Biden Supporters - What do you want his next 4 years to look like/accomplish?

What would you want a Biden Administration to accomplish in a second 4 years?
Repeal of 1A and 2A, but only for half the country. Conviction of Trump on a death penalty offense. Concentration camps for the red hat crowd. Forced indoctrination of grammar school kids into various communities of perversion. Legalized abortion up to a year after birth.
Sounds like Sunday school at the rectory.

carry on
Its interesting that you replied to the thread, yet couldn't provide any context for what you want your president to accomplish. Why is that? This same question was asked to those voting for Trump and a number of us provided answers about our expectations.

If Biden is elected, what do you want (or expect) from him for his next four years? That seems like an easy question to anyone who's made up their mind that their going to vote for the guy.
I suppose they are like the rest of us and would not expect much if anything from the demented fool. Almost 4 yrs of failure will do that.
Just 4 more yrs in his 50 year career in politics and not a damn thing done but enrich himself and his family.
The CuLt was told Orange Man Bad and they won't deviate from that no matter what. I have heard many liberals say in the last 4 yrs that high inflation, high gas prices, high groceries etc does not concern them and they don't care about that, they just want Trump gone.
Joy Behar said the other day she was in Costco and leaked a little when her watch alerted her that Trump was found guilty, she didn't say whether or not it was piss or the runs. These are the types of people that have no answers to the question because they don't care what Biden does or doesn't do, gotta get the Bad Orange Man.
What would you want a Biden Administration to accomplish in a second 4 years?
There is much that I would like to see the Biden administration accomplish during its second term. However, as it relates to the political process, I am a pragmatist. I understand the administration isn't going to accomplish a whole laundry list of policy initiatives. Not to mention that at some point during his second term, President Biden will become a lame-duck President, just as all Presidents do post-XXII Amendment. Also, a lot will depend on which party controls both houses of Congress.

With that said, here are some of the domestic policy accomplishments I would like to see the Biden administration focus on:

(1) Policies that help continue and strengthen the economic growth we have already seen under President Biden. As part of this, I'd like to see some targeted tax cuts for Americans in need and tax increases on the most wealthy. Biden was able to get his 15% minimal tax on companies with an income exceeding 1 billion. I think Biden should now try to move on to his so-called "billionaire minimal income tax." Also, reenact the expanded child tax credit.

(2) Another go at immigration reform.

(3) Two years of tuition free community college for all Americans

(4) Universal preschool

(5) More initiatives to encourage energy independence/renewable energy/clean energy.

(6) Reform of the gun laws, especially a reenactment of the assault weapons ban

(7) Continued support for the rule of law, our democratic republic form of government, and the Constitution

(8) Continued judicial appointments

In terms of foreign policy, continued strong firm support of NATO and our other foreign alliances. Continued strong firm support of Ukraine and opposition to Russian aggression around the globe. And I would like to see Biden fully commit to, support, and actually move towards a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine. Part of this entails holding Israel accountable for its actions and yes, getting tougher with Netanyahu.
I would add that I want to see a "Medicare for All" type system put into place in this country that would provide universal healthcare for all Americans. This remains a top policy priority for me.

However, I understand that President Biden isn't in full agreement with me and a majority of Americans regarding this. I think this should be the main policy focus of any Democratic administration at this time, but I realize this isn't going to happen under President Biden.

Therefore, I provided policy initiatives above that I know President Biden supports which I would like to see his administration focus on during the second term.
There is much that I would like to see the Biden administration accomplish during its second term. However, as it relates to the political process, I am a pragmatist. I understand the administration isn't going to accomplish a whole laundry list of policy initiatives. Not to mention that at some point during his second term, President Biden will become a lame-duck President, just as all Presidents do post-XXII Amendment. Also, a lot will depend on which party controls both houses of Congress.

With that said, here are some of the domestic policy accomplishments I would like to see the Biden administration focus on:

(1) Policies that help continue and strengthen the economic growth we have already seen under President Biden. As part of this, I'd like to see some targeted tax cuts for Americans in need and tax increases on the most wealthy. Biden was able to get his 15% minimal tax on companies with an income exceeding 1 billion. I think Biden should now try to move on to his so-called "billionaire minimal income tax." Also, reenact the expanded child tax credit.

(2) Another go at immigration reform.

