
I don’t post for your enjoyment. :eek:

That ain't no lie.

Here, I can cut and paste too.

In 2016 Amash made headlines by joining the list of Republicans who opposed the GOP nominee for President, Donald Trump. After Trump was elected president, the Huffington Post profiled him in an article with the following title, "The One House Republican Who Can't Stop Criticizing Donald Trump."

On April 1, 2017, senior White House aide Dan Scavino tweeted that Amash was "a big liability" and urged followers to "defeat him in primary." Amash later referred to Trump as a "childish bully," saying that his attacks would be "constructive in the fifth grade. It may allow a child to get his way, but that's not how our government works."

In May 2017 Trump was accused of pressuring fired FBI director James Comey to end an investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn. Amash was reported as the first Republican congressman to publicly state that the allegations, if proven true, merited impeachment.

In June 2018 the Huffington Post asked House Republicans, "If the president pardoned himself, would they support impeachment?" Amash was the only Republican who said "definitively he would support impeachment..."

In July 2018 Amash strongly criticized Trump's press conference with Russian president Vladimir Putin. Amash tweeted, "The impression it left on me, a strong supporter of the meeting, is that 'something is not right here.' The president went out of his way to appear subordinate. He spoke more like the head of a vassal state."

When Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen testified before the House Oversight Committee on February 27, 2019, Amash asked him, "What is the truth President Trump is most afraid of people knowing?" Democrat Krystal Ball wrote, "Amash showed how someone actually can exercise oversight responsibility and try to get to the truth, even if the truth might not be in his party’s short-term best interest." CNN editor Chris Cillizza wrote, "The Michigan Republican did something on Wednesday that almost none of his GOP colleagues seemed willing to even try: Ask Cohen questions about his relationship with Trump that might actually shed some new light on not only their relationship but on the President of the United States."

In May 2019 Amash stated that Trump "has engaged in impeachable conduct" based on the obstruction of justice findings of the Mueller Report. Amash also said that it appears that Attorney General William Barr has "deliberately misrepresented" the report's findings.
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Poke bear, it's just an exercise in futility.
Trump won't be impeached.
If he is the Senate will squash it like a bug.
He'll be reelected, and his deuce term will be more successful than the first.
Kick back, enjoy the ride.
Please, we implore you. ;)
That ain't no lie.

Here, I can cut and paste too.

In 2016 Amash made headlines by joining the list of Republicans who opposed the GOP nominee for President, Donald Trump. After Trump was elected president, the Huffington Post profiled him in an article with the following title, "The One House Republican Who Can't Stop Criticizing Donald Trump."

On April 1, 2017, senior White House aide Dan Scavino tweeted that Amash was "a big liability" and urged followers to "defeat him in primary." Amash later referred to Trump as a "childish bully," saying that his attacks would be "constructive in the fifth grade. It may allow a child to get his way, but that's not how our government works."

In May 2017 Trump was accused of pressuring fired FBI director James Comey to end an investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn. Amash was reported as the first Republican congressman to publicly state that the allegations, if proven true, merited impeachment.

In June 2018 the Huffington Post asked House Republicans, "If the president pardoned himself, would they support impeachment?" Amash was the only Republican who said "definitively he would support impeachment..."

In July 2018 Amash strongly criticized Trump's press conference with Russian president Vladimir Putin. Amash tweeted, "The impression it left on me, a strong supporter of the meeting, is that 'something is not right here.' The president went out of his way to appear subordinate. He spoke more like the head of a vassal state."

When Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen testified before the House Oversight Committee on February 27, 2019, Amash asked him, "What is the truth President Trump is most afraid of people knowing?" Democrat Krystal Ball wrote, "Amash showed how someone actually can exercise oversight responsibility and try to get to the truth, even if the truth might not be in his party’s short-term best interest." CNN editor Chris Cillizza wrote, "The Michigan Republican did something on Wednesday that almost none of his GOP colleagues seemed willing to even try: Ask Cohen questions about his relationship with Trump that might actually shed some new light on not only their relationship but on the President of the United States."

In May 2019 Amash stated that Trump "has engaged in impeachable conduct" based on the obstruction of justice findings of the Mueller Report. Amash also said that it appears that Attorney General William Barr has "deliberately misrepresented" the report's findings.

Yup. How does that change what Amash has now said and what he has and does stand for?
Be sure to spend your entire Sunday trying to dig up more dirt on Trump, then post it at 9:00 pm just to have it shot full of holes again. lol.
This is from the most libertarian member of Congress and 3rd most conservative based on voting record. @Ponca Dan should see him as a kindred spirit.
Ponca Dan does indeed see him as a kindred spirit. It will take awhile to ruminate on what he has written, but no one should dismiss it out of hand.

I’ve been thinking about this for some time, this idea of bipartisanship. Or, to be more exact the absence of bipartisanship.

It seems politics has begun to mirror sports and sports fans to a high degree. For example, no Cowboy fan could ever want anything good to come to Sooner athletics. They are the enemy, and that’s the last word on that subject, no further discussion necessary.

Political partisanship is the same. Each side is convinced the other is the enemy, an evil force out to destroy civilization. There can be no consensus, no matter what one side advocates the other side objects without even thinking about it. This plays out on this board daily.

