Bill Maher calls it like it is

More Guns, Less Crime by John Lott is good reading. Mr. Lott used to be a gun banning sniveling liberal. Something caught Mr. Lott's attention and he went on to do meticulous gun homicide research on every single U. S. county.

Gun homicides are rare in Boise, Idaho. Boise is not run by plantation crackers.
I tell friends that visit Oklahoma, don't start any shit with anyone and consider that everyone you encounter is packing.
We really do that here. Not urban legend.
We are a polite society.
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You will be surprised, in my experience Europeans are more into details than Americans are, Indians are very well read and are aware of the world around them.
Educated Pakistanis are but then it is a very small percentage of the total population which is illeterate.
I agree with you because of a very comfortable life style americans just don't
give a damn until it affects them personally.
I have read a quarter of the Mueller report it is very interesting.

Oh man so much wrong with this!
Europeans, in general think they are more sophisticated and educated than Americans almost across the board. To say they are more well read is laughable, especially given the number of illiterate immigrants that now reside in their like minded enclaves. If they were more well read they would know that all the propaganda they read about crazed Americans running around shooting everyone is BS (just one example), but no they bury their heads in the official political lines and propaganda without bothering to ascertain what is fact and wild fiction.

I've dealt with numerous Indians and Pakistanis' in the ME and almost everyone in management is a pathological liar. As they do their unique head bob they lie straight to your face, for a better deal, to look smarter than they are etc. It is like lying is an Olympic sport in those countries. The general field workers are very nice and humble, but the management groups are almost wholly used car salesmen.

There are plenty of Americans that are well read and care about the world around them, even when it doesn't effect them. The US povided over $950 million in aid to Indonesia/Indian Ocean after the Tsunami in 2004 (Pakistan $0 USD & India $183 MM). The US routinely send aid to countries that have suffered natural disaster. When a country has been invaded by a tyrant, they don't call Ghostbusters, they don't call the French, they don't call the Germans....they, along with the useless UN (after WWII) call the US. The same US who subsequently sacrifices blood and treasure to liberate countries.

I could care less about the Mueller report. If there was anything truly incriminating about Trump it would have already been plastered all over the news. Since even some of the most staunchest liberals are saying "move on," it tells me its a giant nothing burger.

Right now I'm reading "Into Oblivion- Kharkov to Stalingrad; The Story of Pionier-Battalion 305," by Jason D Mark. Next up is "The Case Against Sugar" by Gary Taubes and third in line is "The Northmen's Fury - A History of the Viking World," by Philip Parker.

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