(3) Two years of tuition free community college for all Americans

(4) Universal preschool

(5) More initiatives to encourage energy independence/renewable energy/clean energy.

(6) Reform of the gun laws, especially a reenactment of the assault weapons ban

(7) Continued support for the rule of law, our democratic republic form of government, and the Constitution

(8) Continued judicial appointments

In terms of foreign policy, continued strong firm support of NATO and our other foreign alliances. Continued strong firm support of Ukraine and opposition to Russian aggression around the globe. And I would like to see Biden fully commit to, support, and actually move towards a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine. Part of this entails holding Israel accountable for its actions and yes, getting tougher with Netanyahu.
2cents, thanks for playing along. It's rare someone on the Left (or Right) actually shares what they want, rather than essentially ranting about "those people". I'm slammed today so don't have time to respond with substance.

Seems most of what you lay out are areas Biden has made some progress on. How so far would you rate Biden's Administration currently on your wish list, perhaps in percentage completion?
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Seems most of what you lay out are areas Biden has made some progress on. How so far would you rate Biden's Administration currently on your wish list, perhaps in percentage completion?
Yes, President Biden has made progress on some of what I mentioned. But there is still more progress that is needed, much more on some of what I mentioned.

As for your percentage question, that is hard for me to do because I am a progressive Democrat and for me, there is always more policy initiatives that I think President Biden should pursue and complete. But, I know that President Biden isn't as progressive as I am and therefore, I must judge him as the liberal leaning moderate that he is.

Instead of giving a percentage completion, I would say that so far, I give President Biden a B grade as President. He has accomplished a lot and I think he has been an above average President so far in terms of accomplishments. President Biden's (or his administration) political weaknesses though, IMO, are communication and his age. I also think President Biden should be more bold with the policy initiatives he pursues, but again, that is probably the progressive in me talking.
I would add that I want to see a "Medicare for All" type system put into place in this country that would provide universal healthcare for all Americans. This remains a top policy priority for me.

However, I understand that President Biden isn't in full agreement with me and a majority of Americans regarding this. I think this should be the main policy focus of any Democratic administration at this time, but I realize this isn't going to happen under President Biden.

Therefore, I provided policy initiatives above that I know President Biden supports which I would like to see his administration focus on during the second term.
Let's see so far you want free childcare, free college and free healthcare to go along with free food, free housing, free transportation and all with open borders that allows uneducated, unskilled people from lawless societies around the world. What could possibly go wrong?
Let's see so far you want free childcare, free college and free healthcare to go along with free food, free housing, free transportation and all with open borders that allows uneducated, unskilled people from lawless societies around the world. What could possibly go wrong?
I do not support "open borders."

But yes, I do support all Americans having equal access to education. I believe education is vital to the domestic health of any country, not to mention how important it is for the individual. I also strongly support all Americans having access to healthcare, because I believe healthcare is an individual right, not a privilege for just a few. Same goes for universal preschool, which will also strengthen the potential of Americans and our country.

I believe in the common good.
I do not support "open borders."

But yes, I do support all Americans having equal access to education. I believe education is vital to the domestic health of any country, not to mention how important it is for the individual. I also strongly support all Americans having access to healthcare, because I believe healthcare is an individual right, not a privilege for just a few. Same goes for universal preschool, which will also strengthen the potential of Americans and our country.

I believe in the common good.
Not that i disagree with equal access but I do disagree with providing free anything. When human beings are provided things without effort those things are not appreciated or respected.
The solution is a major reduction in the cost of higher education, not free. It's absolutely ridiculous for kids to spend 100K and in many cases far more than that for a college education. Many of us were broke dick kids working jobs to pay for our own living expenses and tuition to get our educations, that is damn near impossible today.
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Not that i disagree with equal access but I do disagree with providing free anything.
You are against providing "free" K-12 education? You are against providing "free" roads? You are against providing "free" books at public libraries?


When human beings are provided things without effort those things are not appreciated or respected.
Not true at all. You are provided things without effort that you appreciate and respect. Think about it.

The solution is a major reduction in the cost of higher education, not free. I
The solution is to provide for the common good and allow all Americans to have access to higher education just as we do with K-12 education. The solution is to stop treating education as a commodity and treat it as a right that all Americans are entitled to.

