describe the supposed “mission” (beyond the cavalier “fighting terrorism”) for our involvement in any of those 7 wars?

Take Niger, for example. In what way is America being threatened by Niger? Our troops joined to protect America. What American interest is being protected in Niger? Why are you so willing to let some our troops be killed or maimed in Niger? Or any of the 6 other countries.
Dan, do you know? Geez. I just stated what I read.
Dan, do you know? Geez. I just stated what I read.
No, I don’t know. That’s pretty sad, woukdn’t you agree, that our government has gotten involved in 7 wars in 7 foreign countries, almost none of us know where they are, or what the stated purpose is? Now, I bring this up in another day or two. It should make for a lively discussion!

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