Bill and his brothers

When I worked at the Trademark Office, one of the friends I made was a guy by the name of Jim Walsh. His brother was executive editor at Rolling Stone Magazine back in the early 70's, when Hunter S Thompson was king and when Bill Murray and Bryan Doyle Murray were also contributing writers. (Jim's brother is John Walsh, who has been executive editor at ESPN since the early 90's and both brothers are easily recognizable as they are both albino.) Some of you may remember that it was Bill Murray who was cast to play Hunter in the early 80's movie based on him, titled "Where the Buffalo Roam" - that was no coincidence, Bill was actually Thompson's choice as they had known each other for years.

Jim would tell me stories about Bill and Bryan Doyle that just seemed downright unbelievable, but I knew he knew them well as I had seen the pics of him, Bill and his brother at Bryan Doyle's wedding, where James was best man. Also, we both attended a Trademark Conference in San Francisco and went to a restaurant together near where Rolling Stone was located and the maitre d, who was ancient, asked Jim about how his brother was and informed him and that their old buddies the Murray brothers had been in about a month before. After reading these sorts of stories has firmly cemented in my mind that Jim's stories were almost certainly both accurate and true.

Bill and Bryan Doyle have been doing stuff like this for years and constantly pranking their friends.