Many of us were broke dick kids working jobs to pay for our own living expenses and tuition to get our educations
Which shouldn't have been the case nor should it ever be the case.

Not sure what they want it to look like, but this is what it will look like to anyone who isn't a sycophant.
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You are against providing "free" K-12 education? You are against providing "free" roads? You are against providing "free" books at public libraries?

Was speaking of higher education but thanks for proving my point. Public Education is a laughing stock in big city blue states. Chicago, DC, New York, California have so much respect and appreciation the kids fail to meet the already ridiculously low standards.
Not true at all. You are provided things without effort that you appreciate and respect. Think about it.

The solution is to provide for the common good and allow all Americans to have access to higher education just as we do with K-12 education. The solution is to stop treating education as a commodity and treat it as a right that all Americans are entitled to.

Which shouldn't have been the case nor should it ever be the case.
LMAO, I pay for everything I enjoy in the form of taxes. I've been paying taxes since I was 14 years old and over the years have paid in a ridiculous amount of money that government has wasted.

I disagree. Those that do not have skin in the game will never have the respect or appreciation of those that do. You want something in this world, get off your ass and go work for it.
You are against providing "free" K-12 education? You are against providing "free" roads? You are against providing "free" books at public libraries?


Not true at all. You are provided things without effort that you appreciate and respect. Think about it.

The solution is to provide for the common good and allow all Americans to have access to higher education just as we do with K-12 education. The solution is to stop treating education as a commodity and treat it as a right that all Americans are entitled to.

Which shouldn't have been the case nor should it ever be the case

Read this again.

This is where we are as a country.
I'll reply inline since such a detailed plan.

With that said, here are some of the domestic policy accomplishments I would like to see the Biden administration focus on:

(1) Policies that help continue and strengthen the economic growth we have already seen under President Biden. As part of this, I'd like to see some targeted tax cuts for Americans in need and tax increases on the most wealthy. Biden was able to get his 15% minimal tax on companies with an income exceeding 1 billion. I think Biden should now try to move on to his so-called "billionaire minimal income tax." Also, reenact the expanded child tax credit.

We disagree on taxation as viable strategy. As I've seen in others' replies, there is no "free lunch". Government taxing (anyone, any business) acts as a drag chute on the economy. I'm a firm believer that the less money the government has, the better for the economy.

(2) Another go at immigration reform.

No sure we need any "reform", but simply enforcement of our current laws - which the Biden Administration has willfully worked around. I want to see zero illegal immigration/invasion, and basic enforcement of our existing laws. If these laws are broken, then Congress should pass something to "reform". Reformation of our current Administrations willful disobedience of our laws is the first order of business.

(3) Two years of tuition free community college for all Americans

I'm not opposed to this if incentives are in place for performance and usefulness. "Free" is more often soul draining waste of time rather than uplifting empowerment.

(4) Universal preschool

I support disbanding the Department of Education and leaving solely to the States, Counties, Cities... At the State level, I would support a per-child voucher program with measured performance (attendance, skills, accreditied preschools,...). Parents can then choose to homeschool, private preschool or public preschool. The money follows the individual child.

(5) More initiatives to encourage energy independence/renewable energy/clean energy.

Free market economics will drive this. The "progressive politicians" add no value in trying to take credit for "social engineering" market-based solutions. Disbanding the EPA and DOE (excepting a small group on strategic nuclear) would be my focus.

(6) Reform of the gun laws, especially a reenactment of the assault weapons ban

Right to Bear Arms is was intentionally enumerated and guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. If this is to be infringed, it needs to be through Constitutional Amendment, not erosive legislation. I support disbanding of the ATF. Part of the saved expense should be used for free assault rifle and pistol training vouchers and ammunition.

(7) Continued support for the rule of law, our democratic republic form of government, and the Constitution

Our laws are sufficient, if implimented. Administrations and individual buerocrats that use goverment funded lawfare against Citizens should be tried for Treason and if found guilty send to Federal Prison.

(8) Continued judicial appointments

I would set up a Tribunal to investigate Judges using the legal system to impliment unConstitutional policies or that commit acts of lawfare against Citizens.

In terms of foreign policy, continued strong firm support of NATO and our other foreign alliances. Continued strong firm support of Ukraine and opposition to Russian aggression around the globe. And I would like to see Biden fully commit to, support, and actually move towards a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine. Part of this entails holding Israel accountable for its actions and yes, getting tougher with Netanyahu.

