Biden's inner circle


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
The people who are urging him to stay in the race are all former Obama or Bill/Hillary advisers/confidants.

Julie Chavez Rodriguez,
* senior advisor to Biden
* Deputy Director pf White House OPE under Obama
* Traveling COS for Kamala Harris in 2020 Election
* Granddaughter of Cesar Chavez

Jen O'Malley Dillion
* manager of Biden's re-election campaign
* manager of Beto O'Roarke's presidential campaign
* Deputy campaign manager for Obama in 2012

Neera Tanden
* senior advisor to Biden
* White house staff secretary
* considered one of Hillary Clinton's most trusted advisors
* deputy campaign manager and policy director for Hillary
* This chick is a piece of work

Mike Donilon
* Senior adviserv to President Joe Biden
* Longtime strategist for Joe Biden
* Chief strategist for Joe Biden 2020 Election campaign
* Counselor to Vice President Biden in the Obama administration
* Campaign adviser for Bill Clinton in1992

Annie Tomasini
* White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Joe Biden (since 1981)
* Deputy Press Secretary for VP Joe Biden

They are the ones who are saying "polls be damned, we're staying in.' Reasons? THEY WANT TO STAY IN POWER

None of these people are elected into power. They are all appointed.

So while you hear names like Nancy Polosi, Hakeem Jeffries, and Chuck Schumer, it is really these are the people controlling Biden.
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"They are the ones who are saying "polls be damned, we're staying in.' Reasons? THEY WANT TO STAY IN POWER"

and stay out of jail...
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Super I applaud you brother as I almost went the History teacher route too, who controls these five ?

Also do you believe this will be ‘68 Chicago II if Brandon retires from office on his terms throwing Kam under the bus ?
I think shit britches inner circle is no longer relevant. In fact, I think they've already reserved a bed for the cobweb. It may hurt but you just have to realize when it's time to put your dog down.
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Super I applaud you brother as I almost went the History teacher route too, who controls these five ?

Also do you believe this will be ‘68 Chicago II if Brandon retires from office on his terms throwing Kam under the bus ?
Thanks, I appreciate the thoughts.

Who controls those five? Great question! It’s really kind of an oligarchy. In my opinion, a small group controls things. But you have three key parts: 1) big time donors, like George Clooney, 2) the leadership of the party in power, politicians like Pelosi, Schumer, and Hakeem Jennings, and then 3) the executive branch/president and his advisers. I think we’re seeing these three groups fighting in the Democratic Party right now. This will be a great case study for executive power of the government for a government class.

‘68 was a volatile time. Many consider it to be perhaps the most turbulent year in our nation’s history, along with 1932/33 (when the Depression hit Main Street) along with 1919 and 1860/61. In ‘68 you had: the Tet Offensive in Vietnam (the turning point in the war), the assassination of both MLK and RFK, the My Lai Massacre, LBJ dropping out of the election race (hmmmm, a little foreshadowing???), and the riots at the Democratic Party convention in Chicago (hmmmm, a little foreshadowing again???).

But i don’t see that happening again. In fact, if there were those kinds of protests, i think we would have seen them at the Republican convention, not the Democratic convention. Why? Because the young people, activists types are protesting against Trump not Biden and the Democrats. The protesters WANT the Democrats to win. In ‘68 they were protesting against the government with no regard to party. So, no, I don’t think we’ll see any large scale protests in Chicago, even though Republicans and FoxNews (and me) would love to see it. 😁

All that being said, if there is a fight over who the Democrats choose, and Sleepy Joe puts up a fight, it could get real interesting inside the convention hall in Chicago.

And, yes, teaching this really cool when we run across some part of history that is repeating itself.
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Heard Zuckercuck say the other day

“Seeing Donald Trump get up after getting shot in the face and pump his fist in the air with the American flag is one of the most badass things I’ve ever seen in my life,” the Meta Platforms Inc. chief executive officer said Thursday during an interview at the company’s headquarters in Menlo Park, California. “On some level as an American, it’s like hard to not get kind of emotional about that spirit and that fight, and I think that that’s why a lot of people like the guy.”

Anyone ever say something like that about Kiddie Sniffer Joe? Nope.
Super care to revise your lessons/opinion after today’s revelation ? There will be lots of protest groups and possibly blood in the mean streets of PA, NY and IL perhaps
Super care to revise your lessons/opinion after today’s revelation ? There will be lots of protest groups and possibly blood in the mean streets of PA, NY and IL perhaps
We can only hope! 🤣🤣🤣

That’s an average day in Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia!
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You need to demand a hand written 500 word essay from the Seniors on the subject due before the end of October. Double the number if you allow computers