One side detests DJT with a loathing that is hard to comprehend. They believe the man is pure evil, and he is to be blocked and frustrated no matter what he attempts. He is not to be listened to. Fingers plug ears and mouths shout blah, blah, blah in an attempt to drown out any pronouncement he makes. People who voted for him or defend him are subhuman Neanderthals, racists, bigots, etc., and the only proper way to deal with them is to insult them.

The other side, the pro-DJT crowd, views him as a man on a white horse coming to save them from the evil hoard that hates America and wants to tear it to shreds. In their minds the man is infallible, a true genius that is always three steps ahead of their machinations, he quite simply cannot ever be wrong about anything. Anyone who questions anything he says or does is to be ridiculed and insulted and intimidated into silence.

But the fact is both sides are comprised of human beings, and as such they get some things right and some things wrong. DJT makes mistakes. His presidency is about average, some of his policies are above reproach, and some of his policies are pig-headidly wrong, even dangerous.

Both sides are so dug in they refuse to objectively observe an issue. Anyone who cheers what DJT does is considered an imbecile by leftists and Democrats. And anyone who objects to one of his policies is thought to be nothing more than a deranged never-Trumper by conservatives and Republicans.

I can’t see any good coming out of this rut the country is digging itself into. Until more people lessen their bitter partisanship and begin to look at each side more objectively and realize neither side has all the answers, and begin to jealously guard and protect their liberty which is being attacked by both sides, domestic tranquility will not be possible.

I now relinquish my soapbox to whoever wants it!
No one thinks Trump is infallible that is flat out ridiculous.

His imperfections and flaws are what make him genuine to a lot of supporters and we agree with him on a lot but not all his positions.

It's the outright dishonesty and corruption of his opponents that cause people to be so loyal. It's basically an attack on all conservative minded people and we are sick as shit of it.
If "something scary" lurks within its pages, why hasn't anyone said what it is specifically?

You tell me what it is. You've read it twice.
Justin Amash just did. Muellers report is a public document that explains exactly what you’ve asked. The President of the United State obstructed Justice so much that Muellers team couldn’t come to a conclusion on conspiracy. So much evidence was destroyed, witnesses tampered with and a president who wouldn’t sit down for an interview. Read the actual report, you might see the light, like congressman Amash. I doubt it, but anything is possible.
Justin Amash just did. Muellers report is a public document that explains exactly what you’ve asked. The President of the United State obstructed Justice so much that Muellers team couldn’t come to a conclusion on conspiracy. So much evidence was destroyed, witnesses tampered with and a president who wouldn’t sit down for an interview. Read the actual report, you might see the light, like congressman Amash. I doubt it, but anything is possible.

Have you ever been diagnosed with multiple personality disorder?
You know what else is fascinating? You, an obvious troll, posting random daily outrages and citing anecdotal biased sources lashing out in rage when the rest of us beautiful winners refuse to immediately buy into your drive by propaganda and join your circus.
You know what else is fascinating? You, an obvious troll, posting random daily outrages and citing anecdotal biased sources lashing out in rage when the rest of us beautiful winners refuse to immediately buy into your drive by propaganda and join your circus.
L-O-L Reality is a bitch. You’ll be ok. I guess.
This is from the most libertarian member of Congress and 3rd most conservative based on voting record.
How can you be the most libertarian in Congress when you have the 3rd most conservative voting record?
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Ponca Dan does indeed see him as a kindred spirit. It will take awhile to ruminate on what he has written, but no one should dismiss it out of hand.

I’ve been thinking about this for some time, this idea of bipartisanship. Or, to be more exact the absence of bipartisanship.

It seems politics has begun to mirror sports and sports fans to a high degree. For example, no Cowboy fan could ever want anything good to come to Sooner athletics. They are the enemy, and that’s the last word on that subject, no further discussion necessary.

Political partisanship is the same. Each side is convinced the other is the enemy, an evil force out to destroy civilization. There can be no consensus, no matter what one side advocates the other side objects without even thinking about it. This plays out on this board daily.

One side detests DJT with a loathing that is hard to comprehend. They believe the man is pure evil, and he is to be blocked and frustrated no matter what he attempts. He is not to be listened to. Fingers plug ears and mouths shout blah, blah, blah in an attempt to drown out any pronouncement he makes. People who voted for him or defend him are subhuman Neanderthals, racists, bigots, etc., and the only proper way to deal with them is to insult them.

The other side, the pro-DJT crowd, views him as a man on a white horse coming to save them from the evil hoard that hates America and wants to tear it to shreds. In their minds the man is infallible, a true genius that is always three steps ahead of their machinations, he quite simply cannot ever be wrong about anything. Anyone who questions anything he says or does is to be ridiculed and insulted and intimidated into silence.

But the fact is both sides are comprised of human beings, and as such they get some things right and some things wrong. DJT makes mistakes. His presidency is about average, some of his policies are above reproach, and some of his policies are pig-headidly wrong, even dangerous.

Both sides are so dug in they refuse to objectively observe an issue. Anyone who cheers what DJT does is considered an imbecile by leftists and Democrats. And anyone who objects to one of his policies is thought to be nothing more than a deranged never-Trumper by conservatives and Republicans.

I can’t see any good coming out of this rut the country is digging itself into. Until more people lessen their bitter partisanship and begin to look at each side more objectively and realize neither side has all the answers, and begin to jealously guard and protect their liberty which is being attacked by both sides, domestic tranquility will not be possible.

I now relinquish my soapbox to whoever wants it!
Will you run for prez

Also typical that the best/most level headed post in this thread has gone without reply.
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