On foreign policy, I would take a very Real Politik approach. First and foremost impliment foreign policy favorable to the US, secondarily favorable for rest of world, and intolerant of foreign threats to the US or it's Citizens.
I would require any US Citizen to denounce any other Citizenships, or have their US Citizenship removed.

We have a few areas of overlap, but it does look like you're very much in the Neo Marxist Authoritarian camp, which is anti-thema for my vision of the US.

But thanks for playing along!
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I do not support "open borders."

But yes, I do support all Americans having equal access to education. I believe education is vital to the domestic health of any country, not to mention how important it is for the individual. I also strongly support all Americans having access to healthcare, because I believe healthcare is an individual right, not a privilege for just a few. Same goes for universal preschool, which will also strengthen the potential of Americans and our country.

I believe in the common good.
How is free and equal education working for the inner cities today? Why would we want to emulate that model to our pre-schools and colleges?

Edit: Thanks for the response. I disagree with the whole of it, but you answered with a position, which does mean something.
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There is much that I would like to see the Biden administration accomplish during its second term. However, as it relates to the political process, I am a pragmatist. I understand the administration isn't going to accomplish a whole laundry list of policy initiatives. Not to mention that at some point during his second term, President Biden will become a lame-duck President, just as all Presidents do post-XXII Amendment. Also, a lot will depend on which party controls both houses of Congress.

With that said, here are some of the domestic policy accomplishments I would like to see the Biden administration focus on:

(1) Policies that help continue and strengthen the economic growth we have already seen under President Biden. As part of this, I'd like to see some targeted tax cuts for Americans in need and tax increases on the most wealthy. Biden was able to get his 15% minimal tax on companies with an income exceeding 1 billion. I think Biden should now try to move on to his so-called "billionaire minimal income tax." Also, reenact the expanded child tax credit.

(2) Another go at immigration reform.

(3) Two years of tuition free community college for all Americans

(4) Universal preschool

(5) More initiatives to encourage energy independence/renewable energy/clean energy.

(6) Reform of the gun laws, especially a reenactment of the assault weapons ban

(7) Continued support for the rule of law, our democratic republic form of government, and the Constitution

(8) Continued judicial appointments

In terms of foreign policy, continued strong firm support of NATO and our other foreign alliances. Continued strong firm support of Ukraine and opposition to Russian aggression around the globe. And I would like to see Biden fully commit to, support, and actually move towards a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine. Part of this entails holding Israel accountable for its actions and yes, getting tougher with Netanyahu.
Hey what are you doing on this forum you sound sane.
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We disagree on taxation as viable strategy. As I've seen in others' replies, there is no "free lunch". Government taxing (anyone, any business) acts as a drag chute on the economy. I'm a firm believer that the less money the government has, the better for the economy.
I firmly disagree that taxes (on the most wealthy) combined with other economic policies act as a drag chute on the economy. Indeed, I believe the historical record indicates the complete opposite.

No sure we need any "reform", but simply enforcement of our current laws - which the Biden Administration has willfully worked around. I want to see zero illegal immigration/invasion, and basic enforcement of our existing laws. If these laws are broken, then Congress should pass something to "reform". Reformation of our current Administrations willful disobedience of our laws is the first order of business.
We definitely need to reform out entire immigration system, which of course includes our current laws. Our current system is broken and is not working. We do enforce many of the current laws. Yes, some are not enforced completely because they are no longer feasible or enforcing them would only make the problem worse. I also firmly disagree with your assertion that the Biden administration is showing willful disobedience in this area. That is a right-wing talking point with little evidence to back it up. In many ways, President Biden has been tougher in this area than was Trump.

The system needs to be completely reformed though and in order to obtain such reforms, both parties must be willing to compromise on this issue. They must be willing to actually govern instead of trying to keep this as an election issue to fire up their base. So far, that hasn't been the case . . . as we saw with Trump, who destroyed the latest attempt at reform so he could keep this as an issue to run on.

I'm not opposed to this if incentives are in place for performance and usefulness. "Free" is more often soul draining waste of time rather than uplifting empowerment.
I have no problem agreeing to put in place incentives for performance and usefulness. But educators and other professionals should be included in determining what these incentives are, not just the politicians.

