Big Brother

Watch Clay's dumbass win pov and take Shelley off the block.
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Lol I can't wait till Wednesday for you. I have an addiction to this show and follow everything almost up to the minute. I pretty much have feeds on in the back ground all evening after work. I kinda disappear from life during big brother. I won't spoil it though.
First summer watching and it seems to me there are two ways to watch the show.

1. Watch the episodes as they air and steer clear of live-feeds, twitter, etc. The show actually carries some element of suspense, but you miss out on a lot of the behind the scenes stuff.

2. Go all in and at the very least follow the twitter feeds like BBLeak and BB Updates. Everything but the live show on Thursday is spoiled but you are getting daily recaps of what's happening in the house and what people are saying without much of a network filter. Obviously watching the feeds yourself is really taking it to the next level and like Vito said, probably immobilizes you in front of a screen for three months.

I started with number one but have started reading all the twitter feeds and spoilers. I think the tradeoff of getting a lot more info on the housemates at the expense of a little drama on Sunday and Wednesday is well worth it. Plus the fantastic bits like this...

Am I the only one that thinks Meg is the hottest click in the house?

It freaks me out how she walks on her toes but IMO she is a pretty girl and has a really great attitude in life. Now she does seem like maybe she could get a tad annoying being so out going.

I hate Austin more then anyone one on this show this season but him going home would be boring and I couldn't watch some weirdo who told everyone he is in love and Liz has healed a hole in his heart either. That guy at one time no lie thought that Liz, Julia, Jason (yes even the gay guy), and Jackie all wanted him and he was the sexiest guy in the house. For claiming to be such a huge big brother fan he sure is a bad player.
Also yes OSUfiji it consumes your life. My wife has told me that I have to have my head phones in and by about 4 weeks she is over me lol but like you said you really get a sense of who these people are and your not just getting the edit CBS is giving.

Fun Fact they opened the other HOH room for Audrey when they put them on HOH lock down on Thursday the week she went home. They have never done this for a contestant. I am not a big fan of CBS and I hate it they have control of the feeds now. Used to be live all the time with only the fish coming on when some was singing or talking about someone who didn't sign a waiver. Now they have it on a few minute delay so they can control what it put out there and they filter the heck out of them.

Also what happened to BBAD? That show went down hill after it left Showtime. I tried to watch it the other night and it was more commercials then feeds.

In that order
Shelli turned me off the other day when she was in a big group talk and whipped out the ole feet grinder thing and just went at filing away all her dead skin. Feet gross me out so bad I don't even like to touch my own feet.
So I took the evening off and went fishing yesterday didn't look at feeds or updates. So today I look at the update website and the house is so crazy. I swear they change their minds every day and alliances form for nothing. Vanessa is a lunatic and micro manager this is one reason she won't make it to the end. I can't even keep up with what ones are real and which ones are fake. Thursday's HOH winner will be very interesting because I have no clue which way the house flips. Anyways if you are a feed watcher might keep an eye on the updates as Vanessa plans to out Becky for being a rat today.
Looks like you just gotta get Meg a little bit drunk and it is game on.

I swear people play this game with their genitalia instead of their brains.
So Shelli is gone. Good episode though.

Depends on the time of day. This will be an interesting vote today. Half the group of Austin, Liz, Julia, Vanessa, Steve want to keep Shelli knowning she will work with them for sure. The others want to keep Clay. IMO the group would be smart to keep Shelli because she would go after James, Meg, and Jackie. I huge part of me hopes Shelli goes though so she can see what her boy Clay and Meg have done. Pretty sure they have even made out.

Also CBS edit suck thank god for the feeds. Hey Shelli bottle those tears wacko because YOU AND CLAY SAVED AUSTIN and sent Jason home.
If they let Shelli back in they are stupid. She'll win out of that group. I think the only ones that can beat her are James and Jackie...although the dentist might surprise. Austin, the twins, Steve....not a chance.
They are keeping Shelly and IMO it is one of the dumbest moves ever. Clay has basically given up why not keep the dumb male cheerleading lover
Also to some on you who like the updates and have the Iphone there is a big brother app and it has the updates from and all twitter post from past houseguest and important other people. On the front page they have the HOH and the nominations as well as veto holder. I use it when the wife forces me out of the house and I really like it.
Oh I just love it when I get my wish. This might be the best week for nominations the whole season. I have watched this match up on the block all season. Just hope Becky don't change her mind before veto is used
oh man blind side on the veto renom then blind side on who will be voted out. These goblins (James, Meg and Jackie) are crazy for who they are gonna keep in the house. Also my move this week for the DE would be to get the twins out. Get them both out this week if you can and you would minimize the damage done. You pretty much would only have Austin as an enemy.

I would always try to dump a better player from my alliance during DE week. This way they can't ruin your game on the way out the door. Most times it is so crazy and they are so shocked they don't even spill one bean.
oh man blind side on the veto renom then blind side on who will be voted out. These goblins (James, Meg and Jackie) are crazy for who they are gonna keep in the house. Also my move this week for the DE would be to get the twins out. Get them both out this week if you can and you would minimize the damage done. You pretty much would only have Austin as an enemy.

I would always try to dump a better player from my alliance during DE week. This way they can't ruin your game on the way out the door. Most times it is so crazy and they are so shocked they don't even spill one bean.

What? After all that they are keeping Vanessa?
I am so mad I mean pissed. I woul have rather James went home or Becky. Hopefully she can get back in and a miracle happens
No one has been targeting you Steve...because you haven't been playing the game.
Seems like Vanessa could be a target this week. Them not getting the twins out is about to bite everyone in the ass.
The twins would take out Vanessa? Wow, that would be a huge play.
Man they realized they need to keep Vanessa as a buffer. Johnny Mac is in trouble. This season is on the verge of getting very boring. Hope the other side wins next week and one of the twins or both go up that would spice it back up.
Well I gave up watching the live feeds just to dang boring now. I traded them out for a show called Turn #winning.

Here is to a J-Mac HOH next week and Jackie coming back in hopefully.
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This is hands down the worst cast ever IMO. No game play at all. I find myself missing episodes.. which I've never done before. I no longer read jokers or watch feeds this season.

I can't stand a single player in this game except for James and Johnny M.
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More of the same. James has to win HOH next week so they can get rid of Vanessa.
Austin winning HOH and listening to those spoiled twins has killed the show for me. They might be a 8 but damn their voices are so annoying. I didn't even watch the show last night I did stuff around the house while the wife watched and just walked in the living room every now and again. How Austin and the Twins aren't a target I don't know. Bunch of armatures playing....