Biden Lie That Should Have The Entire Country Pissed Off


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

It's sad this Biden lie is not receiving more attention from the media. Biden tells tells the country he's done more for veterans than any President in American history, then turns around and says “The truth is, I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any this – this decade, that doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like [Trump] did,”. What a lying, self centered. low life POS.
Not only did the POS disrespect the troops that died by repeatedly checking his watch during the ceremony when the bodies were brought home but he had the audacity of lying about their deaths. I'm sure the Gold Star families really appreciated him further disrespecting their loved ones sacrifice.
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Disrespectful and dumb.

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carry on
Deflects when you don’t have anything to stand by. He even brought up the airlift but he didn’t lose any troops.
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Disrespectful and dumb.

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carry on
So, the OP brings up something Biden says, and you go with whataboutism that isn't even true. The heros and suckers hoax is completely false. Keep up that good work your doing over here. I'll let whataboutism go, I even think it can be valid. It's the hoax part that you brought up that is the failure.
Disrespectful and dumb.

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carry on
Can we talk about things that are not reliant on he said she said? While I'm sure you believe anything negative about Trump most of which is based on something someone says they heard Trump say or statements purposely taken out of context. There is no denying Biden said this, it's on video and millions of people saw it live. Now do you want to address Biden disrespecting these gold Star families or do you want to ignore it like a loyal leftist cult member.
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trailer park boys weed GIF by hero0fwar
People, both of these losers lie and will lie to win or try to sway public opinion. What's really sad is that this is what we have to choose from.
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Disrespectful and dumb.

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carry on
Never verified. Later debunked.

Carrion, carrion.
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It's sad this Biden lie is not receiving more attention from the media. Biden tells tells the country he's done more for veterans than any President in American history, then turns around and says “The truth is, I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any this – this decade, that doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like [Trump] did,”. What a lying, self centered. low life POS.
Not only did the POS disrespect the troops that died by repeatedly checking his watch during the ceremony when the bodies were brought home but he had the audacity of lying about their deaths. I'm sure the Gold Star families really appreciated him further disrespecting their loved ones sacrifice.
Because the media wants to call Trump out as a liar on everything he says -which often is true and other times is just Trump trying to make himself look good and making an empty campaign promise - while trying to cover and dismiss everything that Biden says as “he forgot” or “he got his facts mixed up.”

And, yes, @ClintonDavidScott had no way to defend Biden’s comment so he simply deflected.
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