And in this context, I believe universal tertiary education is very uplifting empowerment and would in no way be a waste of time for our nation. It would have a very positive affect upon our nation.

I support disbanding the Department of Education and leaving solely to the States, Counties, Cities... At the State level, I would support a per-child voucher program with measured performance (attendance, skills, accreditied preschools,...). Parents can then choose to homeschool, private preschool or public preschool. The money follows the individual child.
While I agree that some decentralization can be a positive, at this time, given the nature/structure of our government and country, I don't believe in full decentralization as it relates to education. We are not currently in a position as a nation where this would work successfully. Therefore, I firmly oppose any attempt to disband the Department of Education or cut/redirect funding for public education. Indeed, I believe we need to increase funding for public education.

If you wish to add more funding to education that provides for private education vouchers, that is something I would be willing to consider as long as funding for public education is increased as well.

Free market economics will drive this. The "progressive politicians" add no value in trying to take credit for "social engineering" market-based solutions. Disbanding the EPA and DOE (excepting a small group on strategic nuclear) would be my focus.
I disagree that free market economics will drive this, without incentives and other controls in places. Your assertion is a pipe dream and only plays into the hands of big oil. I also disagree that the EPA or the DOE should be disbanded, for the same reason I disagree that the Department of Education should be disbanded.

Right to Bear Arms is was intentionally enumerated and guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. If this is to be infringed, it needs to be through Constitutional Amendment, not erosive legislation. I support disbanding of the ATF. Part of the saved expense should be used for free assault rifle and pistol training vouchers and ammunition.
I (along with a very strong majority of Americans) disagree with the right-wing interpretation of the Second Amendment that you are referencing in this response. Supreme Court Justice Warren Burger said it best when he stated that the Second Amendment "has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime." Justice Burger went on to state, "The very language of the Second Amendment refutes any argument that it was intended to guarantee every citizen an unfettered right to any kind of weapon he or she desires . . . the Framers clearly intended to secure the right to bear arms essentially for military purposes."

We have already had an assault weapons ban in place before and it worked. And it was not unconstitutional. Reinstating the ban would also not be unconstitutional. Further reforms of our gun laws would also not be unconstitutional. We desperately need these reforms in this country and it is something, again, a vast majority of Americans want.

I also, of course, would not support disbanding the ATF. I would, though, be willing to support a funding/incentive program for gun safety education, but this must be tied to at minimal, a reinstatement of the assault weapons ban.

Our laws are sufficient, if implimented. Administrations and individual buerocrats that use goverment funded lawfare against Citizens should be tried for Treason and if found guilty send to Federal Prison.
I agree that our laws are sufficient in this area, they just need to be enforced. Which is what has been occurring under President Biden. I don't know what you mean by "government funded lawfare against citizens." If you mean enforcing our laws and the Constitution, that isn't government funded lawfare. That is the rule of law.

Those who commit treason should be tried for treason and if found guilty, sent to prison.

I would set up a Tribunal to investigate Judges using the legal system to impliment unConstitutional policies or that commit acts of lawfare against Citizens.
I don't believe I would support establishing such a tribunal given the parameters you define here. This is too vague and open to numerous political interpretations. I also don't think we need a tribunal, we just need the people involved more.

Which is why I support a constitutional amendment that would reform the way in which federal judges, including the Supreme Court justices, are selected. I believe these judges should at some point face a public referendum. The people should be allowed to vote on them, at least once. There are different models that have been proposed to accomplish this, but I believe it should be a mixture of appointment by the executive branch and public oversight at the ballot box. I also support expanding the number of justices on the Supreme Court, as part of all this.

On foreign policy, I would take a very Real Politik approach. First and foremost impliment foreign policy favorable to the US, secondarily favorable for rest of world, and intolerant of foreign threats to the US or it's Citizens.
I would require any US Citizen to denounce any other Citizenships, or have their US Citizenship removed.
Here, it appears, we agree. I also would like to see us take more of a realpolitik approach to foreign policy. I fully agree that we should pursue a foreign policy that is favorable to the USA (and I would add, our allies), favorable to our national interest.

I don't know though if I would support the end of dual citizenship. I would need you to first explain in more detail why you believe this would be a positive development.

We have a few areas of overlap, but it does look like you're very much in the Neo Marxist Authoritarian camp, which is anti-thema for my vision of the US.
Actually, I am neither.

