Biden releases 11 Yemeni terrorists from Guantanamo

Just when you think the senile old bastage can't do anything worse than his last cluster, along comes this.
What's scary as hell is we have 13 more days of his/Obama's screwing the country. Makes me want to puke.
Just when you think the senile old bastage can't do anything worse than his last cluster, along comes this.
What's scary as hell is we have 13 more days of his/Obama's screwing the country. Makes me want to puke.
Sleepy's going all kamikaze now. Dig a hole for the jackass now and chunk his sorry ass in there, cover him up. I could give two shits if he's breathing.
Amazing how radical leftists become when they suddenly have no consequences. Its too late to be voted out, its already happened. If the drilling ban was so great, why not do it on his own watch? If these prisoners should have been freed, why not do it prior to election season?

That said, the precedent is set. Find whatever archaic law you want to use, and weaponize conservatism for eternity. If libs don't like it, remind them that we are simply following the example of prior administrations.