I am a social democrat (I embrace social democracy) who also agrees with many (but not all) principles found in democratic socialism. I'm not in the neo-marxist camp, but the revisionist-marxist camp. I also am not an authoritarian. I am a strong supporter of democracy and I firmly support a system of governance that includes separation of powers and checks and balances.
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How is free and equal education working for the inner cities today? Why would we want to emulate that model to our pre-schools and colleges?
Are you claiming that the absence of universal primary and secondary education would be better for those living in the inner cities? I would firmly disagree with such a claim.

The challenges we face in the inner cities are tied to numerous socioeconomic problems that we should definitely be addressing. Education must be part of this, and we must truly seek to provide equal education opportunities for those in the inner cities. I would argue that we currently are not doing this though, along with our failure to address the other socioeconomic problems found in these areas.
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We definitely need to reform out entire immigration system, which of course includes our current laws. Our current system is broken and is not working. We do enforce many of the current laws. Yes, some are not enforced completely because they are no longer feasible or enforcing them would only make the problem worse. I also firmly disagree with your assertion that the Biden administration is showing willful disobedience in this area. That is a right-wing talking point with little evidence to back it up. In many ways, President Biden has been tougher in this area than was Trump.

The system needs to be completely reformed though and in order to obtain such reforms, both parties must be willing to compromise on this issue. They must be willing to actually govern instead of trying to keep this as an election issue to fire up their base. So far, that hasn't been the case . . . as we saw with Trump, who destroyed the latest attempt at reform so he could keep this as an issue to run on.
While I agree that immigration needs to be reformed, your statement that Biden has been tougher is straight up bullshit. Biden didn't give a rats ass about immigration until southern governors started delivering those illegal immigrants to the leftists' doorsteps. And the fact is, he waited until it became a top polling issue in an election year before Dems started suddenly caring about it. It was mostly a southern (aka Red State) problem.

Are you claiming that the absence of universal primary and secondary education would be better for those living in the inner cities? I would firmly disagree with such a claim.

The challenges we face in the inner cities are tied to numerous socioeconomic problems that we should definitely be addressing. Education must be part of this, and we must truly seek to provide equal education opportunities for those in the inner cities. I would argue that we currently are not doing this though, along with our failure to address the other socioeconomic problems found in these areas.

Free college will only worsen the problem that college graduates face today by inflating the supply of worthless degrees from universities who are rewarded on quantity rather than quality. And those that have no business attending college who previously may not have attended due to the costs would be subsidized by the taxpayer and not on their own merit. The expansion of Pell grants and guaranteed student loans is why college education costs have increased at 4x the rate of inflation over the past 20 years. You solve that problem by tightening the money supply, not by loosening it through government takeover.
While I agree that immigration needs to be reformed, your statement that Biden has been tougher is straight up bullshit.
You are wrong.

For example, in the past year, the Biden administration has overseen the removal and/or return of more undocumented migrants since 2015.

The Biden administration has been rather active with its immigration approach and in many ways, it has been tougher than was Trump.

Biden didn't give a rats ass about immigration until southern governors started delivering those illegal immigrants to the leftists' doorsteps. And the fact is, he waited until it became a top polling issue in an election year before Dems started suddenly caring about it.
With this comment, you admit that President Biden is concerned with immigration and is actively confronting this issue. Thank you.

While I disagree that these are the only motivating factors for the President, in reality, what is motivating him doesn't really matter. What he is actually doing is what I was addressing, not his motivation.

Free college will only worsen the problem that college graduates face today by inflating the supply of worthless degrees from universities who are rewarded on quantity rather than quality. And those that have no business attending college who previously may not have attended due to the costs would be subsidized by the taxpayer and not on their own merit. The expansion of Pell grants and guaranteed student loans is why college education costs have increased at 4x the rate of inflation over the past 20 years. You solve that problem by tightening the money supply, not by loosening it through government takeover.
I disgree with you that graduating from college can be "worthless." Education is not worthless. Never is.

And not everyone has to attend a four year university. Some can choose to go to trade school, etc. Universal education is for all Americans to choose their path moving forward, and to be free of the chains that poverty and other socioeconomic factors place on them as it concerns education. Universal education encourages and supports individual freedom. It will strengthen the individual, the community, and